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Does anyone feel sorry for PLG?


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I'm backing Barry 1000000% in this. But... I have to say I feel a bit for PLG. He's doing what he believes to be correct -- even if he's dead wrong. At least he has the guts to follow his own thinking. And I truly respect that.

If he's shown the door (which I doubt), then he'll be fine. Just a bad experience that's all.

But, I do feel a bit for the guy. Can't be easy being in his shoes at the moment.

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I'm backing Barry 1000000% in this. But... I have to say I feel a bit for PLG. He's doing what he believes to be correct -- even if he's dead wrong. At least he has the guts to follow his own thinking. And I truly respect that.

If he's shown the door (which I doubt), then he'll be fine. Just a bad experience that's all.

But, I do feel a bit for the guy. Can't be easy being in his shoes at the moment.


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He's doing what he believes to be correct -- even if he's dead wrong.

That is your opinion. I am confident some others on the board feel differently.

And yes, I do feel a bit for him. He is being judged before any information is being released.

Keep Believing.

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He's a guy that sticks to his beliefs. I don't happen to think he;s got it right on this one. But I DO respect the fact that he at least does that.

(I'll get back to slagging him in a sec.) lol

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I don't feel sorry for PLG one bit. He knows himself that our results have been piss poor and the pressure was mounting on him big style. So what does he do to take the attention away from how poor our team has been playing? Drop the golden boy of RFC and say that he is undermining him as it will keep the spotlight of him for a few weeks. Despite the fact that we won yesterday our performance was still poor, we needed a penalty to win and a string of brillant saves from McGregor to keep us in the match, yet nobody has mentioned that because of all the hype surronding Barry. I think this is PLG's final throw of the dice in a desperate attempt to keep his job.

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I'm backing Barry 1000000% in this. But... I have to say I feel a bit for PLG. He's doing what he believes to be correct -- even if he's dead wrong. At least he has the guts to follow his own thinking. And I truly respect that.

If he's shown the door (which I doubt), then he'll be fine. Just a bad experience that's all.

But, I do feel a bit for the guy. Can't be easy being in his shoes at the moment.

He's made a massive decision, full well knowing these repercussions would happen and he'd make enemies of many of the fans.

If he didn't, he doesn't understand the job.

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I don't feel sorry for PLG one bit. He knows himself that our results have been piss poor and the pressure was mounting on him big style. So what does he do to take the attention away from how poor our team has been playing? Drop the golden boy of RFC and say that he is undermining him as it will keep the spotlight of him for a few weeks. Despite the fact that we won yesterday our performance was still poor, we needed a penalty to win and a string of brillant saves from McGregor to keep us in the match, yet nobody has mentioned that because of all the hype surronding Barry. I think this is PLG's final throw of the dice in a desperate attempt to keep his job.

It was mentioned in a few threads that we played crap yesterday and the only reason we won was through the penalty and McGregor's performance.

And I seriously doubt PLG is trying to take the "spotlight" away from poor performances anyway. He has made clear BF undermines him and does not follow instructions. Whether it is factual? I do not know.

Heard Derek Ferguson saying PLG got his wires crossed. He did not deny BF done it, more sticking up for BF but acknowledging that he understands PLG.

Again, not enough information to judge. Just arguing some facts against your arguement.

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I would also like to point out that the other reason I don't feel sorry for him is because PLG made the decision to drop Barry not anybody else. With every action there is a reaction and if PLG did not think that there would be this massive a reaction about dropping Barry then he is completely unaware of how to do his job properly.

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It looks like the fans are split over Le Guen and Fergie. I have to be honest and admit that Im on the side of the manager regardless of the intricasies. The manager as PLG himself said is the BOSS. He decides what happens, no-one else. If after a certain period his methods/tactics whatever fail to produce results then he goes, simple as that. No one is bigger than the club.

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It looks like the fans are split over Le Guen and Fergie. I have to be honest and admit that Im on the side of the manager regardless of the intricasies. The manager as PLG himself said is the BOSS. He decides what happens, no-one else. If after a certain period his methods/tactics whatever fail to produce results then he goes, simple as that. No one is bigger than the club.

that's very close to the way I feel, LB, if we are getting any of the facts.

If he's being told to play a system and won't - what the hell is the point of a manager? By the same token, if he won't do what Le Guen asks, its a little presumptuous to say PLG is an idiot and his system doesn't work - perhaps it hasn't been given a chance.

As a number of people said when things looked shaky after 5 or 6 games, a manager needs time to be able to settle things down and pick his team and get them performing. After a season, if he can't get that system going and things are still up in the air then he should be shown the door. And actually when I say a year to get things going, I mean a year to have a side that looks fit to challenge for the title, not necessarily a team that will win the title in his first year.

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Right I have heard all that has been said so far, and now that more information has come to light I am one of the fans that is backing PLG.

Dont get me wrong I have no intention of having a dig at Barry or slating him at all. I am still a fan of his. I hope that this can be worked out and that he can be a star for us again. If not and he moves on, I wish him all the best with the rest of his career.

But from my interpretation of the information that has been divulged to us this far. PLG has made a very bold decision, one that he felt was for the good of the entire club. It has put many noses out of joint, but I hope that eventually he can win the backing of everyone (although this may take some time)

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I'm backing Barry 1000000% in this.? But... I have to say I feel a bit for PLG.? He's doing what he believes to be correct -- even if he's dead wrong.? At least he has the guts to follow his own thinking. And I truly respect that.

If he's shown the door (which I doubt), then he'll be fine.? Just a bad experience that's all.

But, I do feel a bit for the guy.? Can't be easy being in his shoes at the moment.

I do feel a little sorry for PLG but he has to realise that he isn't working in France now. As with all clashes of culture he has to meet us half way, he can't expect the captain of a British team to sit and say nothing when his teams commitment is in question.

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