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Your most memorable journey to a Rangers match?

Young Conqueror

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After a quick think (I'll repost if I can think of a better one - I've done about 50+ foreign away games with Rangers inc away European/world friendlies) I've decided to go with Bursaspor away about 3 years ago.

Started off well when my Dad demanded and ordered my wee Brother down from Dundee last minute with his lip trembling to watch my dog for me while I was away - this was satisfying as he's a wee prick. My Auntie usually dog sat for me when a game was on but for some reason she couldn't ... think she wasn't well?


My mate Matthew was coming with me and our flight out was about 6am or something from Glasgow Airport.... so we took the responsible decision the night before to just stay up and do a 24-48 hour drinking bender instead of having to set our alarms for about 3am and getting about 2 hours sleep before leaving for airport.

We got to airport about 4am, even took a cargo and sat and drank it up the top of the escalators on the couches before going through security into departures ... had some amazing banter with two armed cops who were big bluenoses and happy to let us drink our beer. Seen Kplfishtank and a few other boys heading through as they were doing the Flightoptions trip that left about an hour before ours I'm sure.

Anyway the flight was good and sat next to some Tottenham fan on the plane. Got good banter with him especially when the trolly came round and I reminded him of his clubs Jewish roots and how it was a good idea to banish that myth and get me a vodka and lemonade ... which he did :D and took it in the spirit it was meant :D

Arrived and got taxi to our hotel to meet ex members off here The Booler and CaseyJones who were both wrecked. We had a few more and headed out and decided to get our bearings for the next day as Bursa was a 4.5 hour bus journey away and there was a bus leaving from the boozer round the corner from our hotel at 9am morning of game so we wanted to get that mapped out, which we did.

Back to the hotel and drinking until the early hours and then called it a night.

Set the alarm on my phone so we would be up in plenty of time to get the bus.

Alarm goes off at 8am, quick showers and out the door and round to the bar where the bus is leaving from.

9am comes and goes and we are the only two standing there like dicks. Not a peep in sight and certainly no bus.

Then It hit me ... the stupid cunt that I am forgot to put my clock on my phone forward two hours to local time ... the bus had left 2 hours ago .... how the fuck were we gonna get to the other side of Turkey ...

Trains, planes and automobiles. Got a taxi down to the ferry port .... seen an advertised ferry to Bursa, result. Everything would be fine.

Boarded the ferry and realised we forgot to take the name of the hotel to collect our match tickets. My mates on the phone to his wife back home and she's a bit dim and struggling to find the name of the hotel and when she does it's in a mad fucked up Turkish language so we've wrote it down best we could.

Got off the ferry and the place is like an absolute ghost town. Nothing for miles. No taxis, buses, shops, nothing.

We walk for miles and eventually find a wee shop our idea was just to get a few beers in us before plotting the next move, but time was getting on - was about 2 hours until kick off.

We walked into the shop and the wee guy had RangersTV on on his laptop ... it was surreal.

We said we were going to the game but no idea where we were going and there was no transport ...

He said he could help but it would cost us 70 euros and his mate would drive us in his car. We thought it was a fucking rip off (it didn't even occurr to us the dangers of getting in some random, Muslim Turk's car we've never met before thousands of miles from home) ... but in the end we agreed.

The car journey was literally two hours long and that was the driver going at a good pace. We were starting to worry. At one point we were ready to say just let us out, but something inside of us told us to back down. Suddenly there we were in Bursa and dropped right at the hotel where the ticket upload was taking place. The fellow was true to his word and tbh the 70 euros seemed like a fucking bargain in the end ... if we were lucky enough to get a taxi instead of a ride of this mad bastard you would have been easily talking a few hundred euros so really the guy done us a BIG favour ...

He even gave us some beers out his boot for after the match as a little gift (I planked them outside the ground for the bus home - I wasn't going 4 hours dry after a Champions League away game and they fuckin came in handy ... no one else had a morsil never mind a beer)

Journey home was uneventful really ... but the stupidity of missing the bus, the stress of finding a way to Bursa, the sheer luck of that shop in the middle of nowhere being open and the guys mate helping us by driving to the terror of thinking 2 hours is too long we might be getting kidnapped meant all in it's probably the most eye opening experience ever .... unless there's a trip I've forgotten about - probably have in fact, if it comes to me I'll post it.

