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Great Pic Of Papac....

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is this pic Photoshopped. papac dosnt seem to be standing on anything and no ones lookinga t him

I do believe it is -- there are several problems with this image (at least, there appear to be on first glance)

* Papac's feet

* lighting/shadows

* crowd looking off to the left

* what seems to be a photoshopped camera man to the right.

If it's not photshopped, it's one of the strangest looking real images I've seen in a long time! It seems to have that "optical illusion" feel to it!

Still love Sasa though -- he delivered big-time last night.

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Why would anyone HATE Papac, whats he done wrong?

Lets get behind the team & finish this emense season off..


Couldnt agree more, papac is a very underestimated player and fully deserves his place in the team including the final.
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is this pic Photoshopped. papac dosnt seem to be standing on anything and no ones lookinga t him

I thought that from the first moment I saw this pic. Not a single person is looking at Papac and it just doesn't look right.

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He's standing on an advertisement boarding, obviously.

As to the guy wich seems out of place: He's in front of the glass, the fans are behind it, ofcourse there is gonna be a difference.

And I think the fans aren't looking at Papac because right behind him the likes of Novo and Ally are cheering :)

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It's not a photoshop, if you watch ITV4's coverage of the after-match celebrations in disgruntled_bear's highlights thread, you can see Papac standing on the boards :)

One of the big reasons it looks photoshopped is that Papac and the Gers fans seem to have different lighting, but this is probably caused by the netting the fans are behind. But if the Iraq war told us anything, it's that just cos a pic's printed in the press, that doesn't mean it's genuine!

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The more I look at it the more Photo-shopped it looks. Besides the fact that nobody is looking at him, and his stance doesn't seem right, he seems to be looking straight at, and saluting, a stanchion. Surely if you were going to get up there you wouldn't do it straight in front of a post?

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:lol: I'm with Briton here, the more I look at it the more it does seem PS'd.

His ankles look unnatural, and he's about a million times brighter than any other fan...plus, the guy in the purple jacket on the right hand side, he looks like he's been copied and pasted too!

Btw, that pic is on a massive splash in Gordon Waddell's column in the Mail today.

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:lol: I'm with Briton here, the more I look at it the more it does seem PS'd.

His ankles look unnatural, and he's about a million times brighter than any other fan...plus, the guy in the purple jacket on the right hand side, he looks like he's been copied and pasted too!

Btw, that pic is on a massive splash in Gordon Waddell's column in the Mail today.

Camera flash?

Watch the ITV4 highlights, it's not photoshopped

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