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At least we haven't plunged to these depths...

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There's a small part of me wants him to stay just prove to you what a clueless manager he is when he comes up against full time teams who have half a clue how to play football against us and the fitness to back it up.

:lol: There is a small part of me that wants another manager in just to prove to you that the grass is not always greener .....

But a bigger part of me that hopes he stays and is sucessful, and not so I can say 'I told you so' (sweet as that will be) but because I want sucess for this club and I think he will deliver it!

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MUFC is a cunt of a club. Only Celtic and Chelsea are worse.

Can't stand them, what makes things worse is my dad supports Man U. He originally was a Rangers supporter but as soon as the likes of Gazza left he became uninterested and started going to see Rangers less and less until he was happy just to watch Man U on the tv. The worst type of football supporter in my opinion, I'm glad I don't take after him in that respect.

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Can't stand them, what makes things worse is my dad supports Man U. He originally was a Rangers supporter but as soon as the likes of Gazza left he became uninterested and started going to see Rangers less and less until he was happy just to watch Man U on the tv. The worst type of football supporter in my opinion, I'm glad I don't take after him in that respect.

My Dad was catholic and a Celtic and MUFC supporter.

We never agreed on anything. I'm an aethiest and a Rangers and MCFC supporter after my Mothers side of the family.

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But a bigger part of me that hopes he stays and is sucessful, and not so I can say 'I told you so' (sweet as that will be) but because I want sucess for this club and I think he will deliver it!

What would you be basing your belief that he would be successful on?

His tactical acumen? Nope can't be that he has none.

His motivational skills? Nope doesn't have them either.

His signing policy of signing players and shoving them wherever there is a space? Can't be that can it

His ability to take average players and make them play above themselves? Nope he has taken good players like Nicky Law and regressed them to below average.

What does that leave? Oh yes his ability to win a league of part-time teams on miniscule budgets compared to him who has a team of SPL standard players at his disposal and top class training facilities. A league which was a forgone conclusion before a ball was kicked.

Take off your Ally tinted glasses stop living in the past 2 years ago and try actually judging the man on his managerial ability alone not what he achieved as a player and not because he there during admin both of which are irrelevant to managing a football team.

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:lol: There is a small part of me that wants another manager in just to prove to you that the grass is not always greener .....

But a bigger part of me that hopes he stays and is sucessful, and not so I can say 'I told you so' (sweet as that will be) but because I want sucess for this club and I think he will deliver it!

Believe me when it comes to football management and Ally the grass is always greener somewhere else, and it's got nothing to do with I told you so it's just point out your a fool.

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The man leading our march back, winning back to back leagues and providing continuity and fight back - you see that as failure ??

And I'm a troll ..... Ffs .... Supporting our manager is now trolling! Get a grip of your anger and if it helps turn it on me but try supporting our manager who is leading the fight back - he is not where our anger should be directed.

Ask yourself this question and answer it honestly. Is Ally the best we could get as a manager for,or for less than, the money we pay him? If you answer no, then why on earth should we settle for less than best? This is Rangers not a McCoist vanity project. Being inept cannot be excused because "he's one of our own". Thank fuck you're not on the board..................or maybe you are.

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Ally simply cannot be defended,our wage bill is the same as motherwell,aberdeen,dundee united and inverness,,COMBINED!!,,total disgrace the way we perform for the dosh we dole out,times up,take the fuckin hint ally

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Yep - sad day when defending our manager means you get called a troll! Seems tho' that personal abuse is the argument of choice when folk have a differing opinion for many on this site.

are you kidding me. the hypocrisy of that statement is incredible. there has been a litany of complaints regarding Ally as a manager. but anyone in the past 2 years who even hinted at dissatisfaction was abused from all angles - never one answer to why we were continually outplayed by inferior teams or why we had no tactics. or why youngsters were thrown under the bus.

and another thing - i also find it funny that a poster who has been vocal against peoples' belief in god due to lack of evidence. Ally has given ample evidence that he is not up to it, but your faith is the only thing keeping you going in this argument.

i have no pleasure arguing with our fans about this. i just want somebody in charge who can take our club back where they belong.

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While I detest the level of vitriol and personal attacks on Ally, at what point is it acceptable to admit that despite being one of our own, he is not up to the job? Or does simply being one of our own act as a get out of jail free card for any/all of his faults as a manager?

The fact you have to continually reference him being one of our own, instead of actually defending his managerial ability is quite telling.

have any of you ever stopped to think that its the fuckin blokes (vast majority) masquerading as rangers players every week , that are letting him down?

That its them who are fuckin hopeless and not ally.that its their fuckin inabilty to pass a fuckin ball , let alone keep it, or put the final ball in the box, never mind score, and that ally knows he is fuckin stuck with them , and that he feels as let down as we are with him.

after the albion game I was fuckin seething with super, but my opinion has changed, especially after sunday. My reasoning? Couple of earlier games this season.be patient please.

airdrie on the friday night, 2nd half was superb performance and great goals into the bargain.

stenny at ibrox 8-0. Regardless of the oppostion, that was the best football ive seen the sons of william play for a good few years. The passing, movement and ruthless finishing that day was how at least all of the home games should have turned out.but same opposition 4 months later 3-3 and fuckin atrocious.

