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i have a exam on the 15th but i will resit it in the summer haha

Again, I'm assuming you're not in my position.

Edit: The sad thing is, I was one click away from booking the Travelodge in Manchester (Blackfriars Street) I think for me and 6 mates before it dawned on me that I MIGHT have a big exam that day.

Still gutted :(

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i have a exam on the 15th but i will resit it in the summer haha

Again, I'm assuming you're not in my position.

nah man I shall be working from july onwards studying my arse off even if I have to resit third year it would be worth it, but I can see where you are coming from its truly sucks man :(

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i have a exam on the 15th but i will resit it in the summer haha

Again, I'm assuming you're not in my position.

nah man I shall be working from july onwards studying my arse off even if I have to resit third year it would be worth it, but I can see where you are coming from its truly sucks man :(

I have a holiday to Cancun planned, plus in August the parents are going to take everyone away to the villa in Florida that we stayed in at New Year.

And guess what...the day we leave for Florida is the day of the Law resits.

So, I'm twice as fucked.

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Papaguy, if you can live with your decision, fair enough. All i'm saying is that just about every other bear would drop everything and try to be there.

On a personal level, i have 3 seperate contracts which i will be jeapordizing by going to Manchester. If i lose the contracts i'll be fucked, & i'll get serious grief from the missus, & my parents & probably my kids.

None of that matters a fuck. I've waited all my life to get to a European final. If we get to Manchester, i will be following on.

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Papaguy, if you can live with your decision, fair enough. All i'm saying is that just about every other bear would drop everything and try to be there.

On a personal level, i have 3 seperate contracts which i will be jeapordizing by going to Manchester. If i lose the contracts i'll be fucked, & i'll get serious grief from the missus, & my parents & probably my kids.

None of that matters a fuck. I've waited all my life to get to a European final. If we get to Manchester, i will be following on.

Exactly, you have a job/house/wife/kids and all that.

I don't. This is really my last chance for a degree in something I want to do and given that I only have 1 resit that I probably won't be there for, I really can't miss it. Tis my future!

Don't get me wrong though, I've even asked my lecturer to let me sit the exam a 2 days previous so I can go, but no no avail. There's really nothing I can do :(

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14th May 2008

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I'll be here trying to study for my exam on the 15th :(

What a fucking terrible day for an exam :(

Fuck the exam buddy, thats what im doin. iv got one on the 15th but this only comes around once every 30 years. exams can be sat again this cani (in my opinion)

I can't mate, my education is more important to me than any football game.

You can re-sit the exam or whatever!

Be lucky to ever see Rangers in a European Cup Final again!!

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Papaguy, if you can live with your decision, fair enough. All i'm saying is that just about every other bear would drop everything and try to be there.

On a personal level, i have 3 seperate contracts which i will be jeapordizing by going to Manchester. If i lose the contracts i'll be fucked, & i'll get serious grief from the missus, & my parents & probably my kids.

None of that matters a fuck. I've waited all my life to get to a European final. If we get to Manchester, i will be following on.

Exactly, you have a job/house/wife/kids and all that.

I don't. This is really my last chance for a degree in something I want to do and given that I only have 1 resit that I probably won't be there for, I really can't miss it. Tis my future!

Don't get me wrong though, I've even asked my lecturer to let me sit the exam a 2 days previous so I can go, but no no avail. There's really nothing I can do :(

....my heart bleeds for you PG...I've a wife & kids too...but would prefer the holidays to Cancun & Florida TBH!...

Never mind ... I alsways have Manchester.. :craphead:

...still don't understand why you're kidding yourself that you're head will be fit for study on the day of the game anyway...

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Papaguy . I liked the suggestion of falling "ill" the best. Surely if you plead , say , a terrible fever then the exam can be rescheduled to cope. It might seem a little blatant and of course , if anyone else in your Uni reads this forum then you would likely be busted. Worth a go all the same?

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Papaguy . I liked the suggestion of falling "ill" the best. Surely if you plead , say , a terrible fever then the exam can be rescheduled to cope. It might seem a little blatant and of course , if anyone else in your Uni reads this forum then you would likely be busted. Worth a go all the same?