You know that feeling that before you open a thread, you know who is gonna have the winning post. :lol:

Think ive been to 30+ abroad and nothing even remotely close to that. :(

Emergency landing at Prestwick straight after take off en route to Paris then Barcelona because a daft dhim on the ground had left their headphones attached to the plane which then put us right into the middle of a French air traffic strike.

A night in Geneva en route to Lyon hustling guys at pool who turned out to be Moroccan gangsters and ending up befriending us and staking money on us to beat some of their regulars.

Leaving Airdrie 3 hours late at 7.30pm(mate had a work issue) on a Sunday night to catch a 1am Ferry at Dover en route to Eindhoven meaning pretty much a solid 100-110 mph the whole time on dual carriageway and motorway making it with minutes to spare then getting completely lost in Calais where every kunt refused to speak English(they only live 35 miles away, they should fukkin learn English the ignorant bassas. :ph34r: ) took me 5.5 hours to drive 480 miles in the UK then about 4 hours to drive 150 miles in the early hours of the morning once on foreign soil, most of which was driving round in circles in fooking Calais.

Thats about as eventful as it gets for me im afraid. :(

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Good stories thanks to all for posting.

We are undoubtedly a special club and there is not another club in Europe that can match our numbers when it comes to travelling to away matches.

Makes me so angry when I think of what has happened to Rangers and how the support has been denied the opportunity of watching us in Europe.

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Good stories thanks to all for posting.

We are undoubtedly a special club and there is not another club in Europe that can match our numbers when it comes to travelling to away matches.

Makes me so angry when I think of what has happened to Rangers and how the support has been denied the opportunity of watching us in Europe.

Don't worry bud good times are just around the corner and the passports will be back out soon :7325:
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Good stories thanks to all for posting.

We are undoubtedly a special club and there is not another club in Europe that can match our numbers when it comes to travelling to away matches.

Makes me so angry when I think of what has happened to Rangers and how the support has been denied the opportunity of watching us in Europe.

There all great stories. But 1st Jans man. He reels you in as if you were there with him :000000082:

Its just the way he tells them bears : :7325:

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Was thinking about this earlier and have a few crackers. I have had some great journeys on different supporters buses, European trips, Manchester to name a few but this one is my personal favourite.

League (Skol) Cup Final 1982 my first ever Old Firm and Cup FInal at only 12 was a major deal for me. Went up to Millerbank St Orange Halls in Springburn to meet family and friends from Ulster before heading off to the match. A group of Rangers fans going to Hampden were offered a lift by 2 Soldiers who were at the halls. i'm not sure if they were regular or TA. Anyhow into the back of a 2 and a half ton army truck we all went with a few of the Saracen TDFB in there as well and a Sash bash was had on the way to Hampden. Now the truck went the wrong way and drove right into the Celtic end and with it being a big Army truck the bheggars have attacked it. I always remember the Army boy shouting keep quiet to everybody, and the bottles and cans bouncing off the canvas of the truck and the shouts of Brits out etc..... But you try and keep 30 boozed up full on Bears quiet ha ha ha I don't think so......

I was pushed to the back of the truck and I remember this big Bear just pulling up the flap at the back and shouting when throwing his own bottle GIRFUY ya dirty F***NIAN BSTRDS and everyone it seemed made an effort to go right ahead with the scum oooofffff. The guy driving the truck was nearly stuck in a traffic jam, so reversed at the bheasts on the pavement who were running for cover, smashed into a metal fence and drove over the island on the middle of the road driving in the wrong direction with the cops hot on our tail. We pulled into a side street with the Army boys telling us to get out quickly.

Everybody poured out the truck just as motorbike cops pulled up and I remember being told to run up this grassy hill which I didn't need to be told twice ha ha lol!!! When I got near the top of the hill I seen a steady stream of Sellick fans coming along and I thought oh fuck!! here we go again. The Bears I was with however were in no mood for backing down and I remember them belting sellick fans everywhere especially on that street that took you down towards the ground. We had come out at the back of the North Stand which i'm pretty sure was shut due to work on the Stadium which was just as well or we would have been right in the middle of the scum, but come to think of it I don't know who was better for, us or them. A journey I will never forget, a story I never get tired of telling, I've always wondered though what happened to the Army lads :praise: and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for my most memorable journey ever to a Rangers match. :7325: :7325: :7325:

Went too that one too.

