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Sheils Released


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Good luck with your future career Dean, pity you had to go, but times they are a changing.

His scoring record wasn't too bad, but I have to say, I can't remember the last time he scored. That's more my memory I suppose. It was also a wee bit of a surprise as last season he was the main sub in most of our games and sometimes changed it around.

Still, the midfield is becoming a busy place at Rangers and someone has to go.

Again, good luck!

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8 hours ago, graeme_4 said:

You sure? Suprised at that. 

Definitely, said back in the press back in January they were in discussions and a contract had been offered - since heard he had been offered half the wage he was on. Would assume he's got another club lined up (more dosh or better chance of playing), all the best to him.

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2 hours ago, BEE said:

Definitely, said back in the press back in January they were in discussions and a contract had been offered - since heard he had been offered half the wage he was on. Would assume he's got another club lined up (more dosh or better chance of playing), all the best to him.

I'm gutted :(

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Can't say I'm too disappointed to see the back of him to be honest. He simply showed he lacked the quality we now need to take us to the next level. No disgrace in that and I wish him well. He scored a few good goals for us, but mostly flattered to deceive in most of the games I saw him play. He wasn't alone in that regard though, as the final remnants of Ally McCoist's team are now confined to the history books.

The ironic thing is that Shiels, Clarke, Law etc will probably go on to play very well for smaller clubs. I often wondered if we signed Nicky Clarke's twin brother by mistake, when I read about how many goals he had banged in for his last club, QOS. Warburton has shown a tremendous shrewdness in the transfer market of identifying players, who are not only good      players, but who also have the strength of character to play for us; players who won't hide when the going gets tough in front of 40,000 + fans. That's where Ally failed badly unfortunately - he did not look at the full package when identifying  players and it fell apart for him in his final season.


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12 hours ago, SwallowsHisOwnSpunk said:

Just happy I will never have to worry about Nicky Law, Dean Shiels or Nicky Clark coming off the bench and fucking us up again.


all the best Dean but im not gutted either - cya 

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