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Wage And Age Cap


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Age caps are stupid.

The team need experienced players, and discounting a good player on a bargain because he's 30 is daft. Players can play for anywhere up to a decade in Scotland from that age.

one or two is fine if it brings much need experience to younger players (davie weir)

however filling a whole team with them has rightly been shown up as an utter disaster waiting to happen, our "experienced" over 30's have been laughed at and have had rings ran round them all season by young boys barely able to grow a fucking beard

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I agree with the wage cap, it's the only way to exercise financial management when finances are being controlled by people who perhaps don't understand the impact of asking for more and more.

Or a management team that don't have a fucking clue what they're doing.

Against Celtic we had 3 guys over the age of 35. The average age of our team must be around 30.

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Agree about a Salery structure but not age. It should be about their ability. The current 30 something's are not good enough but as someone mentioned there are always David Weirs.

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An age cap is good in theory. The suggestion of only signing two 27+ would allow the buying of experience. Is that two per season or two per transfer window. Do we have to get rid of any overage players before we buy others? As I say these things are good in theory.

I think a wage cap is a better option. It will tend to keep the average age of the squad lower as the sqyad will turnover as players get sold to clubs that can offer higher wages.

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I agree in general terms we need to sign players more strategically and develop them to capitalise on sales. That said we've enjoyed Weir and Cannigia, they've had Moravcik, Hibs had Sauzee and there are many more. Sometimes older players offer value too and can help the younger ones.

Personally I'd like us to get Scott Allen and Danny Wilson, both 23 and talented players with 1 yr left on their contracts. If we are going to pay fees for anyone those two would be my priority

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Hypothetically, Lampard leaves NYC after 6 months and wants to come to his boyhood heros for a year and will play for £5k a week over the hypothetical cap, do we knock him back? I didn't think so. He is one example. Could be anyone.

We cannot discriminate against players because of their age. We just need to do our scouting and job properly.

As for wage demands. Caps are dangerous in that players who want to come to Scotland will just choose Celtic because they are willing to pay more for them. As Kris Commons did.

We must match and/or exceed their ambition and spending power. We must smash their dominance as quick as we can. Once we are top dogs again then we can draw up pie in the sky plans for Ajax and Porto type models at the club. Stopping Celtic is priority number 1 whether that is right or wrong, it's a must. By whatever means. Huge investment in the team is needed and i don't mean going out and getting Advocaat type bog standard £4m players, i mean investing properly in the right management team and the right players, if we can get them for free transfers so be it.

King will have to sell real ambition to the fans and fans will, to a man, have to buy into it.

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Hypothetically, Lampard leaves NYC after 6 months and wants to come to his boyhood heros for a year and will play for £5k a week over the hypothetical cap, do we knock him back? I didn't think so. He is one example. Could be anyone.

We cannot discriminate against players because of their age. We just need to do our scouting and job properly.

As for wage demands. Caps are dangerous in that players who want to come to Scotland will just choose Celtic because they are willing to pay more for them. As Kris Commons did.

We must match and/or exceed their ambition and spending power. We must smash their dominance as quick as we can. Once we are top dogs again then we can draw up pie in the sky plans for Ajax and Porto type models at the club. Stopping Celtic is priority number 1 whether that is right or wrong, it's a must. By whatever means. Huge investment in the team is needed and i don't mean going out and getting Advocaat type bog standard £4m players, i mean investing properly in the right management team and the right players, if we can get them for free transfers so be it.

King will have to sell real ambition to the fans and fans will, to a man, have to buy into it.

Kings got his work cut out now he's created a group of King fans who believe his every word will be a shock to them if he cant match that Ambition.

Its easy when on the outside making the promises and statements it will be a lot harder to achieve those goals.

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Kings got his work cut out now he's created a group of King fans who believe his every word will be a shock to them if he cant match that Ambition.

Its easy when on the outside making the promises and statements it will be a lot harder to achieve those goals.

Absolutely spot on mate. He has a job, not only stopping Celtics domination, but getting Rangers fans back into the stadium and ploughing money back into the club. He better be up for this fight because that is what it will be. I have no interest in 5 or 10 year plans and visions, allowing Celtic to win trebels galore or 8/9/10 in a row. I want the SPFL title next year. Only because i believe it it is achievable. If King doesn't then he is no use to us. I don't believe i am being unrealistic. this is Scotland not England or Germany. We have one rival who can compete with us financially and it's them we have to conquer, asap. They are a weak enemy. Tims are already running scared and Kings not even in the door yet.

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No one over 30 should be getting more than a one year deal. In fact the whole lot of them should be one one year deals, that way its easier to get rid of the parasites.

Maybe I'm picking you up wrong but that reads like we'd never be able to make more than peanuts from player sales as they'd all be in the final year of a contract at all times.

I was thinking more we should never let anyone reach the last year of their contract without extending or being sold, well not anyone that holds any sell on value. There's going to be exceptions to any rule where their worth to the team is greater than a sell on value (like Laudrup when we were going for 10), more so with older players, but this is one area we've let ourselves down in for years. We leave it too late and sell too cheap.

Way I look at it if we have a decent manager and a more fiscally prudent board we shouldn't be signing any parasites that we need to get rid of.

