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European Commission seek explanation on Celtic land deals

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soulboy, I'm not sure if it was PZJ or not but I thought someone had got a return with partial information which preceded the EC involvement which meant a) shouldn't be a factor.

Been so much info to take in can't remember what's what now. Do remember an FOI was turned down and he didn't know about EIR at the time. Then I think they wouldn't disclose it as they said it was done by a 3rd party and because of data protection they couldn't release it. think he did get a desk top study which does not substitute the real thing

That was found out not to be true as you can divulge if it's done by a 3rd party thats when they came out with the international relations excuse.

Anything to cover up their shortcomings

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Does anybody on here have an accurate time line for the following?

When did c****c apply for planning permission for their stands?

When did the GCC start buying up the homes in two streets they demolished and cleared?

If the two streets that were cleared remained could planning permission have been legally granted for those stands?

When planning permission was granted was there anything that stood out as being irregular?

At what point was it arranged for c****c to purchase this land, and was the land ever put out for others to tender bids?

Would the GCC themselves he required some form of legal permission to complete the purchases of the properties and similar to be allowed to demolish them? If so, from who would this be obtained?

Apologies if this has been covered before, but I can't help but think that there may be something in the way planning permissions have been granted that will help in the fight to expose the state aid case.

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Does anybody on here have an accurate time line for the following?

When did c****c apply for planning permission for their stands?

When did the GCC start buying up the homes in two streets they demolished and cleared?

If the two streets that were cleared remained could planning permission have been legally granted for those stands?

When planning permission was granted was there anything that stood out as being irregular?

At what point was it arranged for c****c to purchase this land, and was the land ever put out for others to tender bids?

Would the GCC themselves he required some form of legal permission to complete the purchases of the properties and similar to be allowed to demolish them? If so, from who would this be obtained?

Apologies if this has been covered before, but I can't help but think that there may be something in the way planning permissions have been granted that will help in the fight to expose the state aid case.

Not sure if you mean can the scum be done for state aid for what you've mentioned but unfortunately state aid rules never came into force until afterwards.

The only thing the EU would see that it has happened before, it's just a pity state aid rules were not in force at the time as that would have been 100% guaranteed state aid

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was just about to post this but as you I doubt he'll do anything about it.

alex_thomson_d_bigger.jpgalex thomson@alextomo

@jimmymacgers @c4news no - it is my opinion that the state aid story looks very interesting and my hunch is that there is something there..

mcmurdo was also saying he knows journos who want this to get out but no way editorial will let them

Hi Soulboy

Tomo may not, however this website http://www.exaronews.com/ looks intresting.

What is Exaro?

Exaro is an online service that investigates issues that are important to business in particular and to the public in general, but which are being inadequately covered – or ignored – by the mainstream media.

Our specialisms are in-depth investigation and analysis. We investigate the decisions and actions of people in power. We root out material to provide insight, often using the increasing volume of data made available by public bodies, information that is rarely scrutinised.

For each investigation, we are committed to:

  • searching for the facts;
  • finding out all the relevant information;
  • regularly updating what we uncover.

Exaro is for people who want to be well informed about public governance, international affairs, and economic and commercial issues.

“Exaro” is a Latin word; it is the first-person singular of the verb, “exarare”, which means to plough, to dig up, or to inscribe on a wax tablet. “Exaro” is pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable, just like “excavate”.

Do you think this would interest PZJ or anyone else trying to break this into mainstream media?

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Soulboy - "Not sure if you mean can the scum be done for state aid for what you've mentioned but unfortunately state aid rules never came into force until afterwards.

The only thing the EU would see that it has happened before, it's just a pity state aid rules were not in force at the time as that would have been 100% guaranteed state aid"

I know that the rules came into being after that, but I was thinking more along the lines you mention as in it is evidence of a long running scam. I was also thinking along the domestic lines. I see this as a "chicken and the egg" scenario, did c****c apply for planning permission for the stands before the GCC started to clear people out of the streets? Why would anybody submit a planning application that would require two streets to be demolished if they didn't own the streets in the first place unless they had made a deal to have the streets removed advance of the application being submitted?

If they did start clearing these streets before c****c applied for planning permission why were they doing that if they were not going to put the land up for open sale? Unless they were doing so in full knowledge of the plans c****c were going to submit and were clearing the way in preparation so that no reason existed where by the application could be refused.

To me both scenarios seem to point to collusion between people on the GCC and c****c. If there was collusion then they would have done so to defraud the Glasgow tax payer of very large sums of money. That would not be a case for the EU state aid, that would be a case for a police investigation followed by a possible prosecution of those involved. One might expect that any such investigation/prosecution would be viewed by the EU as historical evidence in support of what happened latter on.

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There is an investigation taking place, but what I remember hearing as it was reported on radio5, was that they(UEFA) don't expect to punish anyone sever. That's when I lost interested in this as the media and even the police are not interested in this, so, basically nothing is going to happen.

Which is not just a shame, but a travesty of justice and the much vaunted 'integrity'.

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There is an investigation taking place, but what I remember hearing as it was reported on radio5, was that they(UEFA) don't expect to punish anyone sever. That's when I lost interested in this as the media and even the police are not interested in this, so, basically nothing is going to happen.

Which is not just a shame, but a travesty of justice and the much vaunted 'integrity'.

it's not uefa who are conducting the investigation so it's got nothing to do with them. It's the european commission for state aid and just this week they made a company In Belgium pay money back so it's not as if they have a fancy name and do nothing.
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