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McMurdo reply to the John Greig Posts

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John Greig Rangers Legend

I see the Salem Loyal have lit their torches and sharpened their pitchforks again.

This time the object of their ire is Jack Irvine, the PR troubleshooter hired by the Rangers board to combat the propaganda campaign being waged against them.

Jack himself is now the target of this campaign and the McColl devotees are following the lead of the ringmasters who are whipping them into a frenzied mob. Again.

The hatred directed at Jack Irvine is all down to some leaked email in which he describes Rangers legend John Greig as thick and contributing nothing. The email dates back to 2011 and is part of a summary by Irvine on board members.

It wasn’t a very nice thing to say about Greigy but I have heard worse and I know the great man has. Like all genuine hard men in football, he grew a thick skin hearing much worse from even his own fans.

I grew up watching John Greig as captain of Rangers. He was a dour character and for me the quintessential Rangers leader. Although I had watched him as a player and knew he would kick his granny into the stands, I was still shocked when years later at a football q&a I was hosting, Greigy justified a vicious tackle by Graeme Souness and continued by saying emphatically that the rule was do them before they do you.

He wasn’t joking and got annoyed when some thought he was.

That’s the Greigy I grew up cheering and respecting.

And that was how football was back then. Give no quarter and expect none back.

Which is why I laughed when some of the Nancy Boy Loyal bombarded me on my Twitter asking for my comments on Jack Irvine calling John Greig thick.

I don’t think John Greig will be needing therapy for any hurt feelings.

In a curious way, Greigy might not like what Jack Irvine said but he might admire his plain-speaking manner. Because Greigy never was one for mealy mouths. He is a man who calls a spade what it really is. An effing shovel.

I don’t know which is worse, frankly. People throwing a hissy fit over Jack Irvine;s comments because it helps them score points using a Rangers legend as their excuse. Or those people being so “offended” that Jack Irvine doesn’t think the sun shines out of Greigy’s big Edinburgh backside.

Either way, it’s pathetic.

I don’t need to justify my own respect and admiration for John Greig to anybody. All the guys from that era are legends to me. But I am not going to engage in the infantile mindset that if someone doesn’t share that respect or has the temerity to think for themselves and it not be abject devotion, then I must fall out with them.

Sadly, the Thought Police are recruiting like wildfire among the more gullible sections of the Rangers fanbase. And not only do they want to scrutinise the thoughts of others, they want to assume they know those thoughts and then put words in other peoples’ mouths. Thankfully, there are still many Gers supporters who can think for themselves and don’t need to follow follow the dogma of the ringmasters.

I often think of the virtual title decider in 1979 at Celtic Park that saw Rangers lose the league to Celtic and which was the start of seven lean years at Ibrox. I still maintain if Rangers had won that match and the league, it would have been the glittering start to a glorious managerial career for John Greig.

Sadly, it wasn’t to be.

But John Greig gave me many happy memories as a player.

And he was Rangers manager in the greatest game I ever watched – the 3-2 away victory at PSV Eindhoven when Bobby Russell scored the winner.

Jack Irvine’s summation of John Greig’s contribution to the then Rangers board may have been unkind if honest words.

But the hysteria surrounding them is masking the real issue which is far more important:

Who is leaking all this stuff from Ibrox and why?

As for me, I won’t be taking lessons in respecting Rangers legends from daft wee laddies and drama queens.


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I admire John Greig as well, in fact I'd say he was my all time greatest player and I do think that he's grown a hard skin, but he's a rather old man these days and doesn't need to be called names at his time of life. Also, why does McMurdo presume to know what Greigsy thinks about this outburst when he's telling us that Gers fans are guilty of pre-supposing what others are thinking??? Oh well, blog wars indeed.

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Forget the football its no longer 11 men against 11 for 90 minutes its now all about the bloggers who will win? Who's blog will lift the trophy and who's will be sick as a parrot? Its a game of 2 (or more) blogs and at the end of the day when all's said and done the blog with more hits and likes will be dancing in the streets of interweb land tonight.

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Bloggers, I think we have a game tonight to focus on.

I only see one blogger using bizarre terms to describe fellow fans in his articles. Quite the diatribe in defence of Jack Irvine.

Salem Loyal

McColl devotees


Frenzied mob

Nancy Boy Loyal

Hissy fit

Thought Police


Daft wee laddies and drama queens

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I only see one blogger using bizarre terms to describe fellow fans in his articles. Quite the diatribe in defence of Jack Irvine.

Salem Loyal

McColl devotees


Frenzied mob

Nancy Boy Loyal

Hissy fit

Thought Police


Daft wee laddies and drama queens

Are they not one and the same.................and I notice he never referred to any Rangers fans as cunts :matron:

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