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Our biggest problem is central midfield


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We need two players who can actually play in a two man midfield.

Black is at his best as one of the two who sit back in a 4-2-3-1/4-3-3 at starts moves with simple straightforward passes and Law is at his best as the 1 who bombs forward or plays off a front man.

Neither of them are really suited to playing in a two and it's showing week on week.

Guys like Hutton & Peralta aren't the answer either.

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With the squad off players we have, and all played in their proper positition,and with decent leadership in the dugout we would skate this league.

But no we have a manager who is now using Charles Green in his post match interview as an excuse for the players underperforming.

Your post match interviews are an Embarrassment, i will never stop going but for Christ sake Ally will you please just just go.

Sadly, have to agree.

I'm a great Super Ally fan and want to remember him as that ... but a coach???

not as long as his arse looks down!!

please, Ally, recognise the problem and for the sake of Rangers give somebody else a chance!!

AND don't forget to take your 2 amigos with you.

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Our biggest problem is the severe lack of cohesion and balance across the side.

- The players look like they've never played together before.

- Nicky Law does nothing in the middle.

- Ian Black refuses to play the role that he's in there to play because he thinks he's a better player than he is.

- Lee McCulloch playing means the defence sits 20/30 yards deeper than they otherwise would, this means that the midfield need to decide between leaving a massive gap for runners, or - as we have seen - they whole side sitting too deep.

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We have no width, no midfield to speak of and a Right Back who's name normally is mentioned before 'and the move breaks down'. We have Boyd who needs crosses which we don't deliver and Miller who creates space for a non existent Midfield to get into the box to score goals that nobody is there to set up. The blame lies squarely with McCoist, who signed them and seems to lack the vision to see that none of the current players can gel as a team.

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Mid field players (10),Aird,Law,Black,Macleod,Templeton,McKay,Peralta,Gallagher,Hutton.Crawford not a ball winner or anyone who has that telling pass among the lot.

7 of them 5 foot 3 inches and around seven stone

How did we amass so many similar players.

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The problems are all over the park and in the dugout.

we have a defence that tries to bypass the midfield. A midfield that dont know what the fuck they are supposed to be doing, a srikeforce getting no real service and a bunch of duds in the dugout.

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Despite peoples views on McCoist the players need to take some responsibility. McCoist picked a reasonably strong team but too many players just didn't deliver. Temps despite playing great against Hivs was useless, Macleod kept losing the ball and was a bit lightweight- so there was no width going forward. Central midfield was poor too with little to no creation at times. Law often played too wide leaving big holes in the middle of the park. So what chance did the front two have? Very little I would say. I would have liked to have seen Aird introduced on the wing for a bit of pace and to get in behind their defence.

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I agree that the midfield is the biggest problem. To the posters who say the manager is the main problem, do you think a new manager could get this squad playing decent football? I dont think any manager could .I keep reading that we have a great squad,when will people realise that with one or two exceptions these players are just not good enough. The squad needs a complete overhauling which is impossible because we cant afford it. The manager has to take most of the blame for some poor signings but in some ways he has had to scratch around looking for the cheap option unlike most Rangers managers before him..

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I agree that the midfield is the biggest problem. To the posters who say the manager is the main problem, do you think a new manager could get this squad playing decent football?

without a shaddow of a doubt mate.

we have some decent and some good players. If he were to remove jig completely, play without a defensive mid, and actually rotate the team a bit to make players realise they are not automatic starts..... then they would play with more urgency and try harder to impress.

right now, roughly 9 of the 11 on the park know they will start of even close to fit. That iant good enough, what is the point in having competition for players if you aint dropped when your form dips.

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Last week someone posted that he thought we'd be off to a slow start and then pick up after a few games. This makes sense considering that Hivs and Farts are used to playing in the top league. It'll take a few games for the team to work out its kinks, then we should see a lot more of the good stuff. Yes, there has been some good stuff but it's been lost under the dross. I think we'll be sitting pretty by the end of the year. But then, I talk a lot of shite, as I posted we'd beat Farts 6-0. :lol:

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