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"rebuild Relationships With Scottish Football" : Dave King

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Aw fuck off with this bullshit, they need us not the other way about and they can fucking well suffer as long as possible for punishing us for fuck all

Explain me through this then, because I can't see a way forward with this argument.

Do we not attempt to get representatives on the spfl board?

Do we not engage with SFA over their governance and procedures?

Do we take the whole of Scottish football to court for their malicious, incompetent handling of our crisis?

The siege mentality has its benefits, but not in the long term success of Rangers fc as far as I can see.

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Explain me through this then, because I can't see a way forward with this argument.

Do we not attempt to get representatives on the spfl board?

why do we need one, is there any reason to have a rangers rep on the board, will it generate more money for us, will it allow us to write our own rules, nope, all it does is gives us a vote on minor things, day to day running things, and if we are seen to vote for something that benefots rangers first it will be voted down by our haters

Do we not engage with SFA over their governance and procedures?

in a fighting sense yes, look at how the tarriers played this out a few years ago, instead of sitting down for a nice cup of tea with the SFA they went toe to toe with them and succeeded numerous times, culminating in the SFA rewriting their own rule book because the tarriers said so

Do we take the whole of Scottish football to court for their malicious, incompetent handling of our crisis?

it would be a start and show that rangers once again are a club with a backbone and a short temper not to be fucked with

The siege mentality has its benefits, but not in the long term success of Rangers fc as far as I can see.

what long term successes will kissing arse get us, already the prize and TV money is balanced in favour of the top two in scottish football, we neednt worry about that, when we are back in the top division once again the financial benefits wilol be there to win, lawwell certainly isnt going to vote to change them anytime soon and neither will milne and thompson

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why do we need one, is there any reason to have a rangers rep on the board, will it generate more money for us, will it allow us to write our own rules, nope, all it does is gives us a vote on minor things, day to day running things, and if we are seen to vote for something that benefots rangers first it will be voted down by our haters

I see it as an opportunity to split the monopoly of the taigs and sheep. We were a founder of Scottish football, of course we should be represented on the league board.

in a fighting sense yes, look at how the tarriers played this out a few years ago, instead of sitting down for a nice cup of tea with the SFA they went toe to toe with them and succeeded numerous times, culminating in the SFA rewriting their own rule book because the tarriers said so

So we do have to engage with them then? Appears we have different interpretations of 'engage'.

it would be a start and show that rangers once again are a club with a backbone and a short temper not to be fucked with

We are struggling to afford getting through a season, a lengthy expensive court battle is hardly a significant priority for the club. It's hardly a cut and dry case either as we would have to prove malicious intent and they'll just hide behind 'guidelines' that are open to interpretation.

what long term successes will kissing arse get us, already the prize and TV money is balanced in favour of the top two in scottish football, we neednt worry about that, when we are back in the top division once again the financial benefits wilol be there to win, lawwell certainly isnt going to vote to change them anytime soon and neither will milne and thompson

They will vote for whatever harms us regardless of what it does to their own clubs, they have shown this. Underestimating the influence wielded from being on the league board within the league is not a smart move. I'd rather be there and it be inconsequential than vice versa.

If you can find anywhere I have said we should "kiss their arses" I'll log out forever...you are using emotive language to make your point, 'having cups of tea', 'kissing arses', 'grovel' etc. That's not acceptable and everyone agrees, engaging and having a business relationship with the league we are in is vital for us moving forward and requires none of those scenarios repeated over and over ITT.

Our role is leading Scottish football from the front, not being the mercurial, sulky superstar who asks 'why always me?'.

Rangers FC has been, and should always be, the pinnacle of Scottish football.

You seem to contradict yourself, how do you think liewell exerted so much pressure without being represented on these governing boards?

It's vital for our future that we take our seat back at the head of Scottish football on and off the pitch.

