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Scottish Teams In (And Out) Of Europe

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I usually try to see the good in our game and defend the standard of Scottish football...

But for, fuck sake, I am sick of hearing an anonymous team's name for the first time, only for them to go down in the history books as being the 'conquerors' of one of our teams in Europe.

I don't even know the name of that team who beat St. Johnstone thenight and Perth is a fine town and I have no truck with their fans but come on tae fuck... A team from Armenia?!

That is just a fucking Grade A EMBARRASSMENT. St. Johnstone, you have shamed the whole country. Aberdeen squeezed through on away goals after a nil-nil draw against another never-before-heard-of team dug up from somewhere in Macedonia and they are hailing it as a great achievement. They won a European trophy not that long ago and look at the tragic state of them now.

Scottish teams in Europe are now a tragicomic bunch. All of them. Selik last year got eleminated three times before they were eventually put down like a pathetic, whining, dying dog.

Get tore in, troops. (tu) Fuck them all.

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The team that beat St Johnstone were the 4th best team in Armenia last year, unranked in Europe as this is their first ever tie by the looks of things!!

The team that the sheep drew with were the third best team in Macedonia (ranked 363). Last two season that team has gone out to Portadown and Zimbru Chisinau in the first round (having actually been beaten on aggregate rather than away goals).

Dear fucking god.

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The team that beat St Johnstone were the 4th best team in Armenia last year, unranked in Europe as this is their first ever tie by the looks of things!!

The team that beat the sheep were the third best team in Macedonia (ranked 363). Last two season that team has gone out to Portadown and Zimbru Chisinau in the first round (having actually been beaten on aggregate rather than away goals).

Dear fucking god.


Although I can see it becoming the status quo.

Switching to summer football won't help matters, it will just make our journey to the daft-side complete.

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The thing is all these countries have improved while things in this country went stale.

So far behind places we used to laugh at.

Sad but so true.

There are still a lot of fans in denial though. Their skewed vision ensures that they still see it as some kind of weakness and an admission that they miss the big, bad Gers so they refuse to recognise that the stagnation is very real and very serious.

Manchester may just have been Scotland's swansong on the European stage.

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The first couple of lines from David McCarthy at the Record just about sums the St. Johnstone game up:

THERE are ways to go out of European football - but losing to the 10 men of an Armenian team ranked 446th by UEFA isn’t one of them.

Make no mistake, Alashkert FC are not a good team. But they still managed to leave Perth as winners last night after St. Johnstone shot themselves spectacularly in the foot.

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Sad but so true.

There are still a lot of fans in denial though. Their skewed vision ensures that they still see it as some kind of weakness and an admission that they miss the big, bad Gers so they refuse to recognise that the stagnation is very real and very serious.

Manchester may just have been Scotland's swansong on the European stage.

I won't buy into that, maybe I'm deluded but I'm convinced either us or the filth will get close again at some point in the next ten years.

Hopefully us as we seem to be in the early stages of a long term plan right now, the rest of the clubs will never, ever produce anything decent again in Europe IMO.

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The first couple of lines from David McCarthy at the Record just about sums the St. Johnstone game up:

THERE are ways to go out of European football - but losing to the 10 men of an Armenian team ranked 446th by UEFA isn’t one of them.

Make no mistake, Alashkert FC are not a good team. But they still managed to leave Perth as winners last night after St. Johnstone shot themselves spectacularly in the foot.

Second worst ranked team in European competition, people are saying apparently?

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It's painful these days, I grew up when Dundee Utd beating Barcelona and Hearts beating Bayern was normal. Every year now is a new shameful low, maybe Celtic can conspire to get eliminated four times this year to put the cherry on the shitty cake.

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It's painful these days, I grew up when Dundee Utd beating Barcelona and Hearts beating Bayern was normal. Every year now is a new shameful low, maybe Celtic can conspire to get eliminated four times this year to put the cherry on the shitty cake.

That was a great run Dundee United went on in 1987 while were winning the title under Souey.

Mate, I am not expecting those days to come back but just over a decade ago Dundee United were winning their first round ties 19-0.

The stagnation, or more likely regression, is staggering.

