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My kicks? :lol: behave.

I've only written one, I tried to find it but it doesn't seem to be available anymore. It was basically a piece about us, playing football and doing well. Feel free to take the piss if you want.

maybe that is where we differ and I would not dream of trying to take the piss out of an article written by another Rangers fan. I might not agree with them all but I would draw the line at ridiculing them or trying to "take the piss"

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VB is the most articulate and effective organisation I have encountered in terms of fighting Rangers corner.

The fact that there are supposed Rangers fans out there that denounce them is genuinely worrying. Unlike some other groups and individuals it isn't about power, money or getting your face or name in the media.

Defending the traditions of Rangers and the people and communities that support the club is at the very core. This organisation has done nothing but act always in the best interests of the club, and this Rangers fan prays that they continue to do so.

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maybe that is where we differ and I would not dream of trying to take the piss out of an article written by another Rangers fan. I might not agree with them all but I would draw the line at ridiculing them or trying to "take the piss"

Neither of which I did and despite repeated explanations of that fact, you refuse to accept it. That's your choice.

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VB is the most articulate and effective organisation I have encountered in terms of fighting Rangers corner.

The fact that there are supposed Rangers fans out there that denounce them is genuinely worrying. Unlike some other groups and individuals it isn't about power, money or getting your face or name in the media.

Defending the traditions of Rangers and the people and communities that support the club is at the very core. This organisation has done nothing but act always in the best interests of the club, and this Rangers fan prays that they continue to do so.

Most modest too.

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Disagreements and debates keep the site healthy. I'm not going to retract my opinion, if you're offended or annoyed by it, that's your choice. Again, what I said wasn't ridicule from my part. If you took it that way, again that's your choice.

My status as moderator has nothing to do with my opinions. Never has, never will. You're welcome to put a report or complain to a member of staff if you so wish. You're also welcome to PM me directly if you want to.

I get what your saying simon. And I see where CA is coming from too. What I noticed was the fact you choose to miss out your opinion on the rest of the article

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Disagreements and debates keep the site healthy. I'm not going to retract my opinion, if you're offended or annoyed by it, that's your choice. Again, what I said wasn't ridicule from my part. If you took it that way, again that's your choice.

My status as moderator has nothing to do with my opinions. Never has, never will. You're welcome to put a report or complain to a member of staff if you so wish. You're also welcome to PM me directly if you want to.

I get what your saying simon. And I see where CA is coming from too. What I noticed was the fact you choose to miss out your opinion on the rest of the article

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I actually nod off whilst reading your posts,

to think you have made 188 of them

Post count is now the new measure is it? You can't post unless you have 1k posts or more......but how to get there if I can't post?

Another word you may want to look up is "pettiness" while you "nod off".

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I get what your saying simon. And I see where CA is coming from too. What I noticed was the fact you choose to miss out your opinion on the rest of the article

My opinon one the article, contradictions aside, is that it's good if you're a member of the Vanguard Bears website, in the sense that its very one sided. I suppose that's the point though.

I don't particularly enjoy articles of that nature. I don't care who writes them, they're not my cup of tea. I prefer reading about my team, not about agendas from groups, sites or whatever else.

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Having read through a lot of the posts on the subject here, a lot of people seem to be picking up on the " so called Rangers website " line. I would say that ALL the websites with the exception of VB are " so called Rangers websites" as the open option to join without being proposed by an existing member. Here and FF being the biggest sites will be riddled with taigs. Sometimes they are easier to spot sometimes its a bit harder but they are on both sites to cause mischief. This cannot happen on VB as you have to be proposed to join. FF was a great site years ago and i have a good few friends that i made on that site, some of whom still post there others who fell foul of the old " infraction of the rules " routine.

My take on where FF went wrong and this is based ONLY on my personal opinion and nothing else.

The website was getting big and Rangers themselves would have been taking notice of this, now whether any conversation took place between the owner of FF and Rangers I have no idea, but what I do know is that some of the major posters on the site began to disappear. Were their views maybe too extremist for the vision that Rangers FC wanted from the website and its owner only too happy to co operate?

Some of the major posters did not only post on the website but contributed heavily to the owners fanzine too along with being at the formation of the RST.

