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Labour to repeal SNP fascist football law

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pandering to the bheast, Yes it may affect us but if selik fans never made a big hoo haa about this we wouldn't have heard a peep. good ploy on Lhabours behalf considering most bears will vote for them, mainly for the fact they aint the snp or conservitive or lib dem. This is a ploy for the plastic irish undecided voters.

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Effectively yes. The Lib Dems are entrenched in certain areas way up north and in certain constituencies they may be the second party, but effectively on the national basis it's Labour or the SNP. The Tories regularly poll about 15% at the most or something, and they're strong at the Borders, but anywhere else you might as well vote for the Raving Loonies - they've never recovered from Thatcher, really. I wouldn't vote for a rightist pro-unionist party (I'm one of those awful lefty-liberals) but a unionist party unencumbered by the Tory image would probably do quite well in Scotland.

Cheers. I'm not surprised that Labour has such a big following given the traditional industries in Central Scotland. A pro-union party would surely do well though, no?

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Labour voted for the legislation in the first place. The only reason they want to repeal it is that it covers more than sectarianism, it catches all their IRA stuff, which the existing law didn't catch. The new law is about offensive behaviour in general and not just sectarianism. If it is repealed they will be able to sing their terrorist poison, but we still won't be able to sing things like the Billy Boys.

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Labour voted for the legislation in the first place. The only reason they want to repeal it is that it covers more than sectarianism, it catches all their IRA stuff, which the existing law didn't catch. The new law is about offensive behaviour in general and not just sectarianism. If it is repealed they will be able to sing their terrorist poison, but we still won't be able to sing things like the Billy Boys.

Labour voted against the bill. Stop spreading lies. Ruth Davidson just made an arse of herself on twitter doing the same thing. SNP pushed through the bill with there majority.
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The thing is that in Scotland there really only is a choice between Labour and the SNP and no way am I voting for the pieman Hitler.

After all that Labour have been in this country recently I won't be voting for them, regardless of this proposal. Semi-Proportional Representation means you have more than Labour or the SNP to choose from in Scotland. Your vote is not wasted going for another party the way it is in the UK elections.

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Labour voted against the bill. Stop spreading lies. Ruth Davidson just made an arse of herself on twitter doing the same thing. SNP pushed through the bill with there majority.

It still affects them more than it does us

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It still affects them more than it does us

Alot of Rangers fans have been punished by this bill. Way more than other fans and now we have a chance to get rid of and people are like "they are only doing it for Celtic". This chance will be wasted as people are too stubborn which is disappointing.
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Any Rangers fan who votes Labour is just endorsing the land deals, Irish terrorism and anti-monarchy agendas. Unfortunately, the Lib-Dems stand for a united Europe which would also mean losing the Monarchy eventually. Let's just hope the VB's plan for a new party takes off quickly.

Rangers, my team not my project.

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This is purely because the bill has targeted them and their IRA terrorist loving scum as well.

Labour is infested with them in scotland and want the law changed back to targeting the big bad proddies instead.

Labour are the scum of the fucking earth, loaded with champagne socialists and communist fuckwits.

The SNP are a shambles and it shows there is no political movement in scotland that relates to the majority of its poulation, something rangers fans, protestants, unionists should wake up to and act.

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Alot of Rangers fans have been punished by this bill. Way more than other fans and now we have a chance to get rid of and people are like "they are only doing it for Celtic". This chance will be wasted as people are too stubborn which is disappointing.

Absolutely spot on.

The fact that there are lads up in court for singing lines such as "I fought the IRA" and "I must join the YCV" etc is ridiculous. The quicker the bill is abolished the better.

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Labour voted for the legislation in the first place. The only reason they want to repeal it is that it covers more than sectarianism, it catches all their IRA stuff, which the existing law didn't catch. The new law is about offensive behaviour in general and not just sectarianism. If it is repealed they will be able to sing their terrorist poison, but we still won't be able to sing things like the Billy Boys.

Actually you are wrong. Only the SNP who had a majority at the time voted for this.

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Alot of Rangers fans have been punished by this bill. Way more than other fans and now we have a chance to get rid of and people are like "they are only doing it for Celtic". This chance will be wasted as people are too stubborn which is disappointing.

To vote for or against this bill - against. To vote for or against a labour party which is as staunch mhank driven as they come - never FOR in my lifetime.

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Get voting for Labour then

They are scum but lesser of two evils

You're probably my favourite RM poster, but that post is shocking. Labour despise everything about you and me, our way of life and our culture. It doesn't need to be one or the other ad they are both scum. We need to organise the PUL vote and make it count.

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To vote for or against this bill - against. To vote for or against a labour party which is as staunch mhank driven as they come - never FOR in my lifetime.

Thats fine then. When the SNP get re-elected and the bill continues you can't really complain about it since you had the chance to get rid of it for good and decided against it.

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