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Rst Selling Strips In Ibrox Primary School

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Have i got this right you take the money for the fake gear, promise it will be invested eventually, they give you their money you give them useless tat that represents nothing, you say half of that's to buy shares that are not currently available and once they do that they will have no say in what happens regarding the shares.

If they invested directly in the club they would be able to invest the same money which would buy double the shares and they would actually be shareholders with a voice.

You are either very good salesman or your brand appeals to the idiot non thinker in our support.

You know when people on here continually demand answers from people linked to the RST (or RF, or whoever is the flavour of the week) they could at least be polite to the people who give them the answers.

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Have i got this right you take the money for the fake gear, promise it will be invested eventually, they give you their money you give them useless tat that represents nothing, you say half of that's to buy shares that are not currently available and once they do that they will have no say in what happens regarding the shares.

If they invested directly in the club they would be able to invest the same money which would buy double the shares and they would actually be shareholders with a voice.

You are either very good salesman or your brand appeals to the idiot non thinker in our support.

And you seem very good at putting out insults without anything to back them up. Fake - fake what? How are they fake? People know what they are buying, they can see the quality for themselves. If you think it's tat that's up to you but the vast majority are happy with what they are buying. I've no idea what you mean about double the shares for the same money. By the time people pay brokers fees it can be quite expensive to buy shares individually, although I have 10 of my own that cost me £40. Also, the previous company had about 12,000 individual shareholders. What voice did they have?

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And you seem very good at putting out insults without anything to back them up. Fake - fake what? How are they fake? People know what they are buying, they can see the quality for themselves. If you think it's tat that's up to you but the vast majority are happy with what they are buying. I've no idea what you mean about double the shares for the same money. By the time people pay brokers fees it can be quite expensive to buy shares individually, although I have 10 of my own that cost me £40. Also, the previous company had about 12,000 individual shareholders. What voice did they have?

What bit made you feel insulted,? should i feel insulted that you thought no one would see through this offer that basically gives the person buying the tat no shares or no say in the shares bought with their cash in exchange for a top that represents nothing to do with Rangers. Shares that are not even on sale. :anguish:

Lets not play the victim here.

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because they havent provided a breakdown of costs or anything, for an organisation that were part of a group that continually nit picked at any sort of a deal, set up or financial move by the club in the last 3 years, for them to simply show up, sell for a score and say a tenner is profit is laughable

can i ask, what have the RST done to earn your unwavering support? the RST have, lets just say, a chequered past with regards to their priorities when it comes to rangers or self benefit,

thesins just gave you breakdown, if that doesn't satisfy you try getting touch with them.

They nit picked at Green, Ahmed, Stockbridge, Somers, Lambias etc. Is that who you mean when you say the club?

Apart from nit picking the shower of cunts I mentioned, defending our fans and club when being attacked by others, increasing Rangers fans shareholding in our club I can't think of anything of the top of my head that would lead me to praise them.

Hope that answers your question, now can you answer one for me. Why haven't you been calling for a breakdown in costs for the official merchandise?

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And you seem very good at putting out insults without anything to back them up. Fake - fake what? How are they fake? People know what they are buying, they can see the quality for themselves. If you think it's tat that's up to you but the vast majority are happy with what they are buying. I've no idea what you mean about double the shares for the same money. By the time people pay brokers fees it can be quite expensive to buy shares individually, although I have 10 of my own that cost me £40. Also, the previous company had about 12,000 individual shareholders. What voice did they have?

they played a pretty big part in ousting the previous board at the EGM. That's the power of their voice.

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they played a pretty big part in ousting the previous board at the EGM. That's the power of their voice.

I was talking about the oldco but I'd like to think we played our part also, our shares and proxies (including Walters) were worth 8%.

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What bit made you feel insulted,? should i feel insulted that you thought no one would see through this offer that basically gives the person buying the tat no shares or no say in the shares bought with their cash in exchange for a top that represents nothing to do with Rangers. Shares that are not even on sale. :anguish:

Lets not play the victim here.

