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1 minute ago, HuistraHairDo said:

Its a bit of banter who fucking cares what anyone has ever thought of us? Instead of greeting about fuck all, the offended could have bought a permanent marker went back to said shop and wrote BIGJOCKnewco... Simples...... tarriers love the bants.

The Rangers fan who done that would get lifted no doubt, that's the difference.

Hopefully someone undisclosed will put their window in, just for bantz.

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14 minutes ago, HuistraHairDo said:

Its a bit of banter who fucking cares what anyone has ever thought of us? Instead of greeting about fuck all, the offended could have bought a permanent marker went back to said shop and wrote BIGJOCKnewco... Simples...... tarriers love the bants.

the one and only thing i'm concerned about is getting a new generation of fans without having to pull teeth. now this kind of constant bullshit being spouted by businesses or media outlets does nothing to help our cause regarding gaining new fans. 

yes most fans will be fans because of family allegiances, however the neutral not born into an old firm family who could turn out to be a good fan of our club could quite easily be swayed by this kind of shit. 

i'm not offended at all by this kind of thing, i'm simply concerned about future possible fans being put off, when we could quite easily gain from them.

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I know who and what we are, but I have to break ranks and state that I cannot fucking stand all this newco/sevco shite and and want to rip out their hearts when I hear it mentioned. It's wearing thin on me. Call me sensitive, but not only do I see it as an attack on my club, I see it as a personal attack on me and showing disrespect, so it needs nipped immediately with an appropriate volley. I've had two skirmishes both in Indian's recently. On the first one, a bunch of taigs giving it yahoo about their scummy team when we walked in. None of it directed at us, just having the craic rather loudly amongst themselves. I'm sure others dining in the place must have felt intimidated by this rabble. I'm thinking fuck that, so I switched on the Galaxy with a few notable FB tunes. The whole fucking place went silent as they all tried to work out where the tunes were coming from. We started whistling and then burst out laughing. The spineless cunts complained to the owner, whom I know very well, so they were given short shrift and they left quietly.

The second was only last week, when fuck me we were sat at the next table to four of them. They obviously heard us talking about the CF and they started the Sevco chat amongst themselves, knowing we would overhear it. I was fucking boiling and just couldn't contain myself, so I got up to go out for my usual smoko and just wiped their table clean all onto the floor.. They didn't budge and I kept walking as I passed the owner with a smile. They settled up and left.

Last year at the Walk, me and the Brothers always go to the same cafe for a bit scran just round from the Gallowgate. We finished and I head out first bursting for my smoko. I'm walking up the street and then I hear the rabble behind me giving it the OB shite and I'm getting stabbed. Don't get me wrong, I'm thinking oh fuck, then I turn round and start laughing as I see the Brothers coming behind them, which they don't see. What happened next was great fun.

Now I don't go anywhere to cause a stir, shouting the odds about my team, causing offence, with fear and intimidation like with their *ra shite,  but these cunts do and think they are timmy big baws and pick their victims, in disrupting a family night out. In my book the more they are pulled and taught a lesson the better. I'm not advocating violence by any stretch, just pointing out just how anti social and cowardly these cunts really are and rember when to pick your battles, but you should never be exposed to it in the first place. 

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10 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

I know who and what we are, but I have to break ranks and state that I cannot fucking stand all this newco/sevco shite and and want to rip out their hearts when I hear it mentioned. It's wearing thin on me. Call me sensitive, but not only do I see it as an attack on my club, I see it as a personal attack on me and showing disrespect, so it needs nipped immediately with an appropriate volley. I've had two skirmishes both in Indian's recently. On the first one, a bunch of taigs giving it yahoo about their scummy team when we walked in. None of it directed at us, just having the craic rather loudly amongst themselves. I'm sure others dining in the place must have felt intimidated by this rabble. I'm thinking fuck that, so I switched on the Galaxy with a few notable FB tunes. The whole fucking place went silent as they all tried to work out where the tunes were coming from. We started whistling and then burst out laughing. The spineless cunts complained to the owner, whom I know very well, so they were given short shrift and they left quietly.

The second was only last week, when fuck me we were sat at the next table to four of them. They obviously heard us talking about the CF and they started the Sevco chat amongst themselves, knowing we would overhear it. I was fucking boiling and just couldn't contain myself, so I got up to go out for my usual smoko and just wiped their table clean all onto the floor.. They didn't budge and I kept walking as I passed the owner with a smile. They settled up and left.

Last year at the Walk, me and the Brothers always go to the same cafe for a bit scran just round from the Gallowgate. We finished and I head out first bursting for my smoko. I'm walking up the street and then I hear the rabble behind me giving it the OB shite and I'm getting stabbed. Don't get me wrong, I'm thinking oh fuck, then I turn round and start laughing as I see the Brothers coming behind them, which they don't see. What happened next was great fun.

Now I don't go anywhere to cause a stir, shouting the odds about my team, causing offence, with fear and intimidation like with their *ra shite,  but these cunts do and think they are timmy big baws and pick their victims, in disrupting a family night out. In my book the more they are pulled and taught a lesson the better. I'm not advocating violence by any stretch, just pointing out just how anti social and cowardly these cunts really are and rember when to pick your battles, but you should never be exposed to it in the first place. 

Okay, you're sensitive.

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15 hours ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

I like being Sevco.

We are like the football club equivalent of Jesus.

We were Rangers, then we raised from the dead with superpowers. Whats not to like?

I prefer to think of us more like Gandalf than Jesus.

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16 hours ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

When the newco dross is being perpetuated individuals, I find it simultaneously sad and pathetic.  When the new company myth is being giving credence by companies, then it ought to be challenged.

Anyone with a Bet Fred account should cancel it and let them know why.

Shall be doing so later today.

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2 hours ago, AlBear85 said:

I highly doubt kids with no affiliation are walking past that shop and going, "haha 'newco Rangers'? I'm naw supporting them. I'm gonna be a hibbee coz I can win more money if they win."

I highly doubt that as well, however the effect is cumulative and that's what worries me. All of these things in isolation can be laughed off, however when it feels like a campaign to damage the club - which when you gather all of the incidents together (false information, title stripping etc) - it is - then it has to be corrected in some way in my opinion.

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1 hour ago, Smile said:

Exactly i'd never discuss football with them as what would be the point.

Used to have a good mate that was a taig, he was fine sober, however it didn't take much drink for him to start being a cunt and showing his real colours and how much of a lack of humour he had about the football banter shared both ways.

Never again, they are extremely bitter and twisted.

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