Postponements of exams need to be accompanied by a doctors note. If not, they are treated as a no show.

Well then , theres only one thing for it. Find something out of date in the cupboard , eat it , and pray to God for food poisoning. That should get Dr. Quack to comply.

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Guest Andypendek

and everyone else keeps miles away from the big guy vomiting all over the square, whose trousers are all streaked with shite. aye, that would be a night to remember right enough! go for it iain! eat those green eggs and ham!

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I can't mate, my education is more important to me than any football game.

Thats a piss poor attitude mate. You might be an old man with Alzheimers disease by the time we make another Euro final. (td)

you're going to spend your life listening to everyone elses stories of a great day, wishing you had been there.

Thats IF we get there of course.

Nah mate, that's bollocks.

I think it's perfectly reasonable to place my future over one football game (tu)

Obviously no that big a fan then. Good luck with your exam. (tu)

A massive fan mate, but given that it's my 2nd course after leaving the 1st one after 3 years, it means that I'm a) paying over £1200 a year for it myself and b) don't get the 3 resits everyone else does.

If I don't pass this one, I only get one other attempt. And it's not an easy one, media law :(

Don't want to spend my summer studying for a resit where I need over 50% where I could sit it on the 15th and I only need 40% to pass it.

Still going to watch the game, just can't make it to Manchester and this course is my last chance of a degree in something I want to do

I don't see why that makes me less of a fan.

I'm with you Papa....I don't mean to offend anyway, but anyone who risks their entire future over a football game is simply a person who will ulitimately go nowhere in life.

People with your attitude are the type who succeed in life, wheras the people who are criticizing you are the types who will spend their entire lives doing the exact same thing and will end up living and dying having achieved nothing worthwhile at all!

I have recently come back from spending a lot of time in a 3rd world country, and now I realise just how trivial most people lives are in the UK! Where I was life was a constant struggle for people, so much so that I met many people who had walked over a thousand miles in their bare feet just for the oppurtunity for a job, a job that involved carrying over 100kgs on your back for 14 hours a day and the wages were simply enough food for a day...so after seeing that it makes the idea of someone missing an important exam over a football game laughable. I would go as far to say that after seeing what I saw when I was away, anybody who would miss an important exam over a football game should never have been given the opportunity of an education as they are simply ungrateful spoilt products of a wealthy society.

Most people in the UK simply don't realise just how easy and trivial their lives are!

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I'm with you Papa....I don't mean to offend anyway, but anyone who risks their entire future over a football game is simply a person who will ulitimately go nowhere in life.

People with your attitude are the type who succeed in life, wheras the people who are criticizing you are the types who will spend their entire lives doing the exact same thing and will end up living and dying having achieved nothing worthwhile at all!

I have recently come back from spending a lot of time in a 3rd world country, and now I realise just how trivial most people lives are in the UK! Where I was life was a constant struggle for people, so much so that I met many people who had walked over a thousand miles in their bare feet just for the oppurtunity for a job, a job that involved carrying over 100kgs on your back for 14 hours a day and the wages were simply enough food for a day...so after seeing that it makes the idea of someone missing an exam over a football game laughable.

Most people in the UK simply don't realise just how easy and trivial their lives are!

For just £1 a month.....

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People with your attitude are the type who succeed in life, wheras the people who are criticizing you are the types who will spend their entire lives doing the exact same thing and will end up living and dying having achieved nothing worthwhile at all!

oh dear. Spoken like a true super-hero doh

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OK all you weans out there who are sittin exams etc around the time of the final I have one thing to say to you, get online etc and try for tickets then old fogeys like me can buy them from you and see the game!!

I promise to tell the bear who sells me his ticket just how good the game was live!!

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Think we're all getting a little ahead of ourselves here. Still a massive job to do in italy. quite worrying how blase everyone on here is being about this.