I was insulted that you called the merchandise fake and that you said it was tat. How can we give people a say when they come up and buy a piece of merchandise? Be reasonable. The people get a top (or whatever) and are happy. Spookily enough, nobody buying them has asked what shares they will own as a result.

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I was insulted that you called the merchandise fake and that you said it was tat. How can we give people a say when they come up and buy a piece of merchandise? Be reasonable. The people get a top (or whatever) and are happy. Spookily enough, nobody buying them has asked what shares they will own as a result.

Fake and Tat is what i consider any of the shite sold outside the stadium, I can never see why Rangers supporters would contribute to giving these traders a wage most are at the scums ground the next week.

I can see what you do you think is different and seem to believe in that but still i see a wheeze.

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thesins just gave you breakdown, if that doesn't satisfy you try getting touch with them.

They nit picked at Green, Ahmed, Stockbridge, Somers, Lambias etc. Is that who you mean when you say the club?

Apart from nit picking the shower of cunts I mentioned, defending our fans and club when being attacked by others, increasing Rangers fans shareholding in our club I can't think of anything of the top of my head that would lead me to praise them.

Hope that answers your question, now can you answer one for me. Why haven't you been calling for a breakdown in costs for the official merchandise?

8.41 at-shirt when bought in bulk, seems a terrible deal, again no actual accounts to back this up but hey ho, they nitpicked at every aspect of any deal when they infact have shown us nothing about their "deal"

defending the fans and the club when it suits them, where were they when the oldco board were beyond useless? and lets not pretend that they wish to increase rangers fans shareholding in the club, its their own members they wish to increase

as smile said, why are they selling to the general public when that general public doesnt get a say in anything RST related

if they wish to raise money for a share issue for their own wee organisation they go right ahead, ask their members for a few quid, have a bake sale, but trying to flog their stuff to general public with no official information other than "we buy them for under a tenner a pop"

P.S is thesins is correct, then whats with the misleading information that we got until today "a tenner goes towards the share issue"

"oops its actually 11 quid odd, sorry folks we didnt mean that miscalculation" :lol:

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8.41 at-shirt when bought in bulk, seems a terrible deal, again no actual accounts to back this up but hey ho, they nitpicked at every aspect of any deal when they infact have shown us nothing about their "deal"

defending the fans and the club when it suits them, where were they when the oldco board were beyond useless? and lets not pretend that they wish to increase rangers fans shareholding in the club, its their own members they wish to increase

as smile said, why are they selling to the general public when that general public doesnt get a say in anything RST related

if they wish to raise money for a share issue for their own wee organisation they go right ahead, ask their members for a few quid, have a bake sale, but trying to flog their stuff to general public with no official information other than "we buy them for under a tenner a pop"

P.S is thesins is correct, then whats with the misleading information that we got until today "a tenner goes towards the share issue"

"oops its actually 11 quid odd, sorry folks we didnt mean that miscalculation" :lol:

Who said the club won't recieve £10 for every £20 T-shirt sold?

The deal on offer is you give the RST £20 and in exchange you get an RST T-shirt. They will use the profits to purchase shares for the RST ( a group made up of Rangers fans ). So basically, you get a T- shirt, they get shares and Rangers get money.If you don't want to buy one of their T-shirts, don't buy one.


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Who said the club won't recieve £10 for every £20 T-shirt sold?