We usually met in the Burns Howff in those days , but one of the guys stayed near Hampden and talked us all to go to the pub he occasionally went to ( 100 Acres , I think it was ) saying it was a 50 / 50 kind of pub , more drinking time and 5 minutes from the game. It sounded quite sensible when you're pissed but the next day when we opened the door with our Rangers scarves on , it was full of tims. Too late to take them off , or defiant , in we went. To be fair , inside was just a bit of banter , but walking through them all to get to the Rangers end we had to put up with all sorts of shite.

Dug the mate up about the 50 / 50 pub , and his reply was he'd only been there a couple of years and this was the first time the tims had been to a cup final !

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After a quick think (I'll repost if I can think of a better one - I've done about 50+ foreign away games with Rangers inc away European/world friendlies) I've decided to go with Bursaspor away about 3 years ago.

Started off well when my Dad demanded and ordered my wee Brother down from Dundee last minute with his lip trembling to watch my dog for me while I was away - this was satisfying as he's a wee prick. My Auntie usually dog sat for me when a game was on but for some reason she couldn't ... think she wasn't well?


My mate Matthew was coming with me and our flight out was about 6am or something from Glasgow Airport.... so we took the responsible decision the night before to just stay up and do a 24-48 hour drinking bender instead of having to set our alarms for about 3am and getting about 2 hours sleep before leaving for airport.

We got to airport about 4am, even took a cargo and sat and drank it up the top of the escalators on the couches before going through security into departures ... had some amazing banter with two armed cops who were big bluenoses and happy to let us drink our beer. Seen Kplfishtank and a few other boys heading through as they were doing the Flightoptions trip that left about an hour before ours I'm sure.

Anyway the flight was good and sat next to some Tottenham fan on the plane. Got good banter with him especially when the trolly came round and I reminded him of his clubs Jewish roots and how it was a good idea to banish that myth and get me a vodka and lemonade ... which he did :D and took it in the spirit it was meant :D

Arrived and got taxi to our hotel to meet ex members off here The Booler and CaseyJones who were both wrecked. We had a few more and headed out and decided to get our bearings for the next day as Bursa was a 4.5 hour bus journey away and there was a bus leaving from the boozer round the corner from our hotel at 9am morning of game so we wanted to get that mapped out, which we did.

Back to the hotel and drinking until the early hours and then called it a night.

Set the alarm on my phone so we would be up in plenty of time to get the bus.

Alarm goes off at 8am, quick showers and out the door and round to the bar where the bus is leaving from.

9am comes and goes and we are the only two standing there like dicks. Not a peep in sight and certainly no bus.

Then It hit me ... the stupid cunt that I am forgot to put my clock on my phone forward two hours to local time ... the bus had left 2 hours ago .... how the fuck were we gonna get to the other side of Turkey ...

Trains, planes and automobiles. Got a taxi down to the ferry port .... seen an advertised ferry to Bursa, result. Everything would be fine.

Boarded the ferry and realised we forgot to take the name of the hotel to collect our match tickets. My mates on the phone to his wife back home and she's a bit dim and struggling to find the name of the hotel and when she does it's in a mad fucked up Turkish language so we've wrote it down best we could.

Got off the ferry and the place is like an absolute ghost town. Nothing for miles. No taxis, buses, shops, nothing.

We walk for miles and eventually find a wee shop our idea was just to get a few beers in us before plotting the next move, but time was getting on - was about 2 hours until kick off.

We walked into the shop and the wee guy had RangersTV on on his laptop ... it was surreal.

We said we were going to the game but no idea where we were going and there was no transport ...

He said he could help but it would cost us 70 euros and his mate would drive us in his car. We thought it was a fucking rip off (it didn't even occurr to us the dangers of getting in some random, Muslim Turk's car we've never met before thousands of miles from home) ... but in the end we agreed.

The car journey was literally two hours long and that was the driver going at a good pace. We were starting to worry. At one point we were ready to say just let us out, but something inside of us told us to back down. Suddenly there we were in Bursa and dropped right at the hotel where the ticket upload was taking place. The fellow was true to his word and tbh the 70 euros seemed like a fucking bargain in the end ... if we were lucky enough to get a taxi instead of a ride of this mad bastard you would have been easily talking a few hundred euros so really the guy done us a BIG favour ...

He even gave us some beers out his boot for after the match as a little gift (I planked them outside the ground for the bus home - I wasn't going 4 hours dry after a Champions League away game and they fuckin came in handy ... no one else had a morsil never mind a beer)

Journey home was uneventful really ... but the stupidity of missing the bus, the stress of finding a way to Bursa, the sheer luck of that shop in the middle of nowhere being open and the guys mate helping us by driving to the terror of thinking 2 hours is too long we might be getting kidnapped meant all in it's probably the most eye opening experience ever .... unless there's a trip I've forgotten about - probably have in fact, if it comes to me I'll post it.

