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Things we can all agree on


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The way everything is going on would we agree on these?

1. Scottish football is in its worst state ever 

2. Time to bring in referees from other countries or video replays to help us

3. Pedro needs to be in 2nd place by Christmas within 6 points of the scum or its time up

4. Pena isn't going to cut it here

5. Windass is a lost cause

6. We need cash injection for players and stadium maintenance 

7. Need to shift about 8 players out the club in January

8. The board have to go

9. Alice needs to get a decent makeup artist or stay off the clay

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1. Agreed, the UEFA coefficients don't lie.

2. Some of the refereeing in UEFA competition is just as bad, can't see any better or worse the SFA refs.

3. The game is up for him, he won't achieve a sufficient string of wins till Christmas.

4. Agreed, needs to be punted out on loan to Mexico.

5. Agreed, far to inconsistent and should have followed Crooks back to EFL2

6. Where is this going to come from??

7. We have made our bed with the squad, we can't afford to purchase replacements as nobody will likely buy these players at a decent price, if at all.

8. Any queues forming to take over and invest?? can't see them myself.

9. Forgot about her, thought she was made of plastic tbh.


In conclusion, I agree that we are fucked at the moment.


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In spite of the differences in our convictions in supporting teams on opposite sides of the political, cultural and sporting spectrums I really think that all supporters of Rangers and celtic can come together just the once and agree on one basic thing...............









.......Big Jock Knew.

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