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What say the RST and pals?


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An article in the Herald this morning talks about Rangers' finances and particularly the likelihood of our current level of spending taking us perilously close to Admin Mk 2.

My question is: if the Herald feels compelled to speak out on this issue, why is it the RST and numerous Rangers bloggers have chosen to stay silent?

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Morning All,

I have read all through the 17 pages and for the life of me cannot understand why:

1. 1500 members (figure quoted throughout posts) 20 board members? Why so many and what roles do they do?

2. If no confidence in chair then why no vote to remove? What does one individual hold over the rest? That's a dictatorship!

3. Last time I looked we had freedom of speech & expression in the UK, so why the sin die attitude if you speak out?

4. Unity is a strength that if we had then all the detractors & enemy's of the club would question before attacking.

Just a few questions from a fan that hates politics but loves Rangers Football Club.

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An article in the Herald this morning talks about Rangers' finances and particularly the likelihood of our current level of spending taking us perilously close to Admin Mk 2.

My question is: if the Herald feels compelled to speak out on this issue, why is it the RST and numerous Rangers bloggers have chosen to stay silent?

Therein lies the problem. Fromer Managers and Players are held on Such a pedestal that they appear to remain above criticism and pertinent questions being asked of them. It doesn't take a genius to work out we can't sustain the losses while continue to buy players on big salaries to enhance an over inflated squad for one of Europes most lowly leagues. As pitiful performances showed last year, our management is devoid of coaching ability to improve players. As a result we are paying unsustainable wages to players McCoist won't need to coach, hence why so many ex players are being linked and signed. This blind loyalty is doing more damage than the Bheast can only dream of

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An article in the Herald this morning talks about Rangers' finances and particularly the likelihood of our current level of spending taking us perilously close to Admin Mk 2.

My question is: if the Herald feels compelled to speak out on this issue, why is it the RST and numerous Rangers bloggers have chosen to stay silent?

If I had the information required - and that information raised cause for concern then yes I would blog about it. However I dont...perhaps the Herald journo is privy to info on finances which the Rangers support dont have. Or of course it could be made up.

We are yet to see a set of auditted accounts.

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If I had the information required - and that information raised cause for concern then yes I would blog about it. However I dont...perhaps the Herald journo is privy to info on finances which the Rangers support dont have. Or of course it could be made up.

I think at this stage the made up part would be more apt re this article.

The people on the board like Stockbridge and Hart would be keeping an eye on the expenditure with regards to the income coming in..........for two different reasons...............Stockbridge from the investment angle and Hart from not wanting the Club to go back down the previous route.

Walter I think (yes think) would be more get Ally waht he wants to win and Ally I happen to think (yes think) is more concerned about this season then the future.

Like everything with our Club we don't know until to use a well worn phrase......."until the shit hits the fan" and sadly we are the fan.

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An article in the Herald this morning talks about Rangers' finances and particularly the likelihood of our current level of spending taking us perilously close to Admin Mk 2.

My question is: if the Herald feels compelled to speak out on this issue, why is it the RST and numerous Rangers bloggers have chosen to stay silent?

Actually a few people have talked about concerns regarding the financial position but until the accounts are released - hopefully sooner rather than later - there's not much we can say with real accuracy.

It certainly seems the bulk of the IPO monies is gone and clearly the latter part of last season is without the same income we received during the summer last year. Some suggest renewals along with the new commercial deals (Puma, Blackthorn etc) and the absence of one-off expenses we've seen recently (Albion, Edmiston House etc) means we're comfortable enough but I'm not convinced. Another share issue looks inevitable to raise more capital.

However, if people are serious about insisting administration is again imminent, I think they have to be clear with their facts as that's a very dangerous position to claim.

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I think at this stage the made up part would be more apt re this article.

The people on the board like Stockbridge and Hart would be keeping an eye on the expenditure with regards to the income coming in..........for two different reasons...............Stockbridge from the investment angle and Hart from not wanting the Club to go back down the previous route.

Walter I think (yes think) would be more get Ally waht he wants to win and Ally I happen to think (yes think) is more concerned about this season then the future.

Like everything with our Club we don't know until to use a well worn phrase......."until the shit hits the fan" and sadly we are the fan.