Ally cant run on and score for us let alone play, nor can wee durrant. 2 things sunday, actually 3 , convinced me its those on the park and not super.

First, jig shitting it causing their goal.

2nd, fuckin black lying in a crumpled heap every time he got touched.when was the last time you saw that cunt putting the boot in when the young uns get hacked, or any other of the senior players. Never.

3rd and most importantly this.

they could not give a fuck about breaking into a fuckin sweat at the sight of the 14000 poor cunts and those banners, who put more into the club than any cunt and who have been humiliated into having to be at that fuckin game in the first place, still dont moan, and give that bunch of fraudsters on the park everything.

its fuckin them , not ally, they are the usless cunts with the shite attitude not him.

rant over.

No Surrender


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have any of you ever stopped to think that its the fuckin blokes (vast majority) masquerading as rangers players every week , that are letting him down?

That its them who are fuckin hopeless and not ally.that its their fuckin inabilty to pass a fuckin ball , let alone keep it, or put the final ball in the box, never mind score, and that ally knows he is fuckin stuck with them , and that he feels as let down as we are with him.

after the albion game I was fuckin seething with super, but my opinion has changed, especially after sunday. My reasoning? Couple of earlier games this season.be patient please.

airdrie on the friday night, 2nd half was superb performance and great goals into the bargain.

stenny at ibrox 8-0. Regardless of the oppostion, that was the best football ive seen the sons of william play for a good few years. The passing, movement and ruthless finishing that day was how at least all of the home games should have turned out.but same opposition 4 months later 3-3 and fuckin atrocious.

Ally cant run on and score for us let alone play, nor can wee durrant. 2 things sunday, actually 3 , convinced me its those on the park and not super.

First, jig shitting it causing their goal.

2nd, fuckin black lying in a crumpled heap every time he got touched.when was the last time you saw that cunt putting the boot in when the young uns get hacked, or any other of the senior players. Never.

3rd and most importantly this.

they could not give a fuck about breaking into a fuckin sweat at the sight of the 14000 poor cunts and those banners, who put more into the club than any cunt and who have been humiliated into having to be at that fuckin game in the first place, still dont moan, and give that bunch of fraudsters on the park everything.

its fuckin them , not ally, they are the usless cunts with the shite attitude not him.

rant over.

No Surrender


they play like this because of Ally - every poor performance should see players dropped and others brought in. the only players ever dropped are youngsters. The players know that they can get away with poor performances and that comes down to the management.

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have any of you ever stopped to think that its the fuckin blokes (vast majority) masquerading as rangers players every week , that are letting him down?

That its them who are fuckin hopeless and not ally.that its their fuckin inabilty to pass a fuckin ball , let alone keep it, or put the final ball in the box, never mind score, and that ally knows he is fuckin stuck with them , and that he feels as let down as we are with him.

after the albion game I was fuckin seething with super, but my opinion has changed, especially after sunday. My reasoning? Couple of earlier games this season.be patient please.

airdrie on the friday night, 2nd half was superb performance and great goals into the bargain.

stenny at ibrox 8-0. Regardless of the oppostion, that was the best football ive seen the sons of william play for a good few years. The passing, movement and ruthless finishing that day was how at least all of the home games should have turned out.but same opposition 4 months later 3-3 and fuckin atrocious.

Ally cant run on and score for us let alone play, nor can wee durrant. 2 things sunday, actually 3 , convinced me its those on the park and not super.

First, jig shitting it causing their goal.

2nd, fuckin black lying in a crumpled heap every time he got touched.when was the last time you saw that cunt putting the boot in when the young uns get hacked, or any other of the senior players. Never.

3rd and most importantly this.

they could not give a fuck about breaking into a fuckin sweat at the sight of the 14000 poor cunts and those banners, who put more into the club than any cunt and who have been humiliated into having to be at that fuckin game in the first place, still dont moan, and give that bunch of fraudsters on the park everything.

its fuckin them , not ally, they are the usless cunts with the shite attitude not him.

rant over.

No Surrender


Who signed these players? Ally did

Who picks them week in week out regardless of how they play? Ally does

Who plays them out of position even when there's no reason to? Ally does

Who lets them treat training like a holiday camp? Ally does

Who lead Sunday's karaoke contest after the humiliating defeat to Raith? Ally did

The buck stops with Ally whether you like it or not

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The man leading our march back, winning back to back leagues and providing continuity and fight back - you see that as failure ??

And I'm a troll ..... Ffs .... Supporting our manager is now trolling! Get a grip of your anger and if it helps turn it on me but try supporting our manager who is leading the fight back - he is not where our anger should be directed.

What fight back and fucking march back. We are not on the match back to anywhere you deluded individual.

So your happy with Ally because "he is one of our own" and won the 3rd and 2nd division.

Point is he won't be managing in these no mark league all the time. There will be a time when he comes up against half decent teams.

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What fight back and fucking march back. We are not on the match back to anywhere you deluded individual.

So your happy with Ally because "he is one of our own" and won the 3rd and 2nd division.

Point is he won't be managing in these no mark league all the time. There will be a time when he comes up against half decent teams.

Yep great wee rant there - as I said nothing beats turning your anger inwards! Sad sad sad

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