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In your eyes, what actual successes has the great Ally delivered?

And calling him out is now backstabbing?

in my OPINION - winning back to back leagues is sucess. We were nowhere - he has led us two steps forward on our journey back - he did cause the backwards steps - he has had to deal with those steps. Many want to belittle those steps (you know, the ones that think a monkey could do the job better). To me these are achievements - I think folk underestimate (in a arrogance bourne from being the worlds most sucessful club) how hard it is to rebuild a squad, even with money and resource.

I dont think you are calling him out, I think you are angry at the whole last three years and you have TURNED on an easy target, instead of supporting him and directing your anger at those who either caused our demise OR profited from out demise!

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in my OPINION - winning back to back leagues is sucess. We were nowhere - he has led us two steps forward on our journey back - he did cause the backwards steps - he has had to deal with those steps. Many want to belittle those steps (you know, the ones that think a monkey could do the job better). To me these are achievements - I think folk underestimate (in a arrogance bourne from being the worlds most sucessful club) how hard it is to rebuild a squad, even with money and resource.

I dont think you are calling him out, I think you are angry at the whole last three years and you have TURNED on an easy target, instead of supporting him and directing your anger at those who either caused our demise OR profited from out demise!

Nonsense, there was wide spread optimism that we could use these lower leagues to build something. McCoist has wrecked any optimism.
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in my OPINION - winning back to back leagues is sucess. We were nowhere - he has led us two steps forward on our journey back - he did cause the backwards steps - he has had to deal with those steps. Many want to belittle those steps (you know, the ones that think a monkey could do the job better). To me these are achievements - I think folk underestimate (in a arrogance bourne from being the worlds most sucessful club) how hard it is to rebuild a squad, even with money and resource.

I dont think you are calling him out, I think you are angry at the whole last three years and you have TURNED on an easy target, instead of supporting him and directing your anger at those who either caused our demise OR profited from out demise!

There is a whole sub-forum dedicated to those who caused and/or profited from what's happened to us over the last few years - it's the boardroom and financial one. There is plenty of hatred within me to be directed at those who've done us wrong but there's also plenty of room for me to be disappointed on our club's progress on the pitch these last two years - it's not an either or scenario.

Here we are talking about the manager of the club and his failings, i.e. the guy that chooses the 11 players who step onto the pitch every week; the guy who overseas training schedules and has the final say on tactics; the who picks players he wants to join the club; the guy who is supposed to motivate and direct the squad.... i could go on.

The point most people are trying to make, and the point you are either missing or hiding from, is that in the areas I mentioned above Ally is failing.

Yes we've won back-to-back titles and went through this season unbeaten - no one is saying these aren't good things, however when weighed against the failings i mentioned above, Ally falls short.

We've heard the same old arguments from you, and until recently i clung to them also, but they don't wash with the majority of the support (as far as anyone can tell) anymore.

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in my OPINION - winning back to back leagues is sucess. We were nowhere - he has led us two steps forward on our journey back - he did cause the backwards steps - he has had to deal with those steps. Many want to belittle those steps (you know, the ones that think a monkey could do the job better). To me these are achievements - I think folk underestimate (in a arrogance bourne from being the worlds most sucessful club) how hard it is to rebuild a squad, even with money and resource.

I dont think you are calling him out, I think you are angry at the whole last three years and you have TURNED on an easy target, instead of supporting him and directing your anger at those who either caused our demise OR profited from out demise!

Could you answer the questions regarding his abilities as a tactician that you seem to be ignoring? I think you are overestimating the job he has done assembling a squad given the size of budget AND the size of the club. Can you explain (if its such a difficult job to build a squad) how one manager can take a team that hadn't won in 33 games and with a microscopic budget, reshape the squad in a couple of weeks such that they have just won 3 games in a row? Would that make this person a manager of Guardiola like proportions when compared to the man you seem to defend without any recognition of his managerial limitations.

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in my OPINION - winning back to back leagues is sucess. We were nowhere - he has led us two steps forward on our journey back - he did cause the backwards steps - he has had to deal with those steps. Many want to belittle those steps (you know, the ones that think a monkey could do the job better). To me these are achievements - I think folk underestimate (in a arrogance bourne from being the worlds most sucessful club) how hard it is to rebuild a squad, even with money and resource.

I dont think you are calling him out, I think you are angry at the whole last three years and you have TURNED on an easy target, instead of supporting him and directing your anger at those who either caused our demise OR profited from out demise!

Ally has had far to much support - people could see early on that he does not have it in him to change his approach. i see nothing to suggest he can see where he needs to improve and is making necessary adjustments - all he does is the same shit and hopes it will eventually pay off.

i'd also like to point out that for 'one of us' - the guy is a millionaire and knew the club was just coming out of admin and took 800K a year for doing a job that, as you point out, alot of us say a monkey could do.

