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The board must shoulder the blame here


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We rightfully sacked Pedro and almost all of us applauded them for moving so quickly.

however we sacked him at 6 points behind. Murty once again stepped up to the plate and got us victories at Murrayfield and at home to thistle. However the criticism starts from.there, there was an international break. This should've been when approaches were made. Murty as proven last time is an able deputy for a few games but he has his flaws. He is afterall an inexperienced u21 manager who is starting out on his managerial career.

The board don't miss chances like morelos last week however Murtys lack of managerial nous cost him last week when he was absolutely clueless as to how to change a game we had dominated but went 1 0 down in. A more experienced manager would've identified what was needed and acted accordingly. 

The board have let us down big time. 6 points behind and made a good and brave decision imo. 2 losses later against Hamilton and Dundee at home and we are now out of any slim.hipe of the title and once again only a Scottish cup to play for. In November that's fucking criminal 

They're starting to struggle with support from the fans who I talk to who wanted them in during the last couple of years. Rangers fans deserve a side like Barcelona, the Rangers board have exactly what they deserve at thks moment in time 

If they cant deliver then they should hand over to someone that can.


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1 minute ago, Rfc52 said:

We rightfully sacked Pedro and almost all of us applauded them for moving so quickly.

however we sacked him at 6 points behind. Murty once again stepped up to the plate and got us victories at Murrayfield and at home to thistle. However the criticism starts from.there, there was an international break. This should've been when approaches were made. Murty as proven last time is an able deputy for a few games but he has his flaws. He is afterall an inexperienced u21 manager who is starting out on his managerial career.

The board don't miss chances like morelos last week however Murtys lack of managerial nous cost him last week when he was absolutely clueless as to how to change a game we had dominated but went 1 0 down in. A more experienced manager would've identified what was needed and acted accordingly. 

The board have let us down big time. 6 points behind and made a good and brave decision imo. 2 losses later against Hamilton and Dundee at home and we are now out of any slim.hipe of the title and once again only a Scottish cup to play for.

They're starting to struggle with support from the fans who I talk to who wanted them in during the last couple of years. Rangers fans deserve a side like Barcelona, the Rangers board have exactly what they deserve at thks moment in time 

If they cant deliver then they should hand over to someone that can.


Totally agree mate but ffs, you should’ve picked anyone but Barca. Their president is under investigation for tax fraud. :whistle:

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The new manager should have been in place the week after Pedro was gone, this circus is trundling along with the wheels falling off as the games go on, we are looking more and more rudderless and indecisive the longer it goes on, our house is build on sand ffs, we need a plan  with solid foundations to build on instead of bumbling along from one crisis to the next, is there anyone in the boardroom with a pair of bollocks to do the right thing for once as we are in some nick now , the silky calming words of jam tomorrow are wearing a bit thin, we need doers instead of bullshitters.

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The silence from the board regarding the manager post is deafening. Surely we deserve better than this. There’s only so much a group of supporters can take and many of us are reaching breaking point.

IMO they’ve actually made it worse for themselves because the longer this goes on the better an appointment I feel we deserve (I know it’ll be someone completely underwhelming) and if it is someone like McLeish (?) then serious questions must be asked as to why they have waited so long when he could have been in post immediately.

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The seasons a write off before Santa is down the chimney....again 

Scottish cup but let's face it that's going to end in disaster as soon as we face a half decent side just like every other game this season.

It's a one horse league and we can't even get to second place, that's honestly honking. I mean the league's pish and the standard is woeful and it gets worse every season yet we can't seem to handle it despite a huge advantage over all but one side.

The board have honestly fucked it, they took huge expensive gambles that we all knew would end in disaster. Backing a nobody who brought in utter dross like Pena and Herrera says it all.

We can't afford another rebuild but we have no choice, we can' afford another manager but again we have no choice. Where is the money going to come from? They can' bank on ST sales this time because no amount of going for 55 bullshit is going to sell them next season. Most of the support have wised up to how feeble this lot are.

I'm fucking scunnered with it all, watching us is a chore now and I honestly applaud those who turn up week in week out like @Mr Soprano ect, those boys sit freezing...rain or shine spending their wages on watching players not give a fuck and a board who seem not to care either. The board need to be careful here because more of this and we will not only lose a generation of supporters but also one by one risk losing the generation before.

This club and it's fans deserve so much more

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28 minutes ago, Moody Blue Legend said:

I don't think they acted quickly with Pedro mate.  That Euro game should have been his last.

It should've mate and I said so at the time. I feel though due to his spend then they had to.see if it could turn round.

I totally agree though 

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35 minutes ago, Carsons Dog said:

As per the last communication from the board here is Paul Murray waiting for applications for the managers job to arrive.


Any statement that says we are accepting application smacks of desperation and that we are struggling to attract anyone. We are a bomb scare of a club these days. Managerial suicide 

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There's hardly a club out there that won't have contingency plans with managers and be ready to get going as soon as one leaves for whatever reason, we see the evidence every season around the world that football management has a short life span these days someone lasting decades like Alex Ferguson or Arsene Wenger simply isn't realistic anymore

It's unforgiveable that the board don't seem to have had any plan for Pedro going even after all his earlier failures, either that or they've decided to hang around for the sake of looking like they're considering multiple options and it's backfired majorly

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I think the lack of plan is due to the lack of money. If we had money i reckon they would have just appointed or tried to appoint mcInnes. Why wait and heap all this unnecessary pressure on themselves. The one thing that is below the mark is the lack of transparency since pedro left. But to be fair, i doubt they even know what they are doing.


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Taking £4/5/600 off people for season tickets then writing the season off in November is absolutely disgusting

I genuinely don't even think they have our best interests at heart, they are an absolute disgrace and if they get an easy ride at the AGM something needs done about Club 1872.

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Not even one fucking interview with Stewart Robertson/King or anycunt since the Caixinha sacking.

Fans treated like mushrooms by a board who promised Transparency.

We’ve had the usual cringeworthy statement from that throbber Traynor and a couple of pravda like articles  from TRO..

Our club is rudderless from top to the bottom and we deserve better..

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4 hours ago, The Dude said:

Fuck all. Which is probably the most infuriating bit of all this. Expecting Murty to take both Aberdeen games.

I dont want a new gaffer in now right before the sheeps games, a new man needs time to see his squad etc, last 2 games would have been perfect opportunity 



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