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Hibs Complaint About Sporting Integrity

The Dude

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The SFA fines Rangers £100k for going in to administration. The same SFA failed to issue such a fine to both Dunfermline and Hearts. It would've put Dunfermline under, but still, in the name of sporting integrity it must be done. No?

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Hearts and Hibs,the guardians of sporting integrity :lol:

In 2008 we when reached the UEFA cup final and had a fixture backlog we were told just to get on with it.

If only sporting integrity had existed back then.

It did. We played our congested fixtures to accomodate Lawwells tour of Japan cause of sporting integrity. We also postponed a fixture cause a Motherwell player died and celtic needed time treat injured players.... I mean... grieve for the Motherwell player, in the name of sporting integrity.

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I agree that they should kick off at the same time but don't see a significant advantage to playing after them. The main issue for me here again, is the failure of Scottish football to do what is in the best interest of the fans. 3 o clock on a Saturday is the way it should be and is an away trip we would all have been looking forward too. Sunday just after 12 simply isn't as good. Once again its fans in the stands who are punished. I personally feel more should be done to protect the Saturday 3pm....even this season its seems like those kick off times at Ibrox on that day are few and far apart.

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Hearts aren't happy either.


Neither are Falkirk or Queen of the South.

Stuart McCall also called it a ridiculous decision... And he's right. The final round of games should always kick off simultaneously.

Just ask the Algeria 1982 World Cup squad...

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Neither are Falkirk or Queen of the South.

Stuart McCall also called it a ridiculous decision... And he's right. The final round of games should always kick off simultaneously.

Just ask the Algeria 1982 World Cup squad...

You're right they all should kick off at the same time but to here the utter pomposity of Leanne Dempster talking about unimpeachable sporting integrity really makes me laugh.

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Cunts should read the rules. There's nothing that says all the games must KO at the same time.

It's typically protocol in leagues as TV companies will often broadcast multiple games on the final day of the season.

There are other leagues who do not follow this protocol. Is Mrs Budge suggesting those leagues lack 'sporting integrity'?

Does the CL lack sporting integrity? Teams who play their final fixture on the Wednesday are theoretically able to manipulate a scenario where they could avoid tougher teams in the last 16 based on their placing in their group.

I think you know fine well why they should all be played at once

They've fucked up here

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