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The famine song/go on home english tories

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"SNP racists"

A very accurate observation from where I sit. They would welcome east Europeans of any nationality, like wise Africans and citizens of the Indian sub-continent. They have a total love fest with anything linked to the Irish Republic, but mention the English an it's a totally different story. Yet Wee Al wants a shared currency if he gets a yes vote, such a contradictory wee man he is. :7325:

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Amazing when you see that our song only 'suggests' if you love the land so much why don't you go home?.

I think Donald Findlay picked the wrong person as a test case. The guy was already warned to stop singing.

He was drunk and had a lengthy record. This new precedent would blow it out of the water imo.

It's a question. It's being asked. There is no order or command.

Despite the claim otherwise, which is parroted by the media, not one person is told to "go home"! Not one!

Yet you'll never hear such an argument on air or read it in print in our little Idiocracy, but it is the undeniable truth of the words sung.

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Precedent has been set surely with this guys case?

you could argue that it's been set previously when fans were done for singing the famine song so the precedent states that this twat should have been done. Precedent doesn't work in Scottish Law as it does in American programmes, the whole of the incident is looked at and decided by a PF from there, very rarely if it all will you get a case that's completely similar to a previous one and even then the interpretation of the law is always key, how do you interpret what took place form the police report and in what manner did it take place?

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The Hebrides also suffered starvation thru the potato blight but ya don't hear them greetin'.It's in the Oirish nature to play the victim,always the downtrodden,never the villain,(lol).

I can't understand why the British ever let them into any part of the UK after the split or why Britain seems to think they owe they mhanky bassas a favour.

Just what have the Oirish/plastic Paddy's got to be proud of,what have they ever achieved,that someone else didn't pay for?World beggars,nothing more,f**k them all.

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Hello, hello we are the Billy Boys.

Hello, hello you'll know us by our noise.

We're up to our knees in Fenian blood surrender or you'll die, for we are the Mile End Billy Boys!

Elected officials telling us what we can and can't say doesn't work for me. I'm not worried who I offend but rather concerned that modern British people are so easily offended. Once more, that this whole thing seems completely one sided.

The thought police government, the football authorities and anyone linked with freedom of expression is a traitor to their country and culture.

I say to then ALL - COME ON THEN cowards.

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If these fuckers win the independence vote we are going to have to fight for our lives so singing songs will pale into insignificance believe you me ! So in case apathy is setting in remember vote NO NO NO NO NO in the referendum for your children's children's children's children children's sake !

A wee reminder !


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Tis' one of the great songs too!

Some crackpot celtic fan wanted to draw attention to the song so uploaded this. But I think it just sounds great here

For fuck sake.....that was that queer drugged up prick Flowers at the match.

He was the chair of the Co-Op bank when it fucked up and the Co-Op Insurance , or CIS was the sponsor of the competition at that time......CELLIC's bankers were sponsoring the cup.

Jesus wept!

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This debate is really about context- whether justified or not if we sing anything in a football context that mentions Ireland, Irish people or any issues related to this it is assumed to be anti-catholic.

It's the religious connotations that people assume that make it different for us sadly

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And, for the record, being born in England to an English mother I don't see English people as a race anymore than Scottish or Irish folk.

Racism should clearly not apply to this regardless of whether or not it is offensive.

The problem with the famine song is that it is interpreted as mocking victims of the famine and The Lord advocates advice on the offensive behaviour at football act is that any mention of an incident that caused loss of lives in a song at football is likely to be in breach of the act

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