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We all want the best for the club. Ally has been a failure since his appointment, I don't see what's wrong with wanting a change of manager.

I wouldnt say he's been a failure as he has got us promoted 2 seasons in a row. What he hasnt done is changed the Rangers philosophy on how football should be played. We had the perfect opportunity to start playing football the way it should we had a blank canvas but instead were playing typical scottish/Rangers style football which is a high ball up to a plank of wood in the box. Horrible disgusting football which we are all fucking bored of.

The football in Ally's first 4-5 month was great, Also the start of this season was pretty good....WTF happened Ally? Is it all down to the mess in the boardroom? He has had to put up with a hell of alot...Also the players might be worried about their jobs? I'd imagine it all adds up to being at Rangers not a very nice place to be at the moment.

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bottom line, the only reason Ally is still in charge is because we are in the lower divisions, so we are winning leagues. if we had avoided admin, there is no way he had the tactical ability to win the SPL, no matter what players he had.

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I agree that a section of our fans do come across that way, in fact a lot of teams have those particular sections. However, not all fans hire a plane to fly a manager out banner over the stadium during a game.

A lot has been made of the difficulties Ally has had to endure during his management while being expected to yield results, however, you have to admit he's been given resources which make his job a hell of a lot easier than other managers he's competing with at our current level. The wage budget, training facilities, supporting staff, and thousands of fans all help Ally, so I think it's misleading to make McCoist out to be a poor wee soul who's struggling to do his job under unsurmountable constraints.

Very well said JTF, this is one of the best posts put on RM for a wee while, it concisely covers the last three seasons of Ally's tenure at the club, and lays out the story so far for all to witness, nice one mate.


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in my OPINION - winning back to back leagues is sucess. We were nowhere - he has led us two steps forward on our journey back - he did cause the backwards steps - he has had to deal with those steps. Many want to belittle those steps (you know, the ones that think a monkey could do the job better). To me these are achievements - I think folk underestimate (in a arrogance bourne from being the worlds most sucessful club) how hard it is to rebuild a squad, even with money and resource.

I dont think you are calling him out, I think you are angry at the whole last three years and you have TURNED on an easy target, instead of supporting him and directing your anger at those who either caused our demise OR profited from out demise!

Fair enough, it is your opinion but i think he's delivered the bare minimum and nothing else.

I see nothing from him that suggests he is a manager deserving of this club, i see no wrong in wanting change to make this club what it should be.

I am angry at the past few years yes but Ally is part of that also and is deserving of my criticism, i believe his time is well and truly up.

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A footballing 'cliche' and I love cliches because they are true is that league positions don't lie - so saying that winning a league hides a malaise is a false premise to me.

I also agree that there is a lot of anger in our support, and a lot to be angry about- I only question is that anger being turned on Ally rather than those that caused our demise and those who have perpetuated our suffering during this demise. Turning that anger on Ally ( IMHO) is both wrong and misguided.

You are to be commended for defending your position, but the League picture is hiding a malaise.

Off the top of my head;

Arbroath (3-2 at home; 2-1 away) - we were poor and could easily have lost these games

Stenhousemuir (3-3 at home) - I struggle to see how we can beat a team 8-0 and then draw 3-3

East Fife (1-0) away. Got out of jail with a late penalty

Brechin (4-3 and 2-1 away). Not good in either game

Albion Rovers (1-1 at Ibrox). Rank rotten.

Forfar (League Cup defeat)

Raith Rovers (Ramsdens defeat)

And there are a good few other games we did not play well in.

I think Ally is at fault because we are in a groundhog situation with him; 3 seasons have virtually panned out identical performance wise. Starts decent and then tails off - I am condensing my thoughts as I have spouted them on many an occasion on here. 3 years of it. And his start with the Euro displays was laughable - no one can be blamed for them other than him, he was simply unprepared. Good players who did okay the year before, so why the complete mess?

I have no time for those in charge. Murray, Whyte, Green - each and every one of those at the end of the day were in it for themselves. I have no love for the current board. But none of these people pick the team, train them or provide them with tactics. Ally has had 3 years and he has done nothing in that time, on the pitch, to prove to me he is a manager. If any other manager had done the same as him over that period (so, so many cup defeats and embarrassing displays), well, to be honest they wouldn't have done the same as they would not have made it to this point. Ally has lived on this reputation as a Rangers Legend for 3 years. I don't think he deserves to have another year.

That's why I believe he should go.

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why did i even reply to that? i'm starting to believe BP9 is a troll.

Yep - sad day when defending our manager means you get called a troll! Seems tho' that personal abuse is the argument of choice when folk have a differing opinion for many on this site.

