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Radio programme on rangers


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Despite some advice to the contrary I am meeting Graham Spiers to take part in his spot on Rangers for the World At Night Radio programme which is being recorded tomorrow,

I hope to get the opportunity to raise a number of issues from our standpoint, so if anyone has any points they wnt raised that are broadcastable then let me know, and remember this is a spot on Rangers, not him.

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If you must go:

Why do decades IRA songs which glorify racist murderers who targeted innocent civilians on a UK high street, purely for being British, whilst TFIO, which has has no racist terms and is aimed at Celtic fans, get wilfully misconstrued as racist?

Why did he say that BJK reached a new low in subject matter for Scottish fans, when Celtic fans sung songs making false accusations on that very subject to a Rangers player, as well as the songs about Graham Rix?

Furthermore, isn't that hypocritical when Spiers himself said that a former Rangers player had "all the charm of a chld molester"?

Why are Celtic "rightly" proud of their Catholic heritage, whilst Rangers should be "embarrassed" by their Protestant heritage?

Why was he so dismissive of Celtic fans' IRA songs, whilst heaping full opprobrium on the songs of the Rangers fans in Manchester?

Why did he previously write about Old Firm songs in the following manner:

"The mood at Hampden was predictably puerile and raucous, though some of us on these occasions would do well not

to indulge in too much phoney dismay. It is becoming trite today to lay into the sordid Old Firm pageant, when, in fact,

minus its garish accretions, many would miss its saltier elements. It might be comical to witness the aghast reaction of

some society and newspaper critics, otherwise forever foaming with indignation, were this ragged spectacle suddenly to

be sanitised of its warts. The Old Firm attract plenty revulsion. Excited voyeurism is also thick on the ground."

...then go on to turn full circle in such a one-sided anti-Rangers way, coinciding with a Celtic fan email campaign to UEFA? Was it anything to do with his friend, Matt McGlone or his new Celtic supporting editorial team at the Herald?

Did he give IRA songs and anti-Protestant songs the same emphasis as those Rangers songs, when "explaining" to Gerhard Kapl, the UEFA match delegate?

Is it ok for Celtic players to call Rangers fans "dirty orange b******s" in the heat of an Old Firm Derby?

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While I can see what Oleg is after could we not ask questions and put points of views from a more positive manner.

Should Rangers no be applauded, in particular the leadership shown by SDM, in takling bigotry both at the club and in the fan base?

Should Rangers be applauded, that despite the wealth from TV monies, that they still remain one of the largest clubs in the world and managed to reach a UEFA final while having to work with less TV Income and doing so mainly from a strong fan base.

Was tehre any other club in the world that could have mobilised 250,000 to atend a European Cup final and does that show of strength not underpin the siize of the club.

I think you need to be careful and try to make any points in a positve and not negative manner, just having a go for what others have not done sounds bitter and the same points can be made and made stronger by being made positively. Look at the way SDM handled the whole Reid question in his recent interview - he didn't hold back but it didn't sound like whinning either.

We have a lot to be proud of at the club lets try to get that itterated in the interview.

(Just my 2p worth)

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While I can see what Oleg is after could we not ask questions and put points of views from a more positive manner.

Should Rangers no be applauded, in particular the leadership shown by SDM, in takling bigotry both at the club and in the fan base?

Should Rangers be applauded, that despite the wealth from TV monies, that they still remain one of the largest clubs in the world and managed to reach a UEFA final while having to work with less TV Income and doing so mainly from a strong fan base.

Was tehre any other club in the world that could have mobilised 250,000 to atend a European Cup final and does that show of strength not underpin the siize of the club.

I think you need to be careful and try to make any points in a positve and not negative manner, just having a go for what others have not done sounds bitter and the same points can be made and made stronger by being made positively. Look at the way SDM handled the whole Reid question in his recent interview - he didn't hold back but it didn't sound like whinning either.

We have a lot to be proud of at the club lets try to get that itterated in the interview.

(Just my 2p worth)

It's for what Spiers himself does. doh

Have you castrated yourself, or do you just save those notions for your responses to fellow posters.

You sound like a tim- let's just mention Rangers problems and accept the dubious and twisted sectarian agenda of Spiers and bigoted Celtic fans.

Hell, you'll even put it forward for them.

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While I can see what Oleg is after could we not ask questions and put points of views from a more positive manner.

Should Rangers no be applauded, in particular the leadership shown by SDM, in takling bigotry both at the club and in the fan base?