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Second worst ranked team in European competition, people are saying apparently?

It's a joke.

Like I said in the post above, Dundee United were winning 19-0 in Europe just seventeen years ago.

Scottish football isn't even standing still. We are going backwards at a staggering rate.

Yes, fingers can be pointed at Murdoch and the EPL monstrosity swallowing everything else up on these islands - that is 100% true (and 100% intentional on the part of the slime who ride atop the leviathan down South) - but the admin of the game up here don't exactly fight back. They are a joke.

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It's a joke.

Like I said in the post above, Dundee United were winning 19-0 in Europe just seventeen years ago.

Scottish football isn't even standing still. We are going backwards at a staggering rate.

Yes, fingers can be pointed at Murdoch and the EPL monstrosity swallowing everything else up on these islands - that is 100% true (and 100% intentional on the part of the slime who ride atop the leviathan down South) - but the admin of the game up here don't exactly fight back. They are a joke.

I can actually remember supporting Dundee Utd and Aberdeen in Europe in those days as if it was the national team playing. Unthinkable now. The games become so partisan now that I don't think it will recover. Not for a long time.

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It's a joke.

Like I said in the post above, Dundee United were winning 19-0 in Europe just seventeen years ago.

Scottish football isn't even standing still. We are going backwards at a staggering rate.

Yes, fingers can be pointed at Murdoch and the EPL monstrosity swallowing everything else up on these islands - that is 100% true (and 100% intentional on the part of the slime who ride atop the leviathan down South) - but the admin of the game up here don't exactly fight back. They are a joke.

Finally, you get around to the real reason for Scottish football's demise.

How can institutions advance when corruption and complicity are their foundation stones?

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I can actually remember supporting Dundee Utd and Aberdeen in Europe in those days as if it was the national team playing. Unthinkable now. The games become so partisan now that I don't think it will recover. Not for a long time.

Yes, I was supporting Dundee United all the way in 1987 (especially when they dispatched the play-acting cheats of Monchengladbach who had put us out in an earlier round). And as you rightly say, it is indeed unthinkable now that fans of other clubs would want other Scottish teams to do well, especially in light of the way some others seem to have taken great delight in our troubles over the past few years.

It's very sad that everyone seems to be celebrating each others demise and, as the country's co-efficient further erodes, we all sink deeper and deeper down on the same small-minded ship.

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It's a joke.

Like I said in the post above, Dundee United were winning 19-0 in Europe just seventeen years ago.

Scottish football isn't even standing still. We are going backwards at a staggering rate.

Yes, fingers can be pointed at Murdoch and the

EPL monstrosity swallowing everything else up on these islands - that is 100% true (and 100% intentional on the part of the slime who ride atop the leviathan down South) - but the admin of the game up here don't exactly fight back. They are a joke.

The SPL from the outset whored themselves out to Sky with live games kicking off at 5 on a Saturday and Sunday and when the Irish team playing in the East end couldn't control themselves when Rangers won the league in their own midden the tv contract was ripped up because the 5 o'clock games were no longer allowed.

If a sensible tv contract had been negotiated from the outset and the tv money used to subsidise ticket prices rather than passed on to already well off players then Scottish football would have been in a far better place today.

Those running Scottish football have been a joke ever since I can remember and in recent years they have actually got worse.

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As far as I, and many of our support are concerned, there is no Scottish football, any pretense there is a collective "we" went right out the window along with sporting integrity in the summer of 2012!

What we have here are second rate clubs masquerading as legitimate representatives from a discredited league run for the benefit of one club, who if last years efforts are repeated will only bring further ridicule and embarrassment.

I will be surprised if all the Scottish league representative are not eliminated before the group stages, with the possible exception of the dhims, who will no doubt be assembling the finest legal team money can buy to discredit any opponent foolish enough to be drawn out the hat against them!

As for supporting or wishing any of them well, feck them all, they deserve nothing more than my/ our utter contempt!

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Inverness 0 Astra 1

HNK Rijeka 0 Aberdeen 2

Some result for the sheep. Aparently that team hasn't been beaten in 12 European games at home. They were in the group stages last season and finished 2nd in the Croat league.

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