FF in comparison with what is was is what I would call Rangers Lite. A poor shadow of what it once was . If you are going to get a website of that size then its obvious that the taig will be drawn to it like a moth to the flame. They are there to cause trouble and division, no more , no less. The strange thing is that these timposters are tolerated yet the amount of good rangers men end up in itallic letters. The whole thing is confounded even further when one of the admin team allegedly has a sister on the celtic trust and not so allegedly refers to Rangers fans from Ulster as " knuckle draggers"

VB has obviously been born out of the trigger happy admin from FF. This can only be to FF's loss and VB's gain.

There are a lot of good posters still on FF but are now swallowed up in among the dross and the taigs.

The VB guys may not be everyones cup of tea because you have to be invited to join and this in itself does not bode well with a lot of people as they then treat what they cant see with suspicion and perhaps jealousy too.

I know guys from both VB and FF( i am a member of neither of these sites ) and all of them are good Rangers men, of that there is no doubt but you would not have to be a rocket scientist to know that pound for pound there will be a higher percentage of real Rangers fans on an invite only site regardless if that site is VB or any other site that would adopt this form of membership

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Post count is now the new measure is it? You can't post unless you have 1k posts or more......but how to get there if I can't post?

Another word you may want to look up is "pettiness" while you "nod off".

I do try and read your post, I am that type of guy,

But they are so boring and you seem to like posting the actual dictionary meaning of words, that is just so weird.

If your only contribution to a thread is cutting and pasting from an online dictionary, Then I will give them a miss if that's alright with you.

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Having read through a lot of the posts on the subject here, a lot of people seem to be picking up on the " so called Rangers website " line. I would say that ALL the websites with the exception of VB are " so called Rangers websites" as the open option to join without being proposed by an existing member. Here and FF being the biggest sites will be riddled with taigs. Sometimes they are easier to spot sometimes its a bit harder but they are on both sites to cause mischief. This cannot happen on VB as you have to be proposed to join. FF was a great site years ago and i have a good few friends that i made on that site, some of whom still post there others who fell foul of the old " infraction of the rules " routine.

My take on where FF went wrong and this is based ONLY on my personal opinion and nothing else.

The website was getting big and Rangers themselves would have been taking notice of this, now whether any conversation took place between the owner of FF and Rangers I have no idea, but what I do know is that some of the major posters on the site began to disappear. Were their views maybe too extremist for the vision that Rangers FC wanted from the website and its owner only too happy to co operate?

Some of the major posters did not only post on the website but contributed heavily to the owners fanzine too along with being at the formation of the RST.

FF in comparison with what is was is what I would call Rangers Lite. A poor shadow of what it once was . If you are going to get a website of that size then its obvious that the taig will be drawn to it like a moth to the flame. They are there to cause trouble and division, no more , no less. The strange thing is that these timposters are tolerated yet the amount of good rangers men end up in itallic letters. The whole thing is confounded even further when one of the admin team allegedly has a sister on the celtic trust and not so allegedly refers to Rangers fans from Ulster as " knuckle draggers"

VB has obviously been born out of the trigger happy admin from FF. This can only be to FF's loss and VB's gain.

There are a lot of good posters still on FF but are now swallowed up in among the dross and the taigs.

The VB guys may not be everyones cup of tea because you have to be invited to join and this in itself does not bode well with a lot of people as they then treat what they cant see with suspicion and perhaps jealousy too.

I know guys from both VB and FF( i am a member of neither of these sites ) and all of them are good Rangers men, of that there is no doubt but you would not have to be a rocket scientist to know that pound for pound there will be a higher percentage of real Rangers fans on an invite only site regardless if that site is VB or any other site that would adopt this form of membership

I would agree with all of that. I am also on ££ but I have nothing but respect for VB and hopefully find a way on. No issues at all with not getting on atm, the reasons for that are more than understandable.

Wee Dr Dolittle is on the swamp saying the article is all lies, yet doesn't once explain why he says that. All you need to know about the lies and smears these cretins go to.

Dado"sDado, get your ma's tights off.

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These groups are all so self absorbed. The articles always read like they were written by The Borg. Who are the VB anyway? How many of them are there, and do they all think as a collective? Same for the other fans groups. They come across like squabbling children, as bad as the people they are moaning about.