Should Rangers be applauded, that despite the wealth from TV monies, that they still remain one of the largest clubs in the world and managed to reach a UEFA final while having to work with less TV Income and doing so mainly from a strong fan base.

Was tehre any other club in the world that could have mobilised 250,000 to atend a European Cup final and does that show of strength not underpin the siize of the club.

I think you need to be careful and try to make any points in a positve and not negative manner, just having a go for what others have not done sounds bitter and the same points can be made and made stronger by being made positively. Look at the way SDM handled the whole Reid question in his recent interview - he didn't hold back but it didn't sound like whinning either.

We have a lot to be proud of at the club lets try to get that itterated in the interview.

(Just my 2p worth)

It's for what Spiers himself does. doh

Have you castrated yourself, or do you just save those notions for your responses to fellow posters.

You sound like a tim- let's just mention Rangers problems and accept the dubious and twisted sectarian agenda of Spiers and bigoted Celtic fans.

Hell, you'll even put it forward for them.

Oleg - are you having a bad day? I see nothing in my post that warrants your response - I did think name calling was above you - looks like i was wrong! You hardly come across as constructive when your initial response is to name call. Still perhaps thas why you have resorted to all the bitter they've done this, they've done that stuff.

I hope the rest of your day goes better.

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Can Spiers answer the following six simple questions? I could go on all day but I think this sums up the situation.

1. How does he substantiate his continual claims that Rangers have a worse sectarianism/racism problem than Celtic?

2. Why has he never written an article criticising Celtic supporters groups (or forums) when a cursory look at them shows just as much (or more) sectarianism than any corresponding Rangers one (that he often lampoons). Not to mention the continual glorification of terrorism by groups such as the Junglebhoys, Green Brigade and the Celtic Supporters Trust which he actually defends as 'political'.

3. How can he describe Celtic FC's generally pro-catholic, pro-Irish and tacitly anti-British background as 'a colourful and complex heritage' but dismiss Rangers FC's generally pro-Protestant and pro-Unionist background as 'offensive baggage'?

4. When was the last time he described Celtic fans singing about the IRA/DOBs/h*** using the following terms: 'Rancid chanting'; 'total embarrassment'; 'putrid stench'; 'savages'; 'poisonous singing'; 'desecration'; 'cavemen'; 'wholesale yobbishness'; 'stinking, bigoted, religious stuff'; 'backward culture'; 'almost to a man'?

5. Has he ever approached the authorities (eg UEFA) about Celtic supporters' offensive songs in the same way he did about Rangers alleged ones? If not, why not?

6. Most importantly, why has he never offered any solutions for what is an inherently social disease as opposed to a problem that can be blamed on one set of football supporters? Indeed, does he accept by continually highlighting the problem in a flawed non-objective manner he in fact creates further division instead of addressing the issue fairly and responsibly?

I won't hold my breath for direct answers.

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While I can see what Oleg is after could we not ask questions and put points of views from a more positive manner.

Should Rangers no be applauded, in particular the leadership shown by SDM, in takling bigotry both at the club and in the fan base?

Should Rangers be applauded, that despite the wealth from TV monies, that they still remain one of the largest clubs in the world and managed to reach a UEFA final while having to work with less TV Income and doing so mainly from a strong fan base.

Was tehre any other club in the world that could have mobilised 250,000 to atend a European Cup final and does that show of strength not underpin the siize of the club.

I think you need to be careful and try to make any points in a positve and not negative manner, just having a go for what others have not done sounds bitter and the same points can be made and made stronger by being made positively. Look at the way SDM handled the whole Reid question in his recent interview - he didn't hold back but it didn't sound like whinning either.

We have a lot to be proud of at the club lets try to get that itterated in the interview.

(Just my 2p worth)

It's for what Spiers himself does. doh

Have you castrated yourself, or do you just save those notions for your responses to fellow posters.

You sound like a tim- let's just mention Rangers problems and accept the dubious and twisted sectarian agenda of Spiers and bigoted Celtic fans.

Hell, you'll even put it forward for them.

While I see your point Oleg, the OP does state that this is a programme about Rangers, not about Spiers. I assume he means that the questions shouldn't be about Spiers attitude or his obvious hatred of us. :unsure:

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No, Spiers wanted to meet with the original poster (and other Rangers fans) to discuss the media/Spiers coverage of us...

Our best mate Graham Spiers has a 15/20 minute slot which he wants to devote to Rangers and the support, and he wants to sit round with 4-6 of us, (he also wants to include some guys from FF as well) over a pint and debate frankly his views and our grievances with our current coverage in the media. The BBC are sending up a team from London next week Mon – Weds to record the segment for the programme.

