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West Ham friendly

The Dude

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7 hours ago, falkirkNS said:

Ignore button like a told wulliebhoy.

I go to westham or try a few times a season, going back around 15 years ago. My good pal, who is no longer with us. Got me down, lived there, from Scotland originally.

Dont listem I dont care, even as recent as seville, i was booked from Braga away, as if west ham was there we were travelling anyway.

Few west ham I know, could teach a few the SNP/Royal family haters a thing on here or two about being British and loyal to the Unionist people of Northern Ireland.

I have lived an eventful life through career and through my love of Rangers and the PUL cause. Results in travelling well.

I dont live in a bubble nor do I live on here.

Friendly with a pro British, Unionist, Loyalist club, their is no issue unless your a taig.

A few baiters on here as ever however.

Hoping for a decent away friendly in England.

I dont know everyone nor anyone, I give input and people like yourself take offence, ignore facility is their to be used otherwise.





Thought you were a good West Ham man??

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1 minute ago, The Dude said:

The same way the club can jump right into bed with them by feeding them exclusives and paying them to produce our match programmes :alfie:

Suppose the dosh is good, I remember the crap article you posted on FF too.

you were not mr popular now were you?.


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1 minute ago, bouncy said:

Suppose the dosh is good, I remember the crap article you posted on FF too.

you were not mr popular now were you?.


Not sure which article you mean?

Was it this one? https://www.followfollow.com/forum/threads/james-black-gers-blogger-article.58605/

Maybe you mean this one? https://www.followfollow.com/forum/threads/james-black-on-sundays-game.56746/

Or perhaps this? https://www.followfollow.com/forum/threads/sectarianism-at-rangers-or-celtic-affects-us-all-and-beating-it-requires-equal-approach-james-black.66921/

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Just now, The Dude said:

I would happily say all but really only ever saw one :) then cop a ban for debating you on it.



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Just now, bouncy said:

I would happily say all but really only ever saw one :) then cop a ban for debating you on it.



So what you're saying is you were talking out your hole?

For someone who was 'not mr popular', here are some of the comments from those threads


What is happening at the record,another good article about the gers.but will take more than that to forget the hatred they have shown our club,and anyone connected to it.w.a.t.p. no surrender


At last, someone sticking their neck out to defend us against the bitter mhedia in Scotland. Well done son! Keep up the good work!!


I don't know James Black.

But I know I like him.


Enjoyed that. Refreshing.


To the author.
Well done that was a cleverly crafted and hard-hitting piece of writing.
A bullseye in every respect.


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6 minutes ago, The Dude said:

So what you're saying is you were talking out your hole?

For someone who was 'not mr popular', here are some of the comments from those threads


nah I made my point then :) 

james people lick ass on that site lol 


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Just now, The Dude said:

Your point has been shown to be utter make believe. Still, at least I know I'm still living rent free in that head of yours. :boydie:

rent free :D , such a green and white thing to do 

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1 minute ago, The Dude said:

Yes, owning something is 'such a green and white thing to do'. No Rangers fan anywhere owns their property and instead all pay rent. :lol:

You own it , as you say :D

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