Yet we keep hearing how certain elements want Stockbridge forced out as he wants to reign in the spending. His hands are tied behind his back if he is a lone voice in wanting to limit spending given the pedestal Smith and McCoist are placed on, should they not get what they want a sly comment to the mhedia ensured groups like the Mistrust are up on arms threatening all sorts

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Yet we keep hearing how certain elements want Stockbridge forced out as he wants to reign in the spending. His hands are tied behind his back if he is a lone voice in wanting to limit spending given the pedestal Smith and McCoist are placed on, should they not get what they want a sly comment to the mhedia ensured groups like the Mistrust are up on arms threatening all sorts

I have to say the spending seems excessive relative to the league we will be playing in next season. Perhaps Ally wants to be honour of leading a lower tier club to a cup triumph.

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I have to say the spending seems excessive relative to the league we will be playing in next season. Perhaps Ally wants to be honour of leading a lower tier club to a cup triumph.

Malmo, Maribor, Falkirk, Dundee United, Inverness Caley Thistle, Queen of the South etc suggest such aspirations aren't likely.

Personally, I think getting through the leagues on as little a budget as possible leaving a "warchest" for when we return to the Top league would have been the most prudent plan. Folk can say we should have a squad to compete in cups etc, but McCoist is wanting established players to hide his coaching deficiency. At what cost to the club in the mid to long term?

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I have to say the spending seems excessive relative to the league we will be playing in next season. Perhaps Ally wants to be honour of leading a lower tier club to a cup triumph.

If anything, I'd imagine a cup run would be more to do with appeasing sponsors/triggering clauses than the manager's ego but the general point is valid.

Big name players (relatively speaking) may put bums on seats though so perhaps the club see it as a necessary evil - especially in conjunction with having a settled team ready for the much more difficult trials ahead.

Nevertheless, as far as I'm concerned, we're spending too much money unnecessarily. However, everyone has known we'd run at a loss until we returned to the SPL - and probably until we return to European football. It's a real shame we seem unable to minimise that via innovation at the club but it's early days so a bit more patience may be in order. Once again, it's the lack of fan/club communication that results in general unhappiness though.

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Yet we keep hearing how certain elements want Stockbridge forced out as he wants to reign in the spending. His hands are tied behind his back if he is a lone voice in wanting to limit spending given the pedestal Smith and McCoist are placed on, should they not get what they want a sly comment to the mhedia ensured groups like the Mistrust are up on arms threatening all sorts

Well many believe this to have been the case in the past, when things started to turn re CG after the coaching comment and the crap football on display.

One thing CG made clear from day one was the salaries would be capped at 30%, now he made a statement about £10m for Ally set aside but Ally when threatened made a couple of cute remarks re this £10m , but Ally didn't say if this was spread over so many years or the money was to be put aside for when we get back to whatever top league is there for us. The three or Four years it takes to get back then the less spent during this time to build something for getting back would be worth more than spend , spend spend..........CG said and Ally mentioned the same thing is that any youngster breaking in could have possibly 100 1st team games under their belt and this could be augmented by the signings of young player with experience just short of making it into the bigtime, so we could have them for a couple of years and cash in on them.

Alas this seems to have gone out the window and the youngsters who appeared late on last season like the lad Stoney will be lucky to get a sniff of even the bench this season. :( As everyone knows not every youngster will make it but if we could have brought 5 or 6 through to be hardened pros with a good amount of games under their belt , ten that would have been worth it.

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Interesting debate on the costs/financial security of Rangers these days - with little information as to the salary costs of the board over the last year as installed and agreed by St Charles of Green and his merry men.

As McCoist is very obviously guided by people on the board as to what his budget's are - who'll be taking the rap if we do indeed end up back on the financial slippery slope?

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There is no chance whatsoever that the RST or bloggers such as John Gow would have stayed silent if CG was still at the club and presiding over the insanity we're currently witnessing under Smith and McCoist. Paying Goian the guts of half a million to leave while trying to buy a CB is straight out of the Martin Bain model of financial suicide.

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Interesting debate on the costs/financial security of Rangers these days - with little information as to the salary costs of the board over the last year as installed and agreed by St Charles of Green and his merry men.

As McCoist is very obviously guided by people on the board as to what his budget's are - who'll be taking the rap if we do indeed end up back on the financial slippery slope?

Well it won't be Walter and MM that's for sure.

It will be like politics when the Tories/Labour blame the others for years and years for the previous misdeeds of each other

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If I had the information required - and that information raised cause for concern then yes I would blog about it. However I dont...perhaps the Herald journo is privy to info on finances which the Rangers support dont have. Or of course it could be made up.

