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ITs Gazza who is filming some of it so he must have known what was going on. So far his "family" and remember Mason and Bianca are not his, have shown nothing but empathy and concern for their father so not sure what the outcry is.

As ive said before, i have no sympathy for him, but plenty for his family. He made his own bed. (tu)

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ITs Gazza who is filming some of it so he must have known what was going on. So far his "family" and remember Mason and Bianca are not his, have shown nothing but empathy and concern for their father so not sure what the outcry is.

As ive said before, i have no sympathy for him, but plenty for his family. He made his own bed. (tu)


it is the truth but

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I can't watch this because , i can't watch one the worlds greatest players to ever turn out in a rangers jersey be this way, the guy had a gift tremendous skill, the goals he would pull of his magic book was unreal, goals ranging from his one at parkhead, the ones against steua, the ones that gave us 8 in a row and the header he scored against lyon at ibrox. his playful antics on the training ground, on and off the pitch, thats what i what i want to remember.

not his binges, spouse beatings and his current state (heart breaking)

A true rangers legend


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Watching it now, what a little cunt his boy regan is!

He seems to just be playing up for the cameras - going away to find his old school work saying he wants a nice dad etc.

As a grown man, who was in the exact same position as that young lad, i can assure you there is only one CUNT in the equation and its "the number 8" (tu)

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ITs Gazza who is filming some of it so he must have known what was going on. So far his "family" and remember Mason and Bianca are not his, have shown nothing but empathy and concern for their father so not sure what the outcry is.

As ive said before, i have no sympathy for him, but plenty for his family. He made his own bed. (tu)


Watching it now, what a little cunt his boy regan is!

He seems to just be playing up for the cameras - going away to find his old school work saying he wants a nice dad etc.


If you had a father like that would you care for him, wife beating not caring about you etc.

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Watching it now, what a little cunt his boy regan is!

He seems to just be playing up for the cameras - going away to find his old school work saying he wants a nice dad etc.

Totally agree mate, he is smiling when he is saying some of the things too. It's almost as if he is reading from a script. His other lad Mason seems much more reasonable and caring about him.

As much as this is showing Gazza in a really bad light, it won't come close to changing my opinion about him. He provided some of the best moments of my young life, most notably his hat trick against Aberdeen in the 8 in a row game. No moaning faced wee 12 year old will ever be able to take those memories away.

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Watching it now, what a little cunt his boy regan is!

He seems to just be playing up for the cameras - going away to find his old school work saying he wants a nice dad etc.

Totally agree mate, he is smiling when he is saying some of the things too. It's almost as if he is reading from a script. His other lad Mason seems much more reasonable and caring about him.

As much as this is showing Gazza in a really bad light, it won't come close to changing my opinion about him. He provided some of the best moments of my young life, most notably his hat trick against Aberdeen in the 8 in a row game. No moaning faced wee 12 year old will ever be able to take those memories away.

the wee guy hasn't had a father in his life

bit harsh calling him moaning faced...just because the guy was a good footballer doesn't make that excusable

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Watching it now, what a little cunt his boy regan is!

He seems to just be playing up for the cameras - going away to find his old school work saying he wants a nice dad etc.

Totally agree mate, he is smiling when he is saying some of the things too. It's almost as if he is reading from a script. His other lad Mason seems much more reasonable and caring about him.

As much as this is showing Gazza in a really bad light, it won't come close to changing my opinion about him. He provided some of the best moments of my young life, most notably his hat trick against Aberdeen in the 8 in a row game. No moaning faced wee 12 year old will ever be able to take those memories away.

the wee guy hasn't had a father in his life

bit harsh calling him moaning faced...just because the guy was a good footballer doesn't make that excusable

I thinks it more to do with the fact he played for us that gives him the allowance to kick fuck out of his wife and drink himself into oblivion whilst missing out on his sons and daughters life.


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Watching it now, what a little cunt his boy regan is!

He seems to just be playing up for the cameras - going away to find his old school work saying he wants a nice dad etc.

Totally agree mate, he is smiling when he is saying some of the things too. It's almost as if he is reading from a script. His other lad Mason seems much more reasonable and caring about him.

As much as this is showing Gazza in a really bad light, it won't come close to changing my opinion about him. He provided some of the best moments of my young life, most notably his hat trick against Aberdeen in the 8 in a row game. No moaning faced wee 12 year old will ever be able to take those memories away.

the wee guy hasn't had a father in his life

bit harsh calling him moaning faced...just because the guy was a good footballer doesn't make that excusable

I thinks it more to do with the fact he played for us that gives him the allowance to kick fuck out of his wife and drink himself into oblivion whilst missing out on his sons and daughters life.


His son doesnt want him there.... why do you think he lasted 2 weeks? You're own son doesnt want you, so why stay?

As for his wife, shes tottaly milking it..... if its that bad, why does she keep his name? Because if she changes it, she will end up nothing.

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Watching it now, what a little cunt his boy regan is!

He seems to just be playing up for the cameras - going away to find his old school work saying he wants a nice dad etc.

Totally agree mate, he is smiling when he is saying some of the things too. It's almost as if he is reading from a script. His other lad Mason seems much more reasonable and caring about him.

As much as this is showing Gazza in a really bad light, it won't come close to changing my opinion about him. He provided some of the best moments of my young life, most notably his hat trick against Aberdeen in the 8 in a row game. No moaning faced wee 12 year old will ever be able to take those memories away.

the wee guy hasn't had a father in his life

bit harsh calling him moaning faced...just because the guy was a good footballer doesn't make that excusable

I absolutely accept that mate, and in hindsight my comment wasn't fair. But why is he on the television telling everyone about it? this is the type of thing that could push him over the edge. the media are destroying him here.

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Whilst the Gascoigne household is far removed from normality, i'm not seeing much here to suggest that it is that much different from any 'normal' household that is the residence of an extreme alcoholic.

I'm not trying to gloss over the goings on, but it's fair to say that there's a big slice of sensationalism that's went into the editing of the documentary.

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I presume everyone has watched from the beginning when Gazza was actually involved in the doucmentary. As far as i can make out, things were getting better for him, being back in the family, so Channel 4 started a documentary and Gazza done what Gazza, and others of his ilk, does best.

He fell off the wagon. (tu)

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absolute disgrace, cherl hang you're head in shame along with channel 4. What does anyone have to gain in reminding the nation what gazza has done in the past. If she wanting to help him the cameras would of been nowhere in sight.

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Such a shame. I feel so sorry for the man. Yeah, it was his own fault, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have help. Anyone would tell you he is a larger than life character, and if there was ANYTHING I could personally do for him, it would be done without a shaddow of a doubt. His son Regan is a little cunt, he doesn't realise how lucky he is to have what he has. At the end of the day, although its no excuse for Gazza's actions, he put in the effort and hard work to become a Professional footballer and be one of the best players ever, and the little bastard has no trouble sitting on, lying on, eating bought by the money his father made.

I still hope and pray that Gazza recovers and becomes the great father, Husband and overall character that we all love, that we were accustomed to before his addiction.

Good Luck Gazza.

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