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The first time I've been on here for a while, and what a load of dross I've had to read in the previous pages.

As for the article itself; hopefully it will clear up a lot of myths that have been circulating forums and social media sites for some time now.

I think I speak for the majority of fans when I say this whole episode is now fast becoming tiresome. No one is winning. What we need is a new start. All current fan representations to disband, and one group to be formed representing each splinter group. I honestly couldn't tell you the difference between the Trust, the Assembly, Working Group et al. What I do know is, they are achieving nothing.

We've more groups than Simon Cowell.

P.S Admin, some cunt has nicked my moniker. :ph34r:

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These groups are all so self absorbed. The articles always read like they were written by The Borg. Who are the VB anyway? How many of them are there, and do they all think as a collective? Same for the other fans groups. They come across like squabbling children, as bad as the people they are moaning about.

Who are the VB? Simply Rangers fans with leanings towards the Protestant, Unionist and Loyalist community. Nothing more, nothing less. Not uber fans, not gangsters, thugs or paramilitaries, as some would cry.

How many? I've no idea as I've not checked. Not something that really interests me, or the forum. More than enough though.

As for do we think collectively, the answer is no. The website has people from all walks of life, and with this comes different viewpoints obviously. Much the same as any forum. However, the politics of the site generally seem to be collective as you'd expect from a Loyalist based membership.

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Who are the VB? Simply Rangers fans with leanings towards the Protestant, Unionist and Loyalist community. Nothing more, nothing less. Not uber fans, not gangsters, thugs or paramilitaries, as some would cry.

How many? I've no idea as I've not checked. Not something that really interests me, or the forum. More than enough though.

As for do we think collectively, the answer is no. The website has people from all walks of life, and with this comes different viewpoints obviously. Much the same as any forum. However, the politics of the site generally seem to be collective as you'd expect from a Loyalist based membership.

Aye, but that's the problem with articles like this on a fans group website. Who's views within the VB does this article represent? Surely not all. You end up getting a few writing for many and those few driving the direction of opinion.

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The first time I've been on here for a while, and what a load of dross I've had to read in the previous pages.

As for the article itself; hopefully it will clear up a lot of myths that have been circulating forums and social media sites for some time now.

I think I speak for the majority of fans when I say this whole episode is now fast becoming tiresome. No one is winning. What we need is a new start. All current fan representations to disband, and one group to be formed representing each splinter group. I honestly couldn't tell you the difference between the Trust, the Assembly, Working Group et al. What I do know is, they are achieving nothing.

We've more groups than Simon Cowell.

P.S Admin, some cunt has nicked my moniker. :ph34r:

A Poodle is using your moniker.

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Aye, but that's the problem with articles like this on a fans group website. Who's views within the VB does this article represent? Surely not all. You end up getting a few writing for many and those few driving the direction of opinion.

After being branded as scum, gangsters, paramilitaries ect for weeks now, I think we can safely say this article spoke for the whole site.

When it comes to articles, we have writers and contributors who air their thoughts, whether we agree or disagree is for us to debate. Only last week I openly disagreed with an article written. We discussed this on the forum in a pleasant manner. No slagging, name calling or threats. Believe it or not, this happens often.

On the whole, articles are well received by members.

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Also, just to quickly add to the article. The irony of those who say we hide behind monitors, whilst doing so themselves. The same individuals who coin this phrase know VB admin personally through various channels. It's bizarre to say the least.

VB, I believe, is the only Rangers forum in which every single member is known. I could be wrong.

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this is gettin out of hand all this complete BS...........have a summit with all parties and find common ground....your all as bad as each other................he done this.....he done that....cmon

As said previously. VB put a olive branch out to try and bring everyone together and was threw back. No guessing by whom though :rolleyes:

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this is gettin out of hand all this complete BS...........have a summit with all parties and find common ground....your all as bad as each other................he done this.....he done that....cmon

We also have a VB in this thread suggesting the fans groups are scrapped and merged into one superpower with proper elections. They certainly seem to want to help things along albeit they are having to defend themselves a lot lately. My tuppence worth is certain people within the Mini Magia understand that they won't be railroaded with "Real Rangers Men" talk and this is a problem given he has the rest of the groups playing his tune. Which again leads to the question, what has Mini promised certain people?

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