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To the 42000 outwith BF1


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If he cared about Rangers he wouldn't be doing interviews with BBC, if he cared about Rangers why the fuck did he not buy us when he had the golden opportunity(and I don't buy this bullshit that it's D&P fault)!!

He wants aboard the gravy train for a free meal ticket, get him and his rhebel friends to fuck away from our club!

Doing interviews with BBC is irrelevant. Does not mean it makes him better for us or not.

From what I know he didnt buy Rangers because Green came up with a better funded proposal

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Thats bollocks, he didnt give a toss about what slimey whyte was doing to our club, he just carried on taking his money and kept his gob shut. Murray is nothing but a leech sucking blood for free.

I'm calling bullshit on this.


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The Paul Murray cares about Rangers Myth is doing ma heid in! He sat on the Board that said and did nothing while SDM sold to the Charlatan, he wanted to fund 'his' buy out with Ticketus money and he doesn't even seem to own a share! He has jumped from master to master with every rich fuck he can get interested and he has caused continueous disharmony in the support.

Whether you like it or not its obvious he does care about the club. Now you can say the things he is doing you dont agree with but to me its obvious he does and he feels that its in the best interest of the club what he is doing.

And I dont blame him for that tbf. If I was in his position and felt the same way I would do the same thing.

Did he not try and come up with a rival bid to Whytes. In the end of the day nobody else can be blamed for seling to whyte except DM. They could of adviced him otherwise which im sure he did(I know for certain AJ did) but it was down to DM

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The way I see the way it was and is...

The easdale's fur coat no knickers.... Got the money to buy shareholding but not enough to invest and make changes.

Davie king fur coat and kickers.... Got the money to invest in Rangers big time and has in the past.

Paul Murray no fur coat no knickers..... No real money invested in shares and no money to back up his talk.

What's wrong with all this certain fans representatives are stirring it and making out that Paul Murray is the messiah waiting to return home for the better of the club. The only reason I can see that they have bought into Murray's quest is to have been promised something if Murray gets his way. Possibly a seat on the board as the so called voice of the fans.

I didn't sign up to be played by Paul Murray, mark Dingwall or Chris graham to further their aims. The rangers support only want one thing a Great Rangers again.

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The Paul Murray cares about Rangers Myth is doing ma heid in! He sat on the Board that said and did nothing while SDM sold to the Charlatan, he wanted to fund 'his' buy out with Ticketus money and he doesn't even seem to own a share! He has jumped from master to master with every rich fuck he can get interested and he has caused continueous disharmony in the support.

This is a terrible moment for me but BP9 is talking absolute sense.
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Whether you like him or not, to say Murray doesn't care about Rangers is ridiculous. He is doing this because he beliefs its in the best interests of the club. Its down to the shareholders to decide and I'm sure they will

keep telling yourself he is in it for Ranger best interests mate. He is not though, he is as self serving as any of the current mob.
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Doing interviews with BBC is irrelevant. Does not mean it makes him better for us or not.

From what I know he didnt buy Rangers because Green came up with a better funded proposal

That's not true because he still said his ideas where better when green got preferred bidder status.

This, a man who wanted to pay back a loan that our club didn't even take out, then loan £10m back to use as working capital, now I'm no business guru but that's fucking insane.

He wants a big wage, nothing more and nothing less!

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That's not true because he still said his ideas where better when green got preferred bidder status.

This, a man who wanted to pay back a loan that our club didn't even take out, then loan £10m back to use as working capital, now I'm no business guru but that's fucking insane.

He wants a big wage, nothing more and nothing less!

Sorry maybe I didnt explain myself properly. I know he still thought his ideas were better and would of bought the club if greens bid wasnt there. He tried to buy the club but the bid from Green was higher so wasn't given the opportunity.

I dont know what loan you are talking about have you got a link to what he said to show me what he said show me what you mean. From what Ive read on here and been assured of by pro green and anti green people is that we had to pay back a loan to greens consortium for buying us( ie the 5.5m they paid we paid that back to them) that also doesnt sound like good sense for the club.

The wage packet is not important. I personally dont think thats what drives him unlike others on the board. What is important if we are going the pay people 300k a year we get the right people. For a lot of gers fans the people getting paid right now aren't doing a good job and there are others out there that can do better

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To say murray cares about RANGERS is a joke. He goes to court and gets RANGERS to pay his leagal fees. That shows how mutch he cares. The sooner this leech of a little man goes away the better

Don't you mean the judge awarded him costs? He never 'got' Rangers to pay his legal fees. The judge made that decision.

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