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Rewind Three Years


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If you rewound three years, what and where did you think we would be now?

Below is my honest expectations where we would be, thinking back.

I expected a mixed board, neither loved or hated, Chucky boy would have gone we would have about 5mill in the bank, but would have to raise 15 million with a new share issue, to get players for a serious SPL challenge.

I thought we would be miles ahead in first place in the Championship.

Though Ally would be going this season after winning Championship, and we would be getting a new manager for a serious SPL challenge.

The team would be half kids that would have grown through the leagues, like Lewis MacLeod. Expected some pros like Nicky law there, retiring pros like Jig say becoming a coach, and thought we would be buying players like the Dundee United pair for the next season.

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I honestly did'nt think we'd be in the state we're in as i thought the Club would see what the fans could see and that was a Golden opportunity to totally revamp the way we had been going about our business on the Footballing side of things.

Fuck were we wrong although the appointment of McCoist as Manager did'nt help at all.

So many of us seen right through the Man but such was the esteem he was held in it was well nigh impossible to get people to agree with those who seriously doubted his abilities as a Manager.

I believe we will get it right in time though.

The galling thing is what we are going through right now was totally unnecessary with some forward thinking.

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Most people could see from the outset that it was going to end in disaster. As soon as Ally started spending big money to win part-time leagues. Anyone who had a season book in the 3rd divison will know the dross we had to sit thru. It was never going to go well under Ally and he was allowed to ride roughshod over the club for far too long. I know he'd leave us in a right fucking mess.

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3 years ago people still loved whyte and had head firmly in the sand re administration etc

If questions meant to be the start of the journey.. We should have had a team spine of Alexander, Greer / Wilson, McCulloch, Little with obviously youngsters and either Templeton or Shiels (both were never required) I'll admit I was kinda excited bout Black as felt would offer dig whilst helping MacLeod and Hutton improve.

2nd season, Boyd should have been signed instead of Daly, Scott Allan and someone like Hutchinson or Reynolds at the back. Which would have gave us decent platform for this year with youngsters who've improved year on..

Saying all that, we should have got Davies or Mcleish when shit hit the fan, as Ally just wanted to make new friends....

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I had high hopes after wiping the debt and starting a fresh.

After the Motherwell game I felt we were bang on the right track but since then it has all went to shit at an alarmingly fast rate.

I expected us to be bang on for promotion with a few cups under our belts including 3 fish and chip ones. I expected guys like McKay, Crawford, Aird, Lewis, Gasprotto ect to be much improved players and being a big part of our squad after having plenty of first team football under their belts. I also hoped to unearth a few more talented boys from our supposed first class academy and facilities who like the above would benefit from first team football.

I had hoped we would have been stable off the park, not spending huge amounts on journeymen and duds but mixing youth with experience and building a team who would have a certain style of football which would have been night and day from our usual punt it to the big yin up front and hope something sticks.

If you told me we would be on our arse and the boardroom issues were a weekly sitcom of ridiculous propotions while being 16 points behind HEARTS and booted out of every single cup we entered (Including the fish and chips ones) Id have laughed in your face then cried.

We went from starting a fresh to doing a U turn and getting back into the old bad Rangers habits like spending more than everyone else to buy success and looking at former players to get us out of jailI but it went tits up because we stuck by a manager who had zero talent outside actually playing football and that has crippled us in terms of progress.

All in all its been an utter nightmare that not even the most downbeat bear would have predicted three years ago.

Only at Rangers.

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Predicted we would be years behind with Ally in charge. And abused on there forums for saying so. How times changes,,,

Why Ally was allowed to manage us beyond christmas 2011 escapes me.

We were out of europe in the qualifying rounds TWICE, and lost a 9 point lead.

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SPFL clubs should be shitting themselves for our return, instead theyre rubbing their hands together in anticipation. McCoist shouldve been sacked after the Stirling Albion defeat.

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I expected a few young players being blooded every month or so in with the seasoned pro's like Jig etc to enable us to utilise the promising talent we alledgedly had coming through at Auchenhowie. I expected the numbers of fans to remain around the 35,000 mark as we were entertained with the new style of flowing play. I expected that those taking the reins in the Boardroom would be honest and aboveboard and not callously strip us of £millions for their own pockets and I expected a far less traumatic journey up through the leagues that we are having and continue to endure. Instead we had a manager and staff whose sole vision was success through prolific spending by buying in the dross at obscene wages, the fans numbers decreasing steadily week on week due to the tactically inept "football" we were subjected to and humiliated with week on week. In short my humble expectations were shattered many moons ago with the appalling and disgusting treatment meted out to us fans by those on the management and boardroom at Ibrox in the last 3 or so years.

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I expected a proper scouting system in place to be identifying young players with sell on value and have a young team ready to dominate for years.

Instead we have old players with little sell on value that have long since past their prime.

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