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"Scotland might surprise you"


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It seems a tad trite to praise you again, but once more, it's another worthy contribution.

Tellingly, this "journalist" waxed lyrical in his deposition to Parliament for the bill in question, about how he did not want to live in a country where you are free to abuse black, Jewish or Catholic people, in the context of a debate on legislation related to offensive behaviour at football matches. Given that background, the rather obvious omission was both glaring and unsurprising. It's no shock to anyone that he didn't say that he shared that aversion when it came to not wanting to live in a country where you are free to abuse Protestant people, as he has exercised that freedom, religiously if you will, in order to build a whole career upon that prejudice.

Like many of his colleagues, he supported the bill so long as the assumption that we would be sole targets persisted, then got a little more reticent on the matter when the gangrenous brigade felt their sectarian wings were being clipped.

The casual sectarianism of various media professionals is the elephant in the room which can never find a route into the overriding consensus. That bigotry sits to easily with them, as they pretend to be open minded, liberal, respectable professionals. The truth is that they peddled the lies of sectarian scum and they too are tarred with that brush.

It all seems rather transparent now.

Was interesting recently OK was watching the said cretin trying to distance himself from his involvement now that the Gangrene Brigade are getting it tight

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I agree that unless somebody has a pretty solid excuse they should have to pay a penalty for not voting, after all it's not as if there is no alternate to actually reporting to a polling station these days.

As for the second point, it's fairly clear that if Eck gave frank and honest answers the yes vote would be miniscule. The one thing I do find sad is that there hasn't been a statement on what he and his wee sidekick Nicola S will do if they lose the referendum. Surly if they have an ounce of decency they will announce that they will step down from political office after what would be a damming defeat.

Exactly. About 8 months ago I emailed Salmond and Sturgeon to ask if they lost the independence vote would they resign immediately....I did not get a reply !!
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I am sure I saw an article that Salmond would step down if he lost!


Furthermore Better Together have stated all along that although Scotland could be an independent country, there was a lot more to be gained by remaining in the Union.

Now we get Salmond saying that if Scotland voted YES there would still be a social union with the UK even though under his plan all our interest rates etc would still be governed by London.

The only fiscal autonomy we would have is setting our own taxes and raising money. Just like it is in the Eurozone and look at how bad that is.

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I am sure I saw an article that Salmond would step down if he lost!


Furthermore Better Together have stated all along that although Scotland could be an independent country, there was a lot more to be gained by remaining in the Union.

Now we get Salmond saying that if Scotland voted YES there would still be a social union with the UK even though under his plan all our interest rates etc would still be governed by London.

The only fiscal autonomy we would have is setting our own taxes and raising money. Just like it is in the Eurozone and look at how bad that is.

That would be a national day of celebration !!!
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Rangers forum nothing to do with politics, we are a country called Scotland, time to wake up from Londons BULLSHIT.We will still be Glasgow Rangers and still have our Queen take a reality check, some shite on here

If you don't like it don't come on it then.

Do us all a favour.

Rule Britannia.

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Rangers forum nothing to do with politics, we are a country called Scotland, time to wake up from Londons BULLSHIT.We will still be Glasgow Rangers and still have our Queen take a reality check, some shite on here

We are a country called Scotland, part of the United Kingdom.

Another great article D'artagnan.

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Long time lurker - can I just say, yet another fantastic comment D'Art. You encapsulate what is such a wide section of our support and undoubtedly what I'd like to think is a good section of our population (unfortunately not it seems). Excellent effort - please keep the blogs coming.

From a personal perspective - we should steadfastly vote NO to this proposal. Salmond and his cronies attempt to sell us an idealistic vision of 'independent' Scotland that is pretty much funded by shortbread yet maintains monetary links to the UK (from what little the SNP have seen fit to share with us 'plebs'), and also seeks partnership from Europe. Independence? Not in the slightest Eck.

I'm a proud Scot, but a prouder Brit.

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Rangers forum nothing to do with politics, we are a country called Scotland, time to wake up from Londons BULLSHIT.We will still be Glasgow Rangers and still have our Queen take a reality check, some shite on here

If you do not like it do not post.

EVERYONE knows that there is a VERY strong like between Rangers and Unionism, has been that way for a very long time.

London BULLSHIT? Oh Please, the only government that is fucking up my life and a lot of people's lives is the one in Holyrood!

I am a Proud Scot AND Also a Proud Brit and always will be!

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Oh aye, the bold Nicola. MSP for my part of the country and a complete windbag. Lost 2 elections for the Govan seat and now Deputy Leader of the entire country. If wee eck wins the referendum (God help us) ultimately he'll step down after a suitable period and this complete waste of space could become the leader of our country.

Visited her surgery once and given some platitudes, pat on the back, see what I can do and ushered out the door. Never heard from her again.

Vote NO.

In the movie "Quatermass and the Pit" there is a scene where they are reading old stories about disturbances and there is a description of the creatures as being "small, hideous, dwarf like creatures". Every time I see that scene I'm convinced they are talking about the ancestors of your MSP. :lol:

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Another great article D'Art, yet some say you should be ashamed of yourself , for telling it like it is wacko.png

I make no apologies to them either Bubbly, furthermore bringing the likes of Wafflesniffer out from his lurking with his kind words - only encourages me further.

Perhaps if some were as motivated to seek justice for our club as they are to gain independence for our country, the former would be in a much better place.

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This so called "bad law", only affects a very small percentage of the population. I'm not saying it makes it acceptable, but it's hardly a poll tax, or stealing milk off weans etc etc etc. If the majority don't agree with politicians actions, they should vote accordingly, or write a strongly worded letter.

"Stealing milk off weans"

A sure indication that someone has lost an argument

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In fairness, I doubt many people that visit Scotland from other counties look into the politics of its footballing bodies.

Im sure they dont, but it does no harm whatsoever to challenge with facts, an assertion that they are visiting the "best smal country in the worlld" and where the "natives are friendly"

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Im sure they dont, but it does no harm whatsoever to challenge with facts, an assertion that they are visiting the "best smal country in the worlld" and where the "natives are friendly"

Indeed it doesn't. I agree with your words, I just felt like needlessly pointing out what I did :pipe:

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