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Classic quote from Joey re Scott Brown!

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Still pleased as hell with the capture of Joey Barton...didn't think it would come off. I watched him a few times on the tv when he was at QPR and he was top drawer. I knew of his reputation, but he simply oozed class and bossed the midfield area - no one in midfield could get anywhere near him in the games I saw of him, with his hard tackling and superb range of passing. It's a long time since we have had someone like that in central midfield berth.

Anyway, I was driving on the M25 today listening to Alan Brazil & Joey Barton. Alan makes reference to the upcoming old firm clashes cashes, and the impending battles Joey will undoubtedly have with Brown...Like someone swatting an annoying fly, Joey simply tells Alan that "When I'm playing at my level, Scott Brown is nowhere near as good as me!" He was more or less telling Alan Brazil that he knows of Brown's so-called reputation, but he couldn't lace his boots! Quality.

Keep it up Joey! Upwards and onwards.

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@Smile...Yip, totally agree, but that's my point - Joey does do his talking on the pitch, as he is a superb player, and has palyed at a very high level, as opposed to Brown, who only goes by his reputation and is the great pretender. You are right though, Brown's days will probably be numbered under Brendon.

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Many tend to forget that Barton's actually a solid footballer and much better than Brown has ever been.  Scott Brown's going to end up chasing Joey all over the pitch trying to kick lumps out of him and left red faced.  I think next season will be Brown's last at Celtic.  Brown's never been a footballer he's just a fucking ned, like Lennon, and that's why the knuckle draggers like him.

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12 minutes ago, Truth_is_out_there said:

@Smile...Yip, totally agree, but that's my point - Joey does do his talking on the pitch, as he is a superb player, and has palyed at a very high level, as opposed to Brown, who only goes by his reputation and is the great pretender. You are right though, Brown's days will probably be numbered under Brendon.


I'm hoping he doesn't notice he's so shite.

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38 minutes ago, Smile said:

All talking should be done on the Pitch. I'd be surprised if Brenda doesn't notice Browns finished.

I was about to post the same thing. I love Joey's attitude, but Rangers do their talking on the pitch and I hope this doesn't come back to bite him on the arse.

Then again, it's Scott Brown.

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8 minutes ago, Blueshoff said:

Heard it when i was driving.  I know he has to do it on pitch but he has already got the upper hand mentally.

Brown will be running about like a headless chicken (even more than usual).

This is true actually. This will rile the lego muncher up beyond belief. He'll play out of his skin and he'll be even more shite than normal.

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Brooney's reputation was fully shredded after the semi at Hampden. 

Apart from the great wee flick up and over his boot that gave him an assist for Kenny's goal did little else entertaining. 

His posturing and eyeballing at us as he came on the park wasn't even worthy of reaction. 

And the way Barry McKay wrong footed him in midfield, to set up his goal was brilliant, but embarrasing for Brown. 

However as captain you expect him to rise to the occasion at a vital time, and as he put that ball on the spot for the penalty he was probably thinking, yep I'll show them...........

Then wee inexperienced Zelalem showed him how to take a penalty under pressure......


All Broonies's credibility now long gone, and how our fan's enjoyed it. 

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2 hours ago, Ayrshire_Bear said:

Scott Brown couldn't handle Halliday, how's he gonna handle Barton?

Was my first thought. Barton is 5 times the player Haliday is and he ripped Broonaldo a new one. Imagine was Barton will do to him. Going to be immense. 

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I think Barton will do well as even with all the arrogance he is a very good player who's done really well in a lot tougher leagues.

Browns a nobody who never even came out his comfort zone in a team that's played against nobody decent for years.

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"HE AIN'T IN MY LEAGUE!" "WITHOUT BEING DISRESPECTFUL" lets see who gets disrespected Joey. You will never have experienced hatred and venom as much as you will ever see or probably will ever see in your life,which includes the spell you had in Strangeways,on the lead up to and when we beat the people who wish to hide their history you will never in a lifetime experience the hate towards you. Brace yourself Joey and just be strong,and should you blink the bheasts will devour you. Hearing you speak Joey makes me think you have these cunts sussed but prepare yourself to be the object of hate even if you have played the best game of your life and destroyed the tramps single handed you will only get plaudits from Rangers fans. It seems as if you have been lisening to wise words from somone connected with Rangers when you stated its not about Joey Barton v scotty balloon,its about Rangers V the rest of Scotland. Actually think you will be a shining light for us this season and you will be strong and handle all the shite they will throw at you and believe me when I tell you that they will drag up the fact you farted when you were 5 years old in a bid to get under your skin. These are not normal people but a race of people filled with ghreen bhelly bhile and they will spew it all over you should you show any signs of weakness. Just do it for Rangers Joey :uk: 

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