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Don't see the issue here. Simon is as entitled to his opinion as anyone else on here. I fully support the work they ( VB ) do but their statement was contradictory.

Couldn't agree more. I think D'art is one of our best bloggers but if he popped up with an article that I though was quite poor then mod or not I would like to think I was entitled to voice my opinion. I wouldn't think that I would have to watch my mouth because the powers at be are all good buddies! That's how you end up with a group like the one on FF.

Like I said earlier, They accuse FF of propaganda peddling yet that article is their very own propaganda piece. It's all he said, she said and the article makes a mockery of their very own point that they try to push.

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I did read it again, hence the apology in post 171#

I am a member of various Rangers forums, I am a ST holder and a shareholder and a member of a RSC and I have followed Rangers home and abroad from nearly 40 years.

I have 3 sons who are also Rangers supporters, 1 is also a season ticket holder.

Does that make any further difference to your next assumption ?

Super fan alert

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I am a member of RM asking why a Moderator of RM is ridiculing an article written by Admin of VB ?

It that really so difficult for you to understand ?

Personally I would not criticise or ridicule a RM article, but that's just me.

Ok Dude,

Let me help.

Moderators of this site are allowed their own opinion on all and any threads, just like any other member.

If at any time you feel the way you do, feel free to go over our heads to admins. They will deal with it how they see fit.

If at any point ny opinion was gagged then i woild stop being a mod....i am sure the rest of the mods feel the same.

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I get that Gogzy and I fully understand,

I still disagree with Simon ridiculing the article and the manner in which he did it.

The article from the Admin of VB was in response to lies and slurs being directed at the site and its members, To call the article "Hilarious" is not what I would expect from a Moderator of Rangers Media.

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I get that Gogzy and I fully understand,

I still disagree with Simon ridiculing the article and the manner in which he did it.

The article from the Admin of VB was in response to lies and slurs being directed at the site and its members, To call the article "Hilarious" is not what I would expect from a Moderator of Rangers Media.

Disagreements and debates keep the site healthy. I'm not going to retract my opinion, if you're offended or annoyed by it, that's your choice. Again, what I said wasn't ridicule from my part. If you took it that way, again that's your choice.

My status as moderator has nothing to do with my opinions. Never has, never will. You're welcome to put a report or complain to a member of staff if you so wish. You're also welcome to PM me directly if you want to.

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Disagreements and debates keep the site healthy. I'm not going to retract my opinion, if you're offended or annoyed by it, that's your choice. Again, what I said wasn't ridicule from my part. If you took it that way, again that's your choice.

My status as moderator has nothing to do with my opinions. Never has, never will. You're welcome to put a report or complain to a member of staff if you so wish. You're also welcome to PM me directly if you want to.

Why would I want to PM you or have any other type of interaction with someone who gets his kicks from ridiculing people who write an article trying to defend themselves from slurs and falsehoods.

Can you point me in the direction of any articles which you have penned, I would like to read them.

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I get that Gogzy and I fully understand,

I still disagree with Simon ridiculing the article and the manner in which he did it.

The article from the Admin of VB was in response to lies and slurs being directed at the site and its members, To call the article "Hilarious" is not what I would expect from a Moderator of Rangers Media.

Right having about enough of this to be fair, been going on for fecking ages!


[hi-lair-ee-uhs, -lar-, hahy-] Show IPA



arousing great merriment; extremely funny: a hilarious story; a hilarious old movie.


boisterously merry or cheerful: a hilarious celebration.


merry; cheerful.

That's the sodding definition of Hilarious which you were also free to check, "ridiculing" is taking the whole thing a bit too far with ONE word out of place for you! The proof of his statement was the direct quotations from the piece and yes, I found the IRONY fecking Hilarious too! (the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.)

Maybe simon meant "What a cheerful piece we have here boys and girls", or maybe it was "The irony of calling for unity and then stating later that a certain fans website is wrong (thereby creating disharmony) is Funny in an ironic sort of way".

Or maybe simon just though FFS do they proof read what they fecking type?

Who knows? Only you seem to care, you have banged the drum for a few hours now, Simon is being taken outside and shot by BP as we speak in true communist fashion for having his own view! Jesus wept give us a fecking break!

You have been invited to complain to Admin about a mod, you have aired your views quite frequently to the point we are all fully aware your not in a "hilarious" frame of mind and your making sure your mates in VB are not slandered unduly.

We get it, your a good foot soldier and flying the flag.....now accept the fact you may have missed the point most got that the piece was not "ridiculed!", I am sure a far better job could have been done it that was the intent, it was in fact pointed out that the Irony on this point was dripping from the piece.

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Why would I want to PM you or have any other type of interaction with someone who gets his kicks from ridiculing people who write an article trying to defend themselves from slurs and falsehoods.

Can you point me in the direction of any articles which you have penned, I would like to read them.

My kicks? :lol: behave.

I've only written one, I tried to find it but it doesn't seem to be available anymore. It was basically a piece about us, playing football and doing well. Feel free to take the piss if you want.

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Right having about enough of this to be fair, been going on for fecking ages!


[hi-lair-ee-uhs, -lar-, hahy-] Show IPA



arousing great merriment; extremely funny: a hilarious story; a hilarious old movie.


boisterously merry or cheerful: a hilarious celebration.


merry; cheerful.

That's the sodding definition of Hilarious which you were also free to check, "ridiculing" is taking the whole thing a bit too far with ONE word out of place for you! The proof of his statement was the direct quotations from the piece and yes, I found the IRONY fecking Hilarious too! (the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.)

Maybe simon meant "What a cheerful piece we have here boys and girls", or maybe it was "The irony of calling for unity and then stating later that a certain fans website is wrong (thereby creating disharmony) is Funny in an ironic sort of way".

Or maybe simon just though FFS do they proof read what they fecking type?

Who knows? Only you seem to care, you have banged the drum for a few hours now, Simon is being taken outside and shot by BP as we speak in true communist fashion for having his own view! Jesus wept give us a fecking break!

You have been invited to complain to Admin about a mod, you have aired your views quite frequently to the point we are all fully aware your not in a "hilarious" frame of mind and your making sure your mates in VB are not slandered unduly.

We get it, your a good foot soldier and flying the flag.....now accept the fact you may have missed the point most got that the piece was not "ridiculed!", I am sure a far better job could have been done it that was the intent, it was in fact pointed out that the Irony on this point was dripping from the piece.

I actually nod off whilst reading your posts,

to think you have made 188 of them

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