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You are to be commended for defending your position, but the League picture is hiding a malaise.

Off the top of my head;

Arbroath (3-2 at home; 2-1 away) - we were poor and could easily have lsot these games

Stenhousemuir (3-3 at home) - I struggle to see how we can beat a team 8-0 and then draw 3-3

East Fife (1-0) away. Got out of jail with a late penalty

Brechin (4-3 and 2-1 away). Not good in ever game

Albion Rovers (1-1 at Ibrox). Rank rotten.

Forfar (League Cup defeat)

Raith Rovers (Ramsdens defeat)

And there are a good few other games we did not play well in.

I think Ally is at fault because we are in a groundhog situation with him; 3 seasons have virtually panned out identical performance wise. Starts decent and then tails off - I am condensing my thoughs as I have spouted them on many an occasion on here. 3 years of it. And his start with the Euro displays was laughable - no one can be blamed for them other than him, he was simply unprepared. Good players who did okay the year before, so why the complete mess?

I have no time for those in charge. Murray, Whyte, Green - each and every one of those at the end of the day were in it for themselves. I have no love for the current board. But none of these people pick the team, train them or provide them with tactics. Ally has had 3 years and he has done nothing in that time, on the pitch, to prove to me he is a manager. If any other manager had done the same as him over that period (so, so many cup defeats and embarrassing displays), well, to be honest they wouldn't have done the same as they would not have made it to this point. Ally has lived on this reputation as a Rangers Legend for 3 years. I don't think he deserves to have another year.

That's why I believe he should go.

as I have also said elsewhere why I support him, and to keep it brief - I think many underestimate how difficult the job is. This is total uncharted territory for us all - and yet Ally has taken us two steps back to where we belong - and deserves (in my opinion, of course) to keep that momentum going. Back him, not stab him. I say!

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Yep - sad day when defending our manager means you get called a troll! Seems tho' that personal abuse is the argument of choice when folk have a differing opinion for many on this site.

Still not answering the points about tactics. Is it because you are unable to find anything that could be used in his defence (or is there a right midfielder you want to play at left back?). You aren't really 'defending' the manager when you can't come up with reasons why he appeared to miss the obvious and Raith Rovers confessed their simple gameplan (defend the long ball). Wouldn't a half decent manager see what was happening and respond? Could you point to the response from Ally?

They really are basic questions that you don't need to be Pep Guardiola to answer. Anyone with a modicum of football knowledge should be able to answer.

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Could you answer the questions regarding his abilities as a tactician that you seem to be ignoring? I think you are overestimating the job he has done assembling a squad given the size of budget AND the size of the club. Can you explain (if its such a difficult job to build a squad) how one manager can take a team that hadn't won in 33 games and with a microscopic budget, reshape the squad in a couple of weeks such that they have just won 3 games in a row? Would that make this person a manager of Guardiola like proportions when compared to the man you seem to defend without any recognition of his managerial limitations.

I have answered the questions about why I support his management of the club many times - IF (:lol:) you really care about what I have to say on the matter a simple wee look at my posts, which you can access through my profile will give you my rationale.

Ally has taken us 2 steps back towards where we all want to be - he deserves (IMHO) to keep moving forward - he did not cause our demise but he sure as hell is doing his part to get us back.

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Still not answering the points about tactics. Is it because you are unable to find anything that could be used in his defence (or is there a right midfielder you want to play at left back?). You aren't really 'defending' the manager when you can't come up with reasons why he appeared to miss the obvious and Raith Rovers confessed their simple gameplan (defend the long ball). Wouldn't a half decent manager see what was happening and respond? Could you point to the response from Ally?

They really are basic questions that you don't need to be Pep Guardiola to answer. Anyone with a modicum of football knowledge should be able to answer.

LOL you are an impatient man - I just replied to your post and IF you want to know my rationale just read it.

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as I have also said elsewhere why I support him, and to keep it brief - I think many underestimate how difficult the job is. This is total uncharted territory for us all - and yet Ally has taken us two steps back to where we belong - and deserves (in my opinion, of course) to keep that momentum going. Back him, not stab him. I say!

Do you think Ally would've won both those leagues if he had a 1/3 of the budget he actually spunked.

Oh and we may be moving forward with a full time top league team in a semi pro league but footballing wise we going backwards quicker than an Italian tank.

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A footballing 'cliche' and I love cliches because they are true is that league positions don't lie - so saying that winning a league hides a malaise is a false premise to me.

I also agree that there is a lot of anger in our support, and a lot to be angry about- I only question is that anger being turned on Ally rather than those that caused our demise and those who have perpetuated our suffering during this demise. Turning that anger on Ally ( IMHO) is both wrong and misguided.

I'll go for that.

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