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Absolutely spot on mate. He has a job, not only stopping Celtics domination, but getting Rangers fans back into the stadium and ploughing money back into the club. He better be up for this fight because that is what it will be. I have no interest in 5 or 10 year plans and visions, allowing Celtic to win trebels galore or 8/9/10 in a row. I want the SPFL title next year. Only because i believe it it is achievable. If King doesn't then he is no use to us. I don't believe i am being unrealistic. this is Scotland not England or Germany. We have one rival who can compete with us financially and it's them we have to conquer, asap. They are a weak enemy. Tims are already running scared and Kings not even in the door yet.

How is that achievable?! We'd need a whole new squad and management team and then everyone would have to gel to form a decent team... Never in a month of Sundays - we'll be lucky to even promoted to the div never mind win it.

I don't want to see the club fall into the same old routine of throwing money at players because the "fans demand instant success" as we're always told. I would prefer some investment in young players and coaching staff where we show genuine progress towards playing good football with the odd stumble in the table over scraping results, playing terrible football just to try and "stop" the dims...

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I think in principle that is the best way to run a football club and probably what we need to be doing for a while.

The danger with that strategy is we'd risk becoming the Scottish version of Arsenal. Always secure in the SPFL, never any financial worries, playing great football but not able to win the league because we won't take a risk and refuse to change our approach.

The difference between us and Arsenal is that if they are second their fans are mostly happy. We need to beat Celtic. I think it would be a lack of ambition if we didn't try to bring in really exciting players occasionally, even if they are a bit older or cost more than normal to give us the edge.

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How is that achievable?! We'd need a whole new squad and management team and then everyone would have to gel to form a decent team... Never in a month of Sundays - we'll be lucky to even promoted to the div never mind win it.

I don't want to see the club fall into the same old routine of throwing money at players because the "fans demand instant success" as we're always told. I would prefer some investment in young players and coaching staff where we show genuine progress towards playing good football with the odd stumble in the table over scraping results, playing terrible football just to try and "stop" the dims...

In what way is it not? Are we competing against Europes elite? We compete in leagues with Europes dross, the lowest of the low. teams who cannot negotiate European qualifying rounds against bang average opposition. Forever underachievers and failures. In amongst mediocrity and amateurish crap. In reality with what we have to offer the game we have 1 true rival. One team to beat. Do that and you conquer the country. That is how Scotland works.

The management team will come. The players will also come. 12 will leave, new ones will come in. A scouting team will be hired and season books will be sold. We are going to jump into the crest of a wave Rangers and Scotland has never ever seen before. This is going to be bigger than the Souness Revolution.

Gel? Gel is an excuse used to pardon mediocre teams who can't strong two passes together. good players will gel, good players will beat rubbbish ones. Football is not a difficult sport, it is not rocket science, it is simple. The formula is easy.

Like it or not, we are going to have to throw money at it, short term, the game needs it, we need it.

The next managerial appointment is the most crucial in our clubs 140 odd year history. Get it wrong and Celtic will be the worlds most successful club in the world within the next 0 years. Make no mistake, that is their aim.

Progress will come in time, first we need to stabilise and do what needs to be done. Stop Celtic. Be King of Scotland then we can plan long term. Then we can work on doing it cheaper, better, more effective, whatever.

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In what way is it not? Are we competing against Europes elite? We compete in leagues with Europes dross, the lowest of the low. teams who cannot negotiate European qualifying rounds against bang average opposition. Forever underachievers and failures. In amongst mediocrity and amateurish crap. In reality with what we have to offer the game we have 1 true rival. One team to beat. Do that and you conquer the country. That is how Scotland works.

The management team will come. The players will also come. 12 will leave, new ones will come in. A scouting team will be hired and season books will be sold. We are going to jump into the crest of a wave Rangers and Scotland has never ever seen before. This is going to be bigger than the Souness Revolution.

Gel? Gel is an excuse used to pardon mediocre teams who can't strong two passes together. good players will gel, good players will beat rubbbish ones. Football is not a difficult sport, it is not rocket science, it is simple. The formula is easy.

Like it or not, we are going to have to throw money at it, short term, the game needs it, we need it.

The next managerial appointment is the most crucial in our clubs 140 odd year history. Get it wrong and Celtic will be the worlds most successful club in the world within the next 0 years. Make no mistake, that is their aim.

Progress will come in time, first we need to stabilise and do what needs to be done. Stop Celtic. Be King of Scotland then we can plan long term. Then we can work on doing it cheaper, better, more effective, whatever.

Have you seen us play in the last few years?! I rest my case...

We are getting outplayed and outfought by part time players most weeks and humped off the Edinburgh sides, its going to take a lot longer than a single summer to turn the team around enough to compete for a premier league title or European qualification, we've not even managed the bloody Ramsden's cup!!

I wish I had your optimism but a reality check is needed, we are a long way off competing for the SPL title and its not going to change between now and August without a miracle

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Have you seen us play in the last few years?! I rest my case...

We are getting outplayed and outfought by part time players most weeks and humped off the Edinburgh sides, its going to take a lot longer than a single summer to turn the team around enough to compete for a premier league title or European qualification, we've not even managed the bloody Ramsden's cup!!

I wish I had your optimism but a reality check is needed, we are a long way off competing for the SPL title and its not going to change between now and August without a miracle

The team in a few months will be unrecognizable to the one that has failed us over the last 3 years. We are 1 transfer window off competing for the SPL title, this summer and it must be a big one. We must do it right.

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