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I see it as an opportunity to split the monopoly of the taigs and sheep. We were a founder of Scottish football, of course we should be represented on the league board.

we can still be the pinnacle of scottish football and tell them to ram their league board

So we do have to engage with them then? Appears we have different interpretations of 'engage'.

we clearly do, i want us to come out fighting, its about time we went toe to toe with these bastards

We are struggling to afford getting through a season, a lengthy expensive court battle is hardly a significant priority for the club. It's hardly a cut and dry case either as we would have to prove malicious intent and they'll just hide behind 'guidelines' that are open to interpretation.

the new guys have tons of dosh

They will vote for whatever harms us regardless of what it does to their own clubs, they have shown this. Underestimating the influence wielded from being on the league board within the league is not a smart move. I'd rather be there and it be inconsequential than vice versa.

there is a massive difference to when they done it before, they all voted against us because it meant the rattlers got top prize money every year, and the rest had a real shot of being in 2nd place, for them to change the prize money distribution when we are back there it would take an 11-1 vote, both us and the tarriers will not change that

Rangers FC has been, and should always be, the pinnacle of Scottish football.

You seem to contradict yourself, how do you think liewell exerted so much pressure without being represented on these governing boards?

It's vital for our future that we take our seat back at the head of Scottish football on and off the pitch.

even when we were dining at the top of the table we still allowed the rest of scottish football to take pot shots, we allowed donald findlay to resign over a song while another club actively employs a footballer who goes to IRA fundraisers, we allowed our songs to be chastised while the rest of them were given free reign to do whatever they want

dont get me wrong, id love us to be sitting at the top table, but only if we are in the supreme chair while the rest are bowing down around us, scrambling for relevance in our company, we are not going to run scottish football again by being "nice and polite" we need to be ruthless and battlehardened, ready to come out swinging at a momnents notice and stand up for ourselves

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Tbh Jim I respect your argument but it's not dissuaded me from my current opinion.

Given you have yourself admitted we do have to engage with them settles the matter anyway IMO.

Neither of us expect a Rangers board to offer grovelling apologies or ass kissing, but we both know we have to engage with those governing Scottish football. Hence why I don't have an issue with what DK has said in this interview.

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I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for the comment but DK would be better worrying solely about Rangers, not about Scottish football as a whole. He only has to look across city to see that you have to look after number one first and foremost, That's how they got to be in such a powerful position at present. Do they care about Scottish football? Do they hell, they would be the first out of it if their was any sniff of an opportunity.

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Tbh Jim I respect your argument but it's not dissuaded me from my current opinion.

Given you have yourself admitted we do have to engage with them settles the matter anyway IMO.

Neither of us expect a Rangers board to offer grovelling apologies or ass kissing, but we both know we have to engage with those governing Scottish football. Hence why I don't have an issue with what DK has said in this interview.

Apologies for what? please explain

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King is playing the long game.

This butting heads with the SFA/Spfl is getting us no where.

I despise every stinking one of them however the only way we can properly influence Scottish Football and instill some credibility is by making pals with the rats who would have us dead. Then ram it up them.

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It's a necessary evil as far as I can see D'Art. If you can paint me a picture of how we move forward in an awkward, antagonistic stand off with the rest and rulers of Scottish football then I'm converted.

It's not something I will enjoy, it's just I can't see a way forward long term without working alongside Scottish football. I don't expect us to apologise, grovel to them but an element of reciprocal cooperation is necessary IMO. Unless anyone can show me a way forward without that...

I think we need to remember Al that it was not the majority of clubs in Scotland who treated us shamefully - but a small number in the top tier.

There were a considerable no. of clubs and members of the SFL who quickly distanced themseves from the shameful behaviour of the SPL clubs. Those bonds of friendship have been significantly strengthened during our journey so it is not a stand off with the rest of Scottish football.

I dont for a minute believe that an all out war with those who plotted against us would be beneficial to anyone, ourselves included, but I would certainly not be in favour of a return to normal relations until there was, at the very least an act of contrition expressing regret at the way Rangers were treated.

I think that victims who excuse or ignore the actions of the bully or the malicious, are far more likely to find themselves the recipients of such behaviour again in the future, due to the perpetrators believing they can act with malice, without any fear of repercussion.

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