The deal on offer is you give the RST £20 and in exchange you get an RST T-shirt. They will use the profits to purchase shares for the RST ( a group made up of Rangers fans ). So basically, you get a T- shirt, they get shares and Rangers get money.If you don't want to buy one of their T-shirts, don't buy one.


surely a breakdown of costs on the retail deal is in the RR accounts, its not like SD or the megastore are standing in school playgrounds selling tops out the back of a car

as for the rest. these were your words

If your referring to the RST merchandise, if they invest all of the profits in Rangers as they say they will then I can't see who they are ripping off.

if they invest ALL of the profits, first we heard it was a tenner off of every 20, then tonight we have heard its 11 something, my issue is trust which is ironic given its the RST

i wont be buying one, and im sure as hell thousands of others wont, but lets not pretend that they are doing this at a loss as well as some charitable noble act, there will be some form of benefit to some form of RST member, its been like that for god knows how long

now back to my original question which you avoided, why do you trust the RST 100% no question asked

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surely a breakdown of costs on the retail deal is in the RR accounts, its not like SD or the megastore are standing in school playgrounds selling tops out the back of a car

Are you saying you haven't looked into the RR accounts for a breakdown in the costs, after all you're the one who is asking for a breakdown of the RST costs.

How much does it cost to produce an official Rangers top?

Please don't tell me you haven't looked into it.

I thought the RST were selling their merchandise ifrom a temporary shop inside the school, across from Ibrox.

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8.41 at-shirt when bought in bulk, seems a terrible deal, again no actual accounts to back this up but hey ho, they nitpicked at every aspect of any deal when they infact have shown us nothing about their "deal"

defending the fans and the club when it suits them, where were they when the oldco board were beyond useless? and lets not pretend that they wish to increase rangers fans shareholding in the club, its their own members they wish to increase

as smile said, why are they selling to the general public when that general public doesnt get a say in anything RST related

if they wish to raise money for a share issue for their own wee organisation they go right ahead, ask their members for a few quid, have a bake sale, but trying to flog their stuff to general public with no official information other than "we buy them for under a tenner a pop"

P.S is thesins is correct, then whats with the misleading information that we got until today "a tenner goes towards the share issue"

"oops its actually 11 quid odd, sorry folks we didnt mean that miscalculation" :lol:

Our accounts (which are independently audited) are not due out until the summer. We could have bought Fruit of the Loom tee-shirts for a lower cost but decided on a higher quality product. If you are in Glasgow why not take up my offer to come to Lanarkshire and have a look at the invoices and the bank account?

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Are you saying you haven't looked into the RR accounts for a breakdown in the costs, after all you're the one who is asking for a breakdown of the RST costs.

How much does it cost to produce an official Rangers top?

Please don't tell me you haven't looked into it.

I thought the RST were selling their merchandise ifrom a temporary shop inside the school, across from Ibrox.

We are, we pay around £100 for the let.

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if they invest ALL of the profits, first we heard it was a tenner off of every 20, then tonight we have heard its 11 something, my issue is trust which is ironic given its the RST

i wont be buying one, and im sure as hell thousands of others wont, but lets not pretend that they are doing this at a loss as well as some charitable noble act, there will be some form of benefit to some form of RST member, its been like that for god knows how long

now back to my original question which you avoided, why do you trust the RST 100% no question asked

You have no trust issues with MA/SD,?

No concerns over the gagging order preventing our board giving us any info?

Back to your original question, still the same answer I'm afraid. I have no reason to believe they're lying.

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Our accounts (which are independently audited) are not due out until the summer. We could have bought Fruit of the Loom tee-shirts for a lower cost but decided on a higher quality product. If you are in Glasgow why not take up my offer to come to Lanarkshire and have a look at the invoices and the bank account?

An offer I'm sure he won't refuse.
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What other Clubs release breakdowns of their retail deals?

And i have asked people to provide proof of their figures on the retail deal,in particular fans that claim its 5p in a pound to help sell their own fake gear, when they themselves have no idea if its 5p in the pound.

First its 5p in the pound and thats why we should boycott, next thing you know nobody knows what the real figure and your claiming we're wrong for not asking for them. Youre all over the place.

Even if 10 quid for every 20 went into the share issue, whenever that is, the Club would make double the cash if fans didnt buy one of the rst tops and instead bought £20 worth of shares. Fact. Any real fan, unless they were only in it for themselves or their own group, would encourage fans to keep their money till the share issue or invest directly into the Club.