Fuck sake. Got to take my hat of to you for that one.

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Dublin in 1984 was an experience.

Sometimes used to go in the KP bus , but if I remember right it was going a day early to take in the Linfield game , so we ended up going on the Cumbernauld bus which picked us up at George Square at 4 or 5 in the morning. So the night before was a yeeha in the town , then a carry out in someone's flat and a taxi for the bus. Couped it on the bus but started again for the ferry over.

Always remember wondering why when we got off at Larne why they changed our bus for an old WWII Ulsterbus. Anyway off we went to Belfast for a few hours in the Rangers club . Leaving there the bus was now mobbed with extra bodies as well as a carry out where we all celebrated crossing The Boyne. Remember seeing the first guy giving us the vicky was a Guarda guy directing the traffic !

The game itself was eventful , but coming out was mayhem where the Guarda chased us all onto the buses . Of the six of us only two got back on the right bus . As we got on we were hit with truncheons and getting told ' get on the bus ya British bastard ' , where the guarda standing outside the bus went through the motions of blessing themselves and gobbling at the windows .

Before we left the guys told us to put the seats against the windows , then we were escorted through every little shithouse in Dublin where the bus was pelted with bricks and bottles - it certainly seemed a lot longer to get out than it did to get in . Don't think there were many windows left by the time we got back , and it was certainly baltic .

And that was why , we got those old Ulsterbuses !

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Either the trip to Manchester for obvious reason but one other sticks in my mind, my brother in law in and i followed the gers every home and away game for years and in Sounesses first season we went up to sheep city in the Kilmarnock Teddy Bears bus and we stopped at Thornleybank to pick up tickets (funnily they all had the same serial no) and off we went, we ended up in a strip joint called Clouds, we then made our way up to the park and got stopped halfway up the lane and the police checked our tickets and told us they were forged ( fuck off) never, but we just bought them in the town officer, he told us to fuck off, so as he turned to check more tickets we minglex in tbe crowd and got up to the turnstile where there were more plods, as one spoke to a guy about his ticket i jumped the turnstile and the cop grabbed my leg, i managed to wriggle free and the rest is history, however at full time me and my bro in law lifted David Holmes onto our shoulders and paraded him round the park, what a fuckin day.

This game brought back memories for me.Myself and a couple of mates went up there without tickets,but one of my mates told us he had tickets sorted and to meet this guy in a pub in Aberdeen.Time was getting on and we were getting pished anyway,when the guy appears with our tickets for the Aberdeen end.So we get to the match absolutly smashed,in we went then out with the scarfs etc.This old bint decked out in red and white was forever at the polis to eject us.I was in a few scraps when i went up for the obligatory pie.Got back and three became two,one of my mates was ejected.The game was a blur did not even know that Souness had been sent off,it was bedlam in there.Anyway at the full time whistle the park was a sea of red white and blue.Outside we met up with our other mate,his arms were torn to shreds,trying to climb back in.On our arrival home more bevvy and partying.By the time i staggered home the girl i was staying with at the time,would not let me in,then got the police to move me on.Thought about it the next day...it was either her or Rangers.Never did see that girl again,in hindsight the correct decision......

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Followed Rangers all of my life, but my best bus journey was easily Peterhead away last season. Just to give you a background story, there's two boys on our bus who are pretty much joint at te hip. So as you can imagine they get a good slagging and told they are pretty much pumping each other. Anyway, one of them went to Australia with his burd for a few months last year, so as you can imagine the other one got the piss ripped out him every week about how he was missing the other one. We used to sing "all by myself" to him every week, i don't know if anyone ever watched friends but the episode when joey moved out from chandlers and they're both obviously missing each other, and the music all by myself comes on, was were that came from. Weeks and weeks of this and a few other songs, and I decided for Peterhead we'd do something different so I bought 15 face masks with this other boys face on them. The bus left at 6 in the morning and we kept it quiet, to start with, they put on the film just another saturday, after that was done, one of the boys made up a CD and about the 10th track was the song "all by myself" as soon as that came on everyone whipped on the masks and started singing along tae the song. Fucken priceless, one of the best trips ever. The boy ended up taking one of the masks and sticking it to a seat with a scarf around it, i think its still his facebook profile photo to this day. :lol:


I'm the handsome guy with the bottle of dug.

