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If you cannot stop singing about Fenian's at Rangers games, then stop  going.

If you cannot stop this sectarian shite that has no relevance to us, then stay away, otherwise you are just an enemy of the club.

The club have repeatedly asked you to stop, yet you have not and now we are being hit financially and reputationaly  for your actions.

No-one gives a shit about your stupid logic about why calling someone a 'fenian bastard' is not sectarian. You clearly dont understand how language works because you are too fucking thick.

Fuck off and support someone else because this club does not want you.

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1 minute ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

If you cannot stop singing about Fenian's at Rangers games, then stop  going.

If you cannot stop this sectarian shite that has no relevance to us, then stay away, otherwise you are just an enemy of the club.

The club have repeatedly asked you to stop, yet you have not and now we are being hit financially and reputationaly  for your actions.

No-one gives a shit about your stupid logic about why calling someone a 'fenian bastard' is not sectarian. You clearly dont understand how language works because you are too fucking thick.

Fuck off and support someone else because this club does not want you.

You better get your tin hat on mate, that's all I'm saying.... 

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1 minute ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

If you cannot stop singing about Fenian's at Rangers games, then stop  going.

If you cannot stop this sectarian shite that has no relevance to us, then stay away, otherwise you are just an enemy of the club.

The club have repeatedly asked you to stop, yet you have not and now we are being hit financially and reputationaly  for your actions.

No-one gives a shit about your stupid logic about why calling someone a 'fenian bastard' is not sectarian. You clearly dont understand how language works because you are too fucking thick.

Fuck off and support someone else because this club does not want you.

Your failing to see the point, granted these songs contravene UEFA rules however so does the massive amount of incidents that have happened during UEFA competitions at celtic Park of the past decade. It staggers belief that they have received very little punishment for incidents that have been more severe and I don’t doubt for a minute there was sectarian or racist singing at parkhead. So why the difference in punishment ? .FARE are fucking at it and we as fans and a club should not stop until they are taken to task 

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Just now, The Hammer 11 said:

Your failing to see the point, granted these songs contravene UEFA rules however so does the massive amount of incidents that have happened during UEFA competitions at celtic Park of the past decade. It staggers belief that they have received very little punishment for incidents that have been more severe and I don’t doubt for a minute there was sectarian or racist singing at parkhead. So why the difference in punishment ? .FARE are fucking at it and we as fans and a club should not stop until they are taken to task 

Im not missing the fucking point. That is just excuse after excuse.

Cunts have sung about 'Fenians' after being repeatedly told not to from the club. Now we have a partial fucking stadium closure.

They are fucking idiots and should just fuck off and support someone else as they are just an enemy of the club now.

I dont give a fuck about any arguments about what others get up to. We broke the rules, we have been punished, it is the fault of the fucking neanderthals in our support, no-one else. 


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1 minute ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Im not missing the fucking point. That is just excuse after excuse.

Cunts have sung about 'Fenians' after being repeatedly told not to from the club. Now we have a partial fucking stadium closure.

They are fucking idiots and should just fuck off and support someone else as they are just an enemy of the club now.

I dont give a fuck about any arguments about what others get up to. We broke the rules, we have been punished, it is the fault of the fucking neanderthals in our support, no-one else. 


Thing is in certain games and especially big European games as much as 45k+ fans can be heard singing these offensive songs so you've basically just insulted the whole home support. 

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Just now, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Im not missing the fucking point. That is just excuse after excuse.

Cunts have sung about 'Fenians' after being repeatedly told not to from the club. Now we have a partial fucking stadium closure.

They are fucking idiots and should just fuck off and support someone else as they are just an enemy of the club now.

I dont give a fuck about any arguments about what others get up to. We broke the rules, we have been punished, it is the fault of the fucking neanderthals in our support, no-one else. 


Why should our punishment be any different to other clubs though. Disciplinary action needs to be transparent and even handed.This bull shit isn’t and if the board don’t do anything about this they are a fucking joke as they’re setting a dangerous precedent for cunts like FARE in the future.People in here have very short memories about what has happened to us in the past let’s face it these cunts won’t rest until we no longer exist and if we roll over this is another big victory for them. But keep your head in the sand mate nothing to see here UEFA and FARE always dish out adequate punishment.

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There are plenty of folk on here who I don’t like or don’t agree with and have called them out but I would never refer to fellow bears as the enemy. This is one of the worst posts I have seen on here and should be deleted.

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1 minute ago, govanblue said:

what's sectarian about hating fenians? 

Singing sectarian songs is pretty good evidence of being sectarian.

If you are trying to claim that calling people 'fenian bastards' etc is not sectarian, then I dont really have much time for you to be honest.

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Just now, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Singing sectarian songs is pretty good evidence of being sectarian.

If you are trying to claim that calling people 'fenian bastards' etc is not sectarian, then I dont really have much time for you to be honest.

They had a banner at their game Calling themselves fenian. 

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1 minute ago, Dickie said:

There are plenty of folk on here who I don’t like or don’t agree with and have called them out but I would never refer to fellow bears as the enemy. This is one of the worst posts I have seen on here and should be deleted.

Cunts doing this are now causing the club to be hit financially after countless warnings.

If they continue to do it, they are indeed an enemy of the club as far as I can tell. Should be banned.

This topic should in no way be fucking deleted. Ill no doubt take an absolute torrant of abuse for it, but it is the fucking truth and most of you know it, but just wont admit it.

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17 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

If you cannot stop singing about Fenian's at Rangers games, then stop  going.

If you cannot stop this sectarian shite that has no relevance to us, then stay away, otherwise you are just an enemy of the club.

The club have repeatedly asked you to stop, yet you have not and now we are being hit financially and reputationaly  for your actions.

No-one gives a shit about your stupid logic about why calling someone a 'fenian bastard' is not sectarian. You clearly dont understand how language works because you are too fucking thick.

Fuck off and support someone else because this club does not want you.

Shut up ya fucking mongo 

enemies to our club ffs get a grip you fuck off and find a transgender basketball team full of albinos ya poofy prick

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1 minute ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Cunts doing this are now causing the club to be hit financially after countless warnings.

If they continue to do it, they are indeed an enemy of the club as far as I can tell. Should be banned.

This topic should in no way be fucking deleted. Ill no doubt take an absolute torrant of abuse for it, but it is the fucking truth and most of you know it, but just wont admit it.

Yep let's just ban the full home support as it stands and bring in a new 45k+ set of fans in the hope they don't say a few swear words. 

U go on about these people being enemies of the club yet you come out with push like this?? 

Fwiw I also believe you opened this thread specifically to cause divide and argument among the RM user base and that for me could be classed as a bigger enemy to our fans than any tarrier could do

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Just now, Perth_Campsie_Ger said:

They had a banner at their game Calling themselves fenian. 


Rappers call themselves the N word all the time. You dont think walking up to Scott Sinclair and calling him a 'fucking N Word' would be considered racist?

And before you decide to follow the usual path of this discussion. Let me do it for you.

You : They call themselves Fenians, we should be able to call them Fenians.

Me : Black people call each other Niggers, we shouldnt be able to call them Niggers.

You : Fenians are not a race, its different, you cant compare racism to fenians.

Me : Thats right, one is specifically racist, the other is sectarian.

Round and Round.....

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