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Joe Calzaghe v Bernard Hopkins

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Calzaghe on form should outpoint him with no problem, I hope he gives Hopkins a good hammering!!!

He needs to be on his game though cause Hopkins is good at making a fight ugly and nicking rounds.

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Calzaghe's work rate should see him through, as a previous poster said though Hopkins in the ring is an animal and will use anything to gain an advantage.

Calzaghe on points for this bear, lets hope he finally gets recognised by the American public for what he is, one of the greatest ever boxers.

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Calzaghe should beat him on points IMO but he still wont get much crdit as all you will hear is how he should have fought him 10 years ago. the yanks excuses will come out as per usual.

Sadly, Jow has waited a bit too long to step over to the states so I get the impression the yanks will never full give him credit for how good he has been.

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Jeff Lacy, Badger?

Not a top 10 p4p'er

Definately not, Caalzaghe anhialated him. such a 1 sided fight!! I never realised how 1 dimensional lacy was until that fight.

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A few years ago Hopkins would have won but not now. I find it hard to see Calzage stopping him but he will win on points. There is one problem though, Vegas often throws up very dodgy results when it goes to the judges. Calzage will have to be a very convincing winner to get the decision.

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