And folk will say "but people still want to buy Rangers merch" well the RST arent selling Rangers merch, theyre selling cheap 8 quid tops for 20 quid that have fuck all to do with Rangers, its literally the same as me drawing RFC with a felt pen on a 3 quid white shirt, selling it for a tenner, marketing it as an alternative to official merch and claiming that half the cash will eventually at some unknown point in the future be exchanged for shares, not given, donated or loaned, exchanged for shares that will give myself and my group a voice with your cash.

But why would anyone want to soeak for themselves when we have the RST to do our talking and thinking for us?

And as usual, youll turn it around and ignore half of what gets said, and point the fugure at Ashley, claiming we back him when no one does because it suits your agenda. Kind of like another paranoid lot i know of.

If people want to buy Rangers gear without going to SD then they should buy a retro kit or a top of GB, where the money goes to a good cause. If they want to invest in a share issue they should hold onto their money and buy their own shares and have their own say. Dont know why anyone who isnt an RST member would want them to buy shares with their cash instead of owning their own. And if they want a top theres plenty better real Rangers tops than the cheap lookalikes the RST sell.

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You have no trust issues with MA/SD,?

No concerns over the gagging order preventing our board giving us any info?

Back to your original question, still the same answer I'm afraid. I have no reason to believe they're lying.

Oh theres the bogeyman again the one with the Actual contract to sell Rangers gear. :anguish: if its getting tough just mention the bogeyman.

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What other Clubs release breakdowns of their retail deals?

And i have asked people to provide proof of their figures on the retail deal,in particular fans that claim its 5p in a pound to help sell their own fake gear, when they themselves have no idea if its 5p in the pound.

First its 5p in the pound and thats why we should boycott, next thing you know nobody knows what the real figure and your claiming we're wrong for not asking for them. Youre all over the place.

Even if 10 quid for every 20 went into the share issue, whenever that is, the Club would make double the cash if fans didnt buy one of the rst tops and instead bought £20 worth of shares. Fact. Any real fan, unless they were only in it for themselves or their own group, would encourage fans to keep their money till the share issue or invest directly into the Club.

And folk will say "but people still want to buy Rangers merch" well the RST arent selling Rangers merch, theyre selling cheap 8 quid tops for 20 quid that have fuck all to do with Rangers, its literally the same as me drawing RFC with a felt pen on a 3 quid white shirt, selling it for a tenner, marketing it as an alternative to official merch and claiming that half the cash will eventually at some unknown point in the future be exchanged for shares, not given, donated or loaned, exchanged for shares that will give myself and my group a voice with your cash.

But why would anyone want to soeak for themselves when we have the RST to do our talking and thinking for us?

And as usual, youll turn it around and ignore half of what gets said, and point the fugure at Ashley, claiming we back him when no one does because it suits your agenda. Kind of like another paranoid lot i know of.

If people want to buy Rangers gear without going to SD then they should buy a retro kit or a top of GB, where the money goes to a good cause. If they want to invest in a share issue they should hold onto their money and buy their own shares and have their own say. Dont know why anyone who isnt an RST member would want them to buy shares with their cash instead of owning their own. And if they want a top theres plenty better real Rangers tops than the cheap lookalikes the RST sell.


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If people want to buy from SD then they have every right to do so.

If people want to buy from GB then they have every right to do so.

If people want to buy from RST then they shouldn't because you don't like them.

SD don't have to give a breakdown of costs.

GB doesn't have to give a breakdown of costs. ( I'm not looking for a breakdown ).

RST must tell us to the penny how much their gear costs.

Have I got it right?

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If people want to buy from SD then they have every right to do so.

If people want to buy from GB then they have every right to do so.

If people want to buy from RST then they shouldn't because you don't like them.

SD don't have to give a breakdown of costs.

GB doesn't have to give a breakdown of costs. ( I'm not looking for a breakdown ).

RST must tell us to the penny how much their gear costs.

Have I got it right?

So you want no Transparency now. good to know end debate.

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