Not sure who else other than BB is meeting up here. I'd urge extreme caution here as this is very dangerous ground. Editing of discussions can be easily spun to any agenda.

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No, Spiers wanted to meet with the original poster (and other Rangers fans) to discuss the media/Spiers coverage of us...

Our best mate Graham Spiers has a 15/20 minute slot which he wants to devote to Rangers and the support, and he wants to sit round with 4-6 of us, (he also wants to include some guys from FF as well) over a pint and debate frankly his views and our grievances with our current coverage in the media. The BBC are sending up a team from London next week Mon – Weds to record the segment for the programme.

Not sure who else other than BB is meeting up here. I'd urge extreme caution here as this is very dangerous ground. Editing of discussions can be easily spun to any agenda.

Ah, I see. That's not what Balloch Bear asks for tho.

and remember this is a spot on Rangers, not him.
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Despite some advice to the contrary I am meeting Graham Spiers to take part in his spot on Rangers for the World At Night Radio programme which is being recorded tomorrow,

I hope to get the opportunity to raise a number of issues from our standpoint, so if anyone has any points they wnt raised that are broadcastable then let me know, and remember this is a spot on Rangers, not him.

I'm concerned that you are meeting him tomorrow and don't already have a full list of points and questions. If you are not sufficiently up-to-speed with what he has said and done so that you can rhyme it off, then how can you enter a debate with him? If he says "that's not what I said" or "not what I meant" do you have the back-up to support your point of view?

You should try and anticipate answers to every question so that you can come back at him with facts and figures.

If you're not fully prepared and have ALL of the information to hand then he'll rip you to shreds.

I can't help but think that you are under-prepared and will end up doing more harm than good.

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Despite some advice to the contrary I am meeting Graham Spiers to take part in his spot on Rangers for the World At Night Radio programme which is being recorded tomorrow,

I hope to get the opportunity to raise a number of issues from our standpoint, so if anyone has any points they wnt raised that are broadcastable then let me know, and remember this is a spot on Rangers, not him.

I'm concerned that you are meeting him tomorrow and don't already have a full list of points and questions. If you are not sufficiently up-to-speed with what he has said and done so that you can rhyme it off, then how can you enter a debate with him? If he says "that's not what I said" or "not what I meant" do you have the back-up to support your point of view?

You should try and anticipate answers to every question so that you can come back at him with facts and figures.

If you're not fully prepared and have ALL of the information to hand then he'll rip you to shreds.

I can't help but think that you are under-prepared and will end up doing more harm than good.


With the greatest of respect to all bears on here, speaking to journalists isn't an easy job and unless one if fully prepared then it is dangerous territory for most of us.

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While I can see what Oleg is after could we not ask questions and put points of views from a more positive manner.

Should Rangers no be applauded, in particular the leadership shown by SDM, in takling bigotry both at the club and in the fan base?

Should Rangers be applauded, that despite the wealth from TV monies, that they still remain one of the largest clubs in the world and managed to reach a UEFA final while having to work with less TV Income and doing so mainly from a strong fan base.

Was tehre any other club in the world that could have mobilised 250,000 to atend a European Cup final and does that show of strength not underpin the siize of the club.

I think you need to be careful and try to make any points in a positve and not negative manner, just having a go for what others have not done sounds bitter and the same points can be made and made stronger by being made positively. Look at the way SDM handled the whole Reid question in his recent interview - he didn't hold back but it didn't sound like whinning either.

We have a lot to be proud of at the club lets try to get that itterated in the interview.

(Just my 2p worth)

It's for what Spiers himself does. doh

Have you castrated yourself, or do you just save those notions for your responses to fellow posters.

You sound like a tim- let's just mention Rangers problems and accept the dubious and twisted sectarian agenda of Spiers and bigoted Celtic fans.

Hell, you'll even put it forward for them.

Oleg - are you having a bad day? I see nothing in my post that warrants your response - I did think name calling was above you - looks like i was wrong! You hardly come across as constructive when your initial response is to name call. Still perhaps thas why you have resorted to all the bitter they've done this, they've done that stuff.

I hope the rest of your day goes better.

I never thought the snide but flawed attempt to grab the moral high ground was above you.

FYI It's a simile, not name-calling.

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Don't see much point in meeting him if it's not to discuss his obvious imbalance. Why would anyone want to talk to him about Rangers? The only reason he is an issue is because of the things he has said about the Rangers support. Print off the questions Frankie posed.

