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What Do We Do Now?


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Anger, Pain, Desperation. We have to utilise it.

Our fans are all over the place. For the last 4 years we've been beaten, humiliated, dragged through the mud and left for dead. We don't know who to trust. We've been marginalised, ignored, patronised and lied to.

Enough is enough. We can't just carry on accepting this as our lot.

We don't agree on every aspect of our club. From the boardroom to the pitch, from our traditions to our future. We have different and conflicting opinions on what is best for the club from business to tactics. There's nothing wrong with that. It breeds debate and analysis, arguments. It shows a passion that you care about your opinion because you care about your club.

In 2012 we came too close. The only thing that saved the club, Us. We bought tickets and sold out stadiums. We marched in the streets to the doors of our oppressors and demanded justice. It's a constant cycle we seem to go through. Overwhelming strength and force that slowly ebbs away as we become lazy, apathetic, content. Until we end up in another crisis and the cycle starts again.

Enough of the boom and bust in our boardroom and in the stands.

If even for just a moment we could capture that feeling between us back in 2012 we'd be unstoppable. You look to your left, and your right, and see thousands of Bears who are all there for the same reason as you. No agendas, no conflict, no distrust. Only there to see the Rangers.

What do we do now? Fucked if I know. But our options are extremely limited.

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...Chuck pies at the board on Friday....sit patiently tapping our collective fingers until the 3 Bears/King oust arsleys board and then hope and pray they have a fuckin great plan!....if not its back to chucking pies if any cunt bothers to go the rest of the season..

...also we could send Sarver flowers and chocs till he comes back and buys us off the 3 bears..

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For once, we should let the money do the talking.

How many times are we going to see the support split between 2 or 3 parties? Agenda driven drivel with no factual evidence and not a care for what is being written by the other side. Goldfish regurgitating the same old drivel and questions, despite having seen answers, aptly forgetting about it 10 seconds later.

I am absolutely sick of it.

The one thing I know is that the current regime are not the answer and we either need the 3Bs to go it alone, join forces with King or the board need to wise up and bring Sarver back to the table.

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Don't know, extremely fucked off by the whole thing, saw light at the end of the tunnel in Sarver, extinguished by our custodians. I don't know if a protest would work, a banner or cards held up for Sarver might make a difference.

I feel powerless. We are the people never felt so way off the mark.

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Todays events have shown that we can do absolutely nothing at present to influence in any way what happens with shareholders and in the board room. Additionally, it shows that the people who are in charge of our club are all too aware of that fact.

That's not good enough. I don't agree. We need to be doing something, not excusing our lack of energy and effort.

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That's not good enough. I don't agree. We need to be doing something, not excusing our lack of energy and effort.

tell me what. I am not talking about energy or effort, I am talking about ability to influence. Today has shown we have no such ability. Its unpalatable but its the truth.

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For once, we should let the money do the talking.

How many times are we going to see the support split between 2 or 3 parties? Agenda driven drivel with no factual evidence and not a care for what is being written by the other side. Goldfish regurgitating the same old drivel and questions, despite having seen answers, aptly forgetting about it 10 seconds later.

I am absolutely sick of it.

The one thing I know is that the current regime are not the answer and we either need the 3Bs to go it alone, join forces with King or the board need to wise up and bring Sarver back to the table.


"King good, Ashley baaaad"

"No Ashley good, dodgy Dave baaaad"

I wish they would all just fuck up. Our club is in the shitter and we have these cunts behaving like 5 year old's in the school playground. It's fucking tedious.

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All the fans and the fans groups should get together and demand answers from.

1. The board

2 Dave King

3. The Three Bears

The questions.

1 How will the club be financed in the short term

2.How will the club be funded in the long term

2. How much are you prepared to put up

Surely all Rangers groups must want to know the answers to these basic questions.

Anyone who cant answer them either hasn't a clue or hasn't the money. If no one can answer or the answers aren't satisfactory then we persuade Sarver to come back in. I believe he hinted at that.

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Todays events have shown that we can do absolutely nothing at present to influence in any way what happens with shareholders and in the board room. Additionally, it shows that the people who are in charge of our club are all too aware of that fact.

This sums it up concisely. Those currently in charge have us done up like a kipper.

Fucking self-interested charlatans.

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There is nothing the fans can do. Ibrox is half full and the board limp from loan to loan but they survived the agm and will not step aside. The u.o.f will not questions king at all although I get a feeling they're not so welcoming to the 3. King is the only one that can show any leadership but I doubt his ability to do anything meaningful .

All we can do is hope.

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don't know, I thought Sarver offered a way forward but not with these jokers on the Board. I suppose we need all Rangers supporters to ask themselves what's more important right now? Getting behind the team and showing the world (once again) what it means to follow Rangers or sitting on our backsides moaning about a bunch of guys in suits who we can't dislodge from the Boardroom.

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don't know, I thought Sarver offered a way forward but not with these jokers on the Board. I suppose we need all Rangers supporters to ask themselves what's more important right now? Getting behind the team and showing the world (once again) what it means to follow Rangers or sitting on our backsides moaning about a bunch of guys in suits who we can't dislodge from the Boardroom.

The boardroom are only half the problem in my ever so humble opinion

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That's not good enough. I don't agree. We need to be doing something, not excusing our lack of energy and effort.

Agreed, imagine the worst case scenario and we as fans do nothing to prevent it. If we tried to change things, then at least we have that, we can say we did all we could with our limited powers.

What limited powers do we collectively have which could make a difference? I do not know, I'm neither smart enough or experienced enough to provide any insight.

I can only hope someone comes up with something, and we can all push forward. Sarver seems like the only trust-worthy person willing to put up his cash and I for one am totally gutted his offer wasn't accepted.

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I was very much a moderate/neutral in this boardroom garbage but today was too much. It's not the fact that the bid was rejected but the complete lack of communication between those running our club and Sarver.

Here was a guy who sounded like he was willing to get us back to where we belong.

Everyone involved with running our club can't be trusted.

Every Rangers fan wants stability and I'd say every Rangers fan wants change in the boardroom now. If only this could unite us.

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