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Administration Question.


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Some of the comments in this thread are incredible.

Rangers should never have been anywhere near administration the first time never mind a second time especially after tens of millions have went through the club in a few years.

It is a disgrace yet some on here are discussing what penalty we would get and whether we would still get promoted. Despite our attachment to the club being based on football, the on pitch side of things is the least of our worries.

The support should be united with hundreds of thousands demanding answers as to why this has happened, and as importantly, why it has been allowed to happen by the football, political and legal powers.

Which begs the question. What, if anything, are the support going to do to demand an investigation and justice for past, present and future Rangers?

Or, is it simply going to be another case of supporters financially bailing out the club again following financial.mismanagement by people we blindly trusted?

Never have so many financially contributed to the benefit and wellbeing of so few for so little in return.

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King will not act now. He stood by and watched the club sink to Division 3 in 2012.

Dave King had his tax case looming over him plus absolutely no-one was going to stop us going to SFL3 while our own Tax case was linked to the club, no-one wanted lumbered with that potential debt

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I see Mitre is pumping the idea of a quick admin again!

This time will cause severe pain. We will not go into admin for a few million, no one would. SE or others would loan the money up to a point so it would be over 10m that we would be placed into admin, same sort of figures as last time before the fines were added.

First cuts are players, managers and non essential staff basically crippling us.

25pts deducted effectively ending our race back to the premier league for at least a year, possibly more.

The loss of the training facility, Ed house etc would be next as they are sold of to the highest bidder (regardless of whether they can be built on or not).

All contracts that could be fulfilled have to be paid off as well as any debts we have so that does not get us out of the contracts you want to.

There are millions of other things (well a few) but its late and I can't think straight with all the crap going on.

Admin is not quick and not painless. There is always the danger that no one steps up again or the CVA is rejected and we end up at the bottom again, effectively killed.

Admin should always be a last resort, not something to hop in and out of because you don't like a contract you want to break!

Please MM, stop pushing for it, it will cause a whole pile of trouble and is really not worth it.

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I see Mitre is pumping the idea of a quick admin again!

This time will cause severe pain. We will not go into admin for a few million, no one would. SE or others would loan the money up to a point so it would be over 10m that we would be placed into admin, same sort of figures as last time before the fines were added.

First cuts are players, managers and non essential staff basically crippling us.

25pts deducted effectively ending our race back to the premier league for at least a year, possibly more.

The loss of the training facility, Ed house etc would be next as they are sold of to the highest bidder (regardless of whether they can be built on or not).

All contracts that could be fulfilled have to be paid off as well as any debts we have so that does not get us out of the contracts you want to.

There are millions of other things (well a few) but its late and I can't think straight with all the crap going on.

Admin is not quick and not painless. There is always the danger that no one steps up again or the CVA is rejected and we end up at the bottom again, effectively killed.

Admin should always be a last resort, not something to hop in and out of because you don't like a contract you want to break!

Please MM, stop pushing for it, it will cause a whole pile of trouble and is really not worth it.

Im not sure if you are aware of this or not, but I really have no say in if we go into admin or not. I dont think the board is looking at this forum for ideas, although I wouldnt put it past them.

Im just laying things out as I see them. Everyone can scream and wail about us being dead if we go into admin, I would rather look at the realistic position we would find ourself in, removing emotion and using logic.

I really hope it doesnt happen and that there are other ways for us to prosper, but im not gonna throw in the towel and start greeting if the hurdle appears.

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Admin is not quick and not painless. There is always the danger that no one steps up again or the CVA is rejected and we end up at the bottom again, effectively killed.

Considering our only debts are to Letham and Easdale, IF we find ourselves in admin again a CVA is infinitely more probable than before. Admin is not something any of us want but IF it happens it WILL be more easily dealt with than before.

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So the spivs and hedge fund managers who control our club or so we are told will allow admin2 to happen and watch their investment go down the toilet?? Seems an odd strategy for 'spivs' to conspire to lose money.

I'm just a simple kind of guy but would it not make more sense for the 'spivs', the Easdales etc. to ensure we get through this season, ensure we get promoted and then sit back and watch their investment increase as share prices rise in value when we are back in the top-tier???

This is going to be a tough season, again. I truly hope we can avoid any further 'financial crisis' as so often mentioned in a Rangers hating rhag. As this season progresses I expect the bile from the Rangers-haters aided by the Blue tims to get increasingly vociferous. One group wants us dead, the other appear blinded by personal agendas.

All the majority of fans can do is keep supporting the club, support the board, support the manager and support each other. Once we are back in the top-tier much of this will seem like a bad dream.

I fear unless the support put aside petty squabbles and ignore the calls for boycotts we may not get through the season. Does anyone really want that to happen??

p.s. I hate the ideology of the Uof and SoS with a passion but would welcome them into Ibrox tomorrow if the declared a moratorium on protests, boycotts etc., until this season is over. Are they men (and women) enough to take a break till this season is over????? I hope yes, I suspect not.

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So the spivs and hedge fund managers who control our club or so we are told will allow admin2 to happen and watch their investment go down the toilet?? Seems an odd strategy for 'spivs' to conspire to lose money.

I'm just a simple kind of guy but would it not make more sense for the 'spivs', the Easdales etc. to ensure we get through this season, ensure we get promoted and then sit back and watch their investment increase as share prices rise in value when we are back in the top-tier???

This is going to be a tough season, again. I truly hope we can avoid any further 'financial crisis' as so often mentioned in a Rangers hating rhag. As this season progresses I expect the bile from the Rangers-haters aided by the Blue tims to get increasingly vociferous. One group wants us dead, the other appear blinded by personal agendas.

All the majority of fans can do is keep supporting the club, support the board, support the manager and support each other. Once we are back in the top-tier much of this will seem like a bad dream.

I fear unless the support put aside petty squabbles and ignore the calls for boycotts we may not get through the season. Does anyone really want that to happen??

p.s. I hate the ideology of the Uof and SoS with a passion but would welcome them into Ibrox tomorrow if the declared a moratorium on protests, boycotts etc., until this season is over. Are they men (and women) enough to take a break till this season is over????? I hope yes, I suspect not.

You dont get it. These people dont EVER lose money. Any money they put in would've been syphoned out long ago.

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