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My whole point is BB said it was a spot on Rangers - so lets highlight what is good about Rangers not what is BAD about others. But it seems most here just want to have a dig at spiers/Celtic but if the program is about Rangers lets highlight our positives, which are many!

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My whole point is BB said it was a spot on Rangers - so lets highlight what is good about Rangers not what is BAD about others. But it seems most here just want to have a dig at spiers/Celtic but if the program is about Rangers lets highlight our positives, which are many!



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Hi guys,

The "slot" GS is doing is on a programme about the Old Firm in general and not about him. He will do this whether we take part willingly or not, and if we don't then his response, quite rightly IMO, will be along the lines of "we gave Rangers supporters the opportunity of joining the debate but they declined, so what have they to hide?", really good PR for us.

It is, he tells me not a Q&A as he suggested before but more of a "what it means to be a bear in 2008" type of debate.

I will obviously raise as many issues as possible that gives a better media slant to us but perhaps if so many of you feel strongly about his comments on us then we should resurrect the charity Q&A.

I do have plenty facts and figures to debate but I was just looking for some additional material that I might get a chance to use.

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My whole point is BB said it was a spot on Rangers - so lets highlight what is good about Rangers not what is BAD about others. But it seems most here just want to have a dig at spiers/Celtic but if the program is about Rangers lets highlight our positives, which are many!

Gotta be honest BP, I'm leaing your way.

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My whole point is BB said it was a spot on Rangers - so lets highlight what is good about Rangers not what is BAD about others. But it seems most here just want to have a dig at spiers/Celtic but if the program is about Rangers lets highlight our positives, which are many!

Speirs has only focused on the negatives of our club and fanbase, or should i say imagined negatives.

Therefore why waste the time showing to him the positives of the club instead of taking the opportunity to challenge him on the alegations he has made towards the Rangers support in the last few years? The only reason anyone pays any attention to what he says is because of this provocative way of adressing the Rangers support.

I can see you point about wanting to show what is good about Rangers but imo this is not the interview to be doing so. This should be about challenging a deluded fool's allegations about our club and fanbase.

But, as Frankie has said, tread carefully because this man will spin and twist everything that is said to fuel his ego. What worries me is that the programme is only around 20 minutes long. Therefore everything that is discussed will need to be editted to fit the time slot, and that is where the supporters attending could be portrayed in a poor light. This whole affair worries me.

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My whole point is BB said it was a spot on Rangers - so lets highlight what is good about Rangers not what is BAD about others. But it seems most here just want to have a dig at spiers/Celtic but if the program is about Rangers lets highlight our positives, which are many!

Gotta be honest BP, I'm leaing your way.

Damm BB you'll get yourself a bad name by being a moderate! (and positive to boot)

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Hi guys,

The "slot" GS is doing is on a programme about the Old Firm in general and not about him. He will do this whether we take part willingly or not, and if we don't then his response, quite rightly IMO, will be along the lines of "we gave Rangers supporters the opportunity of joining the debate but they declined, so what have they to hide?", really good PR for us.

It is, he tells me not a Q&A as he suggested before but more of a "what it means to be a bear in 2008" type of debate.

I will obviously raise as many issues as possible that gives a better media slant to us but perhaps if so many of you feel strongly about his comments on us then we should resurrect the charity Q&A.

I do have plenty facts and figures to debate but I was just looking for some additional material that I might get a chance to use.

Can't believe you're defending his position. :no:

Can't believe any real Rangers fan find him anything like reasonable.

That man is a rancid sectarian c*nt and I hope he dies very slowly and very painfully, preferably starting right now.

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The "slot" GS is doing is on a programme about the Old Firm in general and not about him. He will do this whether we take part willingly or not, and if we don't then his response, quite rightly IMO, will be along the lines of "we gave Rangers supporters the opportunity of joining the debate but they declined, so what have they to hide?", really good PR for us.

It is, he tells me not a Q&A as he suggested before but more of a "what it means to be a bear in 2008" type of debate.

I will obviously raise as many issues as possible that gives a better media slant to us but perhaps if so many of you feel strongly about his comments on us then we should resurrect the charity Q&A.

I do have plenty facts and figures to debate but I was just looking for some additional material that I might get a chance to use.

It is about the Old Firm, then, not about Rangers? I can see both sides here, and see no reason why we can't question his obvious bias (very well addressed by Frankie in particular, and Oleg as well) but also ask him if he feels that Rangers have taken great strides to address their "problem."

If they were willing to go along, and BB was agreeable, I think Frankie and Bluedell would be a great asset at this meeting. (tu)

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