As for Papaguy. whats the problem?

study like fuck between now and then. if we do get there, drive. get the train, hire 50,000 carrier pigeons. youre not going to be studying the day before the exam anyway - everyone who's passed an exam knows thats a waste of time anyway.

study like fuck now = celebrate later!

and stop banging on as if one stupid exam is a life defining moment.

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People with your attitude are the type who succeed in life, wheras the people who are criticizing you are the types who will spend their entire lives doing the exact same thing and will end up living and dying having achieved nothing worthwhile at all!

People that succeed in life are more often than not those that take risks and are willing to "risk it on one game of pitch and toss!.

by your rationale, the only successful people in this world are academics and lieflong fucking students.

geez peace.

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People with your attitude are the type who succeed in life, wheras the people who are criticizing you are the types who will spend their entire lives doing the exact same thing and will end up living and dying having achieved nothing worthwhile at all!

People that succeed in life are more often than not those that take risks and are willing to "risk it on one game of pitch and toss!.

by your rationale, the only successful people in this world are academics and lieflong fucking students.

geez peace.

I think you will find that on average people who work hard and take their careers very seriously do far better in life than those who rate a football game as a defining moment in their lives!

I'm willing to bet that in 20 years time Papa will be living in a nice big house, probably outside of the UK, with a nice family and a well paid job and with many many interests other than football, whilst the people having a go at him are still living in some sh!t area of Glasgow or the UK, boring everybody to death about how some journalist hates Rangers or whether or not Rangers or celtic will win the 2028/29 season.....in other words, living out their same irrelevant repetitive pointless lives every year for the rest of their lives until the day they die!

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Aye because you can only have worthy life if you have a big house.... When your knocking on deaths door that shizza will not mean a thing. Things you have done and people you have met will be all that matters. I know I won't be thinking 'I should of been a Doctor'.

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People with your attitude are the type who succeed in life, wheras the people who are criticizing you are the types who will spend their entire lives doing the exact same thing and will end up living and dying having achieved nothing worthwhile at all!

People that succeed in life are more often than not those that take risks and are willing to "risk it on one game of pitch and toss!.

by your rationale, the only successful people in this world are academics and lieflong fucking students.

geez peace.

I think you will find that on average people who work hard and take their careers very seriously do far better in life than those who rate a football game as a defining moment in their lives!

I'm willing to bet that in 20 years time Papa will be living in a nice big house, probably outside of the UK, with a nice family and well paid job and with many many interest other than football, whilst the people having a go at him are still living in some sh!t area of Glasgow or the UK, boring everybody to death about how some journalist hates Rangers or whether or not Rangers or celtic will win the 2028/29 season.....in other words, living out their same irrelevant repetitive pointless lives every year for the rest of their lives until the day they die!

You sound very young. And snobbery is ugly. Live a little before you feel the need to criticise quite so much.

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People with your attitude are the type who succeed in life, wheras the people who are criticizing you are the types who will spend their entire lives doing the exact same thing and will end up living and dying having achieved nothing worthwhile at all!

People that succeed in life are more often than not those that take risks and are willing to "risk it on one game of pitch and toss!.

by your rationale, the only successful people in this world are academics and lieflong fucking students.

geez peace.

I think you will find that on average people who work hard and take their careers very seriously do far better in life than those who rate a football game as a defining moment in their lives!

I'm willing to bet that in 20 years time Papa will be living in a nice big house, probably outside of the UK, with a nice family and well paid job and with many many interest other than football, whilst the people having a go at him are still living in some sh!t area of Glasgow or the UK, boring everybody to death about how some journalist hates Rangers or whether or not Rangers or celtic will win the 2028/29 season.....in other words, living out their same irrelevant repetitive pointless lives every year for the rest of their lives until the day they die!

You sound very young. And snobbery is ugly. Live a little before you feel the need to criticise quite so much.

Maybe I am being a bit harsh and a wee bit over the top, but I have just come back from 1 months volunteer work in a very very poor country and it's changed me as a person.... certain things that used to be important to me now seem so unbelievably trivial! I've done a lot of travelling in my time but what I saw during that month really has changed my priorities in life!

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