Looks like I missed the picture!

Actually aye there it is.

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I remember Rangers vs Celtic, Kevin Thomson scored the winner for us:

I was with my dad, had my Rangers scarf on, and went to McDonalds for a quick bite to eat before the game. It was absolutely packed with only their fans. Still had my scarf out proudly but was scary times!

Police made us walk the other side of the road to the stadium whilst they hurled abuse at us, and a few of their supporters buses drove past with their scummy fans swearing at us and banging the windows.

Horrible people.

That day gave me one of the best feelings though I've ever experienced with Rangers as I remember walking into the sea of our fans outside the main stand, singing "Rule Britannia" and it just felt like home! Felt completely safe and like I was with family haha!

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Barcelona in '72 without a doubt. Most people had never been abroad. We got a coach from the south bank of the Clyde to Prestwick. When we got on to the tarmac and saw the pink plane there were plenty of derisory comments but the rather old charter plane got us to Spain with no problems. As we approached Barcelona someone saw the stadium and everyone rushed to one side of the plane causing the captain to come on the tanoy and ask us to get back to our seats sharpish as the plane was tilting over.

On the return journey I had to hitch a lift on a different coach as I missed mine. The flight was fine but when we landed and saw the newspapers we could hardly believe the headlines, "Battle of Barcelona", "riot" etc. ( No double in the daily rhecord ) Yes we had been on the pitch and yes the polis chased us off the pitch and cleared the stadium but riot, come on.

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Easy one for me to decide. 15 yrs old, visitors passport at Post Office, bus ticket from AT Mays, on my own off to Koln.1978. It was great getting a beer in the stadium.

Easy one for me to decide. 15 yrs old, visitors passport at Post Office, airline/hotel & match ticket from AT Mays in Partick followed by 5-days in Salou with a wee match in Barcelona thrown in for good measure............. Oh May 1972 in case you were wondering. (tu)


  • Guy walking up the aisle of the plane as we took off shouting "look we're gauin up a hill"
  • Same guy as we landed having a 'whip round' for the pilot
  • Guys in a hotel near us throwing a bed out the hotel window into the pool
  • Chatting to the players on the pitch during the pre-match warm-up
  • Me staying sober so as not to miss one second of the match -- had a McEwans at 3-0.....
  • Remember asking another Bear at 2-0 if we were dreaming.......... we weren't (tu)
  • Post match party back in the hotel

I hope some of you younger guys are fortunate enough to experience something similar.

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Just a wee story about coming back from the tattiedome. We're walking on the left hand side of London Road with the beados on the other and the abuse is on the next level. Anyway this cnut has been giving it large for about five minutes when my mate shouts to him. Ho you wi the purple t shirt on, cnut says aye whit? Mate says I threw that oot about 3 months ago. Place erupted even the polis were pishing themselves

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My first Euro away game was against Brussia Munchegladbach in 1986.

We got the Nithsdale bus and got our seat with a bevvy and my fags.My mate had a bit of a smoke with him and we settled onto the journey..It was the Tuesday...we got to Penrith at about 3 and stopped for the toilet and a few beers...

Next thing i remember was arriving back in Glasgow on the Thursday a complete mess

Whit a trip LOL

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My first Euro away game was against Brussia Munchegladbach in 1986.

We got the Nithsdale bus and got our seat with a bevvy and my fags.My mate had a bit of a smoke with him and we settled onto the journey..It was the Tuesday...we got to Penrith at about 3 and stopped for the toilet and a few beers...

Next thing i remember was arriving back in Glasgow on the Thursday a complete mess

Whit a trip LOL

Think that was the bus I was on for that game - think it picked us up around Bridge St subway if it's the one.

Worked in Tennents in those days and didn't want my gaffer to know where I was going , so made up the excuse I was house hunting for 3 days ( youthful intelligence for you ! ) . Anyway the painters gaffer ( Dick the Painter ) was going so had to make sure I didn't bump into him.

All was going well , the trip , the ferry , the pubs , the walk up to the stadium - no Dick . Got to the stadium , ticket out and headed to the stand we were in. Found the section , started climbing up to the row we were in , then shuffled along to the seats , sat down . . . . and , yep , sitting next to me was Dick The Painter !

Don't do the lottery now as I've used up my one in a million chance on Dick the Fuckin Painter !

As an aside , I remember one of the pubs we were in had decorative blue and white plates about the place with what looked like King Billy in the middle of them . Before we'd set off for the game , they'd all gone !

