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Fed up


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You seen that advert for the online game galaxy wars or summit like that?

Well we have our own forum wars TBH i think it is an untapped source that Rangers/Green/Ahmed/RM/FF/GT/Whyte/somebody with the surname Murray/Kennedy/Prior/Luxley could make a few bob out off.

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Fair do's, I know what you mean.

It is frustrating as hell. But it's a forum, and that's what we do.

As for getting our act together, easier said than done.

Who do we trust, what will the figures show is going on, how do we remove anyone who is harming the club, are the pretenders any better, why have the true "Rangers men" not just paid the money to own the club, should there be fans on the board, is Ally the right man?????? It's all about opinions.

Unfortunately the more serious stuff like, Green v Mccoll or the bonuses being paid out and the money being frittered away, I feel we're all bitching about it because of the frustration at not being able to influence or prevent it.

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If you're not a timothy mate, then you clearly have premium membership to the No-Shit-Sherlock club.

Everyone knows how fractured we are, and the points you make are all too clear to see.

No magic wand, and with so many 'groups', it's going to take a hell of a long time to sort.

Maybe next time, come on with a less forceful post.

Fuck me, you're coming across as Fury in 30 years time.

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Well said mate, he's 100% right I'm sorry to say.

I'm a rangers man and proud but also have a stressful enough life without carrying this through to the things that make me happy. I'm starting to get on in years and I'm getn scared that things are getn worse than better.

I don't care how but I want my club back and I want to focus on them playn and not being the daily back page laughing stock.

Could go on but just get more pissed off.



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There are undoubtedly elements of our support divided that cannot be denied.

However you should not believe what you read on here as being representative of general fan opinion, you will get a huge range of opinions on the fans forums of all club for instance.

I remember a couple of years ago reading a Man Utd forum where fans wanted SAF to resign with immediate effect, they must have got a draw that day ;)

Add to that trolls, taigs and the generally obsessed and the place can be a complete nut house at times.

Welcome by the way.

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Don't know what age you are, sounds like you have just found this newfangled invention called the tinternet!

Its a forum, a place to discuss and if appropriate to disagree. As long as you can stay clear from personal abuse then I see no problem with arguing/debating, if that's not for you, I would suggest bowls or knitting as a more suitable pastime!

Did you need to be condescending.

Maybe its the way you talk to people, but it never used to be like that. A bit of respect would be nice at times

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I have been a lurker on here for long time. I am not really internet savy but I had my grandson sign me up as I have something to say.

I have been following The Rangers for 50 years and I am tired and fed up.

I am tired and fed up with you lot.

I have never known so much infighting and division between our support. Its becoming worrying.

The last straw was last week when I read an argument between two of our supporters. Do you know what they were argiung about? They were argiung about Rangers fans arguing. One like me claimed that there is a worrying lack of unity amongst our support and the other was denying such a thing.

Its now at the stage were you are all arguing about arguing.

Our support used to have a lot of power and sway. Now we have very little.

There were more fans outside Ibrox protesting when we signed Mo J than there was the day we slipped into administration. Now I know alot of you will not like that comment and will probably label me as a Celtic supporter but I do not care.

Its about time you all started pulling together and stop fighting like children. My grandson has more sense than most of you.

Our club is being destroyed yet you all sit on here and argue.

Time to get your act together.

This will probably be my one and only ever post but I hope it resonates with some.

As a support we are divided. We are weak. And we are a laughing stock as a club.

This in my day would be unthinkable.

Get your act together.

Very true. On rm i always said there is more trolls than taigs on here. Rather than joining in your discussion you get people slagging off your spelling or just slagging you off. I rarely post now just like the match day threads.

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Did you need to be condescending.

Maybe its the way you talk to people, but it never used to be like that. A bit of respect would be nice at times

Its a forum, however if you found my comment condescending or disrespectful I can only apologise, wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings!

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you signed up to RM to start an argument about fans arguing

you sir are whats known in medical terms as a fucking crackpot

Aye, cause coming on here and being the big cunt is going to make it all better.


The OP has a point. Best of luck dealing with fellow supporters like these.

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I have been a lurker on here for long time. I am not really internet savy but I had my grandson sign me up as I have something to say.

I have been following The Rangers for 50 years and I am tired and fed up.

I am tired and fed up with you lot.

I have never known so much infighting and division between our support. Its becoming worrying.

The last straw was last week when I read an argument between two of our supporters. Do you know what they were argiung about? They were argiung about Rangers fans arguing. One like me claimed that there is a worrying lack of unity amongst our support and the other was denying such a thing.

Its now at the stage were you are all arguing about arguing.

Our support used to have a lot of power and sway. Now we have very little.

There were more fans outside Ibrox protesting when we signed Mo J than there was the day we slipped into administration. Now I know alot of you will not like that comment and will probably label me as a Celtic supporter but I do not care.

Its about time you all started pulling together and stop fighting like children. My grandson has more sense than most of you.

Our club is being destroyed yet you all sit on here and argue.

Time to get your act together.

This will probably be my one and only ever post but I hope it resonates with some.

As a support we are divided. We are weak. And we are a laughing stock as a club.

This in my day would be unthinkable.

Get your act together.

The problem is there's too many people with their own opinion, it's just not right, only my opinion counts.

But I agree with your post we need to be united and when push comes to shove we will be ,the club will never die

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I have been a lurker on here for long time. I am not really internet savy but I had my grandson sign me up as I have something to say.

I have been following The Rangers for 50 years and I am tired and fed up.

I am tired and fed up with you lot.

I have never known so much infighting and division between our support. Its becoming worrying.

The last straw was last week when I read an argument between two of our supporters. Do you know what they were argiung about? They were argiung about Rangers fans arguing. One like me claimed that there is a worrying lack of unity amongst our support and the other was denying such a thing.

Its now at the stage were you are all arguing about arguing.

Our support used to have a lot of power and sway. Now we have very little.

There were more fans outside Ibrox protesting when we signed Mo J than there was the day we slipped into administration. Now I know alot of you will not like that comment and will probably label me as a Celtic supporter but I do not care.

Its about time you all started pulling together and stop fighting like children. My grandson has more sense than most of you.

Our club is being destroyed yet you all sit on here and argue.

Time to get your act together.

This will probably be my one and only ever post but I hope it resonates with some.

As a support we are divided. We are weak. And we are a laughing stock as a club.

This in my day would be unthinkable.

Get your act together.

Sure your grandson never meant to sign you up to some manky Celtic forum?

Slight hint of bheast about this.

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