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The Xbox One


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got GOTY but bombed, Didnt chart in the UK or US.

Doubt you'l need to worry about that...Now The Division on the other hand.

Must've missed this post. Anyway..

To be fair Dragon Age is predominately a PC game.. so it's worth remembering they would've had a lot of digital sales, which the charts don't count!

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  • 1 month later...

So close to buying an Xbox One.

Though i'm doing my best to try and hold off until Windows 10 is out (atleast).

Why? Basically the same games for both consoles. Considering that some exclusives have been forwarded onto PC i hope to see Quantum Break joining that list, only xbox exclusive that i'm interested in.

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Why? Basically the same games for both consoles. Considering that some exclusives have been forwarded onto PC i hope to see Quantum Break joining that list, only xbox exclusive that i'm interested in.

Because i want one? The Xbox has a lot of exclusives that i'm interested in.. and i'm also excited to see how Windows 10 is implemented.

As for PC gaming.. I've lost interest in the scene and have no desire to go back to it. Quite happy just being a console peasant these days.. My 3 and a half year old machine can still at the very least match the new consoles... but i'd much rather just pop a game in my PS4 and play.. I'm done with upgrading, done with shitty optimization and done with spending more time tweaking settings than I will play the actual game.

I also don't tend to keep games.. i play them and sell them as soon as I've finished. Something o obviously can't do on a PC anymore..

Don't see the point.

My PS4 and PC are all I need. PC kicks both consoles arses

Do you even own a gaming PC? :lol:

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Because i want one? The Xbox has a lot of exclusives that i'm interested in.. and i'm also excited to see how Windows 10 is implemented.

As for PC gaming.. I've lost interest in the scene and have no desire to go back to it. Quite happy just being a console peasant these days.. My 3 and a half year old machine can still at the very least match the new consoles... but i'd much rather just pop a game in my PS4 and play.. I'm done with upgrading, done with shitty optimization and done with spending more time tweaking settings than I will play the actual game.

I also don't tend to keep games.. i play them and sell them as soon as I've finished. Something o obviously can't do on a PC anymore..

Do you even own a gaming PC? :lol:

Erm yes have done for quite a while. Why would I say I had one if I didn't? :lol:
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  • 2 weeks later...
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