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Being an older person I have lots of memories.

The most memorable has to be my first trip abroad, cup winners cup final in '67 in Nuremburg.

18 years old, my mate and I saw an advert in the paper with tickets for the game.

We had to meet a guy called Alex Patterson in the Mermaid Bar in Bridgeton - That was an experience for a start for two young innocent boys.

We left Bridgeton Cross on a bus to go to Germany and the Evening Times people were there taking photos.

We got as far as Penrith and the whole bus was arrested by the local plod - We had stopped at a hotel and some of the guys had lifted some glasses.

The driver was told to follow the patrol car to the station.

Of course by the time we got to the station all the glasses had mysteriously disappeared and plod were amazed when they searched the bus.

We boarded the ferry at Dover for Zeebrugge

On the ferry were three Dutch guys who were very friendly and singing all the songs with us.

They were being bought drinks but when we were just going in to Zeebrugge one of them shouted "F*** Glasgow Rangers"

All hell broke loose and one of our group tried his best to squeeze the guy through a porthole!

Story goes that the three Dutchmen were the ref and two linesman.

They had seemingly been at Wembley and were on their way to Nuremburg for our game - Never found out if that was true or not.

When we arrived In Belgium the local bobbies boarded our bus and told us we were being escorted out of the country!

So we didn't see much of Belgium.

We spent a happy couple of days in Germany with too many stories for this forum.

When we arrived at the ground the first thing we saw was one of the guys from our bus being lifted.

He had been playing the "spoons" all week and as he was being carried away he was still playing them.

The game was shite and we were shite.

We lost 1-0 in extra time.

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Its got to be Barcelona 72 for me, Got Willie Johnson's top from guy who now runs the Crown Bar (Bellshill) sister made me a enormous Red, white and Blue flag from Remmants store, me, Bud's top, my flute and off to The Old Club for the Tannochside bus to Airport, Dan Air flight to Santa Susana i think its called, night spent before game in Lloret De Mar, disco, drink, drink then spewing my ring into a fish pool outside Disco, up in the morning and the Hotel is full of Bears evrywhere, brilliant day, drinking, singing in the sun, playing the flute then off to the stadium, Arrived inside stadium to find im sitting just behind Colin Jackson and when wee Bud scored them 2 goals all the guys were offering me loads for his top, i couldnae sell it after that lol, on the pitch at end with my Ma's duty free fags, chased by their cops and fell down the moat.

i was greeting and this guy says man up son and fight them bassas back, i replied im no greeting about them mate, ive just lost all my Ma's duty free fags , he help me find one pack, then helped me back up and all i saw was him running at the polis and shouting back to me to get tae feck out the ground lol. Got outside and met mybrother who was all Black and Blue from getting hit with them batons, we manage to hitch a lift on a bus to the airport to get back home.

But, what an experience, Sun, Sangria, birds, drink and seeing yer team win a European Trophy.....

pps, gave wee buds top back to Ian (tu)

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Think that was the bus I was on for that game - think it picked us up around Bridge St subway if it's the one.

Worked in Tennents in those days and didn't want my gaffer to know where I was going , so made up the excuse I was house hunting for 3 days ( youthful intelligence for you ! ) . Anyway the painters gaffer ( Dick the Painter ) was going so had to make sure I didn't bump into him.

All was going well , the trip , the ferry , the pubs , the walk up to the stadium - no Dick . Got to the stadium , ticket out and headed to the stand we were in. Found the section , started climbing up to the row we were in , then shuffled along to the seats , sat down . . . . and , yep , sitting next to me was Dick The Painter !

Don't do the lottery now as I've used up my one in a million chance on Dick the Fuckin Painter !

As an aside , I remember one of the pubs we were in had decorative blue and white plates about the place with what looked like King Billy in the middle of them . Before we'd set off for the game , they'd all gone !

That's the bus that stopped at a service station in Belgium and we got off to get bits and bobs and half a dozen guys walked out with all the Mechalob..cases of it as the wee woman stood in amazement..

Was that the Pub the Bears gently emptied the fag machine as a mark was the same size as an old 5p...20p for 20 fags..

I remember a few pubs in some shopping area

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Heading to Manchester on the train. We had to change at Preston. The train from Preston to Bolton was rammed full, u could hardly move but my mate managed to get his penny whistle out his bag and give renditions of follow follow, the billy boys and the rest. The train was rocking. Amazing atmosphere!

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