We are yet to see a set of auditted accounts.

Ii isn't difficult, Charlie stated openly we were losing £1 million a month, there is absolutely no reason to believe that has or will change under the present managers illogical signing policy or a CEO to timid to slap him and his spending down, there again we know what happened to Charlie for broaching this very point, aka mcdowell and durrant passengers.

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There is no chance whatsoever that the RST or bloggers such as John Gow would have stayed silent if CG was still at the club and presiding over the insanity we're currently witnessing under Smith and McCoist. Paying Goian the guts of half a million to leave while trying to buy a CB is straight out of the Martin Bain model of financial suicide.

The big earners like Goian, Boca and Alexander should have been let go when we went into administration. Allowing them and others to TUPE over with no prospect of selling them was suicide.

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There is no chance whatsoever that the RST or bloggers such as John Gow would have stayed silent if CG was still at the club and presiding over the insanity we're currently witnessing under Smith and McCoist. Paying Goian the guts of half a million to leave while trying to buy a CB is straight out of the Martin Bain model of financial suicide.

The playing costs are but one side of the coin - who agreed the salary/bonus packages of the board and how much have we payed out to the current (and very recent) board members.

How is it possible that the new board over the past year could lead us to another financial disaster given we had St Charles of can-do-no-wrong in charge for the majority of this time?

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The playing costs are but one side of the coin - who agreed the salary/bonus packages of the board and how much have we payed out to the current (and very recent) board members.

How is it possible that the new board over the past year could lead us to another financial disaster given we has St Charles of can-do-no-wrong in charge for the majority of this time?

The one good aspect of today's media articles is that the club are conducting a review into employee costs. Hopefully with a view to making cuts where possible.

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Well it won't be Walter and MM that's for sure.

It will be like politics when the Tories/Labour blame the others for years and years for the previous misdeeds of each other

I've said it often of late - I don't trust any of the suits now.

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I've said it often of late - I don't trust any of the suits now.

Agreed. Walter may represent a recognised face whom we trust to ensure the club is well run but without clear and regular communication with the fans then it's no surprise rumours and conspiracies become prevalent.

The club should be looking to have a Q&A with fans as a matter of urgency - although the AGM may not be far off in that respect.

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The playing costs are but one side of the coin - who agreed the salary/bonus packages of the board and how much have we payed out to the current (and very recent) board members.

How is it possible that the new board over the past year could lead us to another financial disaster given we has St Charles of can-do-no-wrong in charge for the majority of this time?

The playing side is far and away the biggest drain on finances. Charles Green attempted to address this by refusing to entertain the idea of signing the likes of Miller again with big wages and no resale value and also looked at the management team on EPL salaries yet performing like Sunday league teams. We all know what happened when he raised this.

Charles Green is no saint, lets dispel this myth. However, he was very good for Rangers and had he not had to deal with Ally's petulance re lowering the wage bill then our club would be In A better state than it is. We are paying our far too much money whilst being the bitches of the cabal for the forseeable.

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There is even talk of mccoist siging craig gordon ffs.

The RST should be calling for wholesale changes to the way we operate as a football club.

No players over 30 signed.

No salary spending over 30-40% of t/o

No players paid over £5k whilst we are outwith the SPL.

Manager and coaching staff to cost less than 500K pa whilst we are outwith the SPl.

Rather than pander to the masses they should be looking after the details of the club that the masses aren't interested in.

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There is even talk of mccoist siging craig gordon ffs.

The RST should be calling for wholesale changes to the way we operate as a football club.

No players over 30 signed.

No salary spending over 30-40% of t/o

No players paid over £5k whilst we are outwith the SPL.

Manager and coaching staff to cost less than 500K pa whilst we are outwith the SPl.

Rather than pander to the masses they should be looking after the details of the club that the masses aren't interested in.

Some fair points there.

I don't mind having one or two experienced players (for example in goal or defence) but the financial strategy of the club should be much more more aggressive.

What has happened in the last year has been awful but it could have been made a bit better by the club completing overhauling their operations. It's a shame the fan groups haven't led the way in calling for that.

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The one good aspect of today's media articles is that the club are conducting a review into employee costs. Hopefully with a view to making cuts where possible.

I wonder if they might possibly conclude that they, the board members, are costing much, much more than the value they are providing.

Just like the litte off-the-scale-IQ guy suggested so recently. I'm so mistrustful of them all that I no longer know who or what to believe given the lack of communication and clarity available.

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