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Mark Dingwall nonsense

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Then I must be missing something, you'll have to tell me how calling the fans to pick sides is pursuing the FACTS?

I'm not slagging off some random guy either, I'm merely dismissing the tactics of a man that is openly chasing division.

Because if Green sees the fans turn against him then he will be forced to produce the facts.

By all means dismiss the tactic as Ive said I dont hold with all off what he has said.

However I am looking for an alternative tactic and have not come up with anything.

I waited on information before when we were being told things were not going well and I came out looking a right idiot.

So how do we get Green to give us facts?

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May I remind my fellow bears of our abuse policy in this forum.

NO personal abuse is allowed.

If you disagree with the article, then disagree with it by making your point about it. But please refrain from personal insults of the thread will be locked and the offenders banned.

Posted Today, 10:49 AM


Everyone has their faults - even our heroes - but you need to consider the big picture.

The fight has started. Punches are being thrown. It's time to pick a side.

If you have an opinion - express it sensibly inside Ibrox on Saturday with banners and chants. The fans are the biggest investors in Ibrox - it's your cash and your passion that saved Rangers - not nameless and faceless City whizz kids.

Whatever side you are on - remember we're all Bluenoses.

McCoist is being used as an issue by Green simply to help him sale his shares - nothing else. Charles is losing his touch though - wanting 76p a share when anyone can buy them in the market for 41p will have his backers rolling their eyes.

Then Charles follows one PR disaster with another appearance on STV - where he committed directorial suicide earlier in the year with the same interviewer - and provided a rambling 30 minute diatribe hardly likely to impress hard-nosed investors when measured against the likes of Jim McColl, Frank Blin or Paul Murray..

The triple whammy of media car crashes was completed at the Newcastle game when pictured looking like a fish out of water sandwiched between the Easdale brothers.

There's plenty wrong with Ally McCoist, you can also blame Walter for screwing up Ten In A Row rather than being the man who delivered Nine In A Row if you want - but do so under your own steam not at the behest of slick financiers who love a pound coin more than they will ever love Rangers. If Charles ever momentarily suffered a bout of Rangersitis then he recovered quickly when a handful of readies was waved under his nose.


If you wanted McCoist to go then the end of the last season was when to call for it. Not now when we're just a couple of games into a season. Don't let your frustration be manipulated by non-Rangers people to suit their agendas.

If he was to go it was the end of last season before being allowed to go recruiting players - most of whom will kick in properly on September 1st.

This season IS the crunch season for him as a coach. We will win the league but next season we will be in a division where all the other clubs are full-time and the prize of getting back to the top flight is too precious to gamble on - even with Super Ally if he doesn't show he can build a team this season with the resources available to him.

It's ludicrous to demand a sacking now.


The survival and safety of Rangers is the bottom line.

Circuses are fun - but they always leave town.

Chico is a very bright lad - No Surrender soundbites and tweaking Regan's tail might play well with the punters - but when you've seen the act a few times it loses it's appeal when measured up against the circumstances of his having to leave the board and those of the Imran Ahmad sacking.

Choose a side - the battle has already started.

Most of the OP above is based on personal abuse of Charles. And he is asking us to join battles within our club.

As an old traditional dignified rangers fan I find his attitude quite frankly stinks. And by the way that's not personal, I have not met the guy, only observed the inflammatory language he used as above.

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Because if Green sees the fans turn against him then he will be forced to produce the facts.

By all means dismiss the tactic as Ive said I dont hold with all off what he has said.

However I am looking for an alternative tactic and have not come up with anything.

I waited on information before when we were being told things were not going well and I came out looking a right idiot.

So how do we get Green to give us facts?

So we are going after Green? Are we going after the agenda of Murray & McColl too?

My point is the figures are due out next month, only once we have them can we have a sure enough footing to make a judgement call on where our fury, if any, should be directed. To pick sides now without those facts would split the support during a month when the football team is at its weakest. Instead of a united support urging on the bones of a Rangers side it would be playing petty tit-for-tat chants and division in the stands when we should be concentrating on the football.

That statement at is best unhelpful, at worse - agenda driven self glorification. I would urge the support to ignore it until they have enough facts to make informed decisions, then by all means let rip.

It's your call fella, but for what it's worth, that's my stance.

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And why would he do that?

Because like you and me he wants facts, but unlike me and you he is doing something about it.

I am looking for better ways to get to the truth of the matter... any ideas most welcome.

He doesn't want facts, he wants his mate Mini in so he can cash in on promises. He wants to put his rent boy on the board as a fans rep as he knows he is too toxic. He wants what is best for his bank balance, that isn't Charles Green

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So we are going after Green? Are we going after the agenda of Murray & McColl too?

My point is the figures are due out next month, only once we have them can we have a sure enough footing to make a judgement call on where our fury, if any, should be directed. To pick sides now without those facts would split the support during a month when the football team is at its weakest. Instead of a united support urging on the bones of a Rangers side it would be playing petty tit-for-tat chants and division in the stands when we should be concentrating on the football.

That statement at is best unhelpful, at worse - agenda driven self glorification. I would urge the support to ignore it until they have enough facts to make informed decisions, then by all means let rip.

It's your call fella, but for what it's worth, that's my stance.

fair enough

But I waited and waited on accounts not 2 years ago...

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fair enough

But I waited and waited on accounts not 2 years ago...

As we all did.

But perhaps tonight's meeting will offer a glimpse of what is going on and maybe speed up the decision-making process. (tu)

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I think Mark, like everyone else, is entited to his opinion but I don't think it's particularly helpful to enflame a delicate situation ahead of a fans meeting and in absence of verifiable information.

We should all be on the same side - that of Rangers Football Club.

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Don't be driven by hysteria says the leader of the anti everybody brigade :rolleyes: lets face it the only hysteria is coming from the we are doomed CG is a evil mastermind lot on ££ and the ones we get on here. Us lets wait for the accounts and see are not hysterical at all because we are better than that.

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I have picked my side, I will opt for Rangers Football Club, My allegiance is not with Ally or with Walter or with Charles Green,

I will support RFC.

What a cheek Dingwallet has accusing people of being more interested in pound coins than Rangers, FFS ! This profiteering parasites only source of income is gullible Rangers fans who fill his coffers.

I suppose he will be retracting his tongue from Charles Green's arse cheeks and voiding his lifetime membership of the RST.

His statement is irony in its purest form.

If anyone wants to take banners to Ibrox on Saturday they should read.



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I have picked my side, I will opt for Rangers Football Club, My allegiance is not with Ally or with Walter or with Charles Green,

I will support RFC.

What a cheek Dingwallet has accusing people of being more interested in pound coins than Rangers, FFS ! This profiteering parasites only source of income is gullible Rangers fans who fill his coffers.

I suppose he will be retracting his tongue from Charles Green's arse cheeks and voiding his lifetime membership of the RST.

His statement is irony in its purest form.

If anyone wants to take banners to Ibrox on Saturday they should read.



Hear, hear.

That fat bastard is looking after his career, nothing else.

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