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Everything posted by simplythebestest

  1. The football on display here is FANTASTIC. So pacy and attacking, with a ton of players who can all be a threat. Good times
  2. It's a good post mate but our squad is full of youth that never get a game, so the average age of the starting 11 will be a different story. (Not that I'm being negative - just pointing out the potential flaw)
  3. He got an unfair amount of stick for that one mistake. I wish him all the best in his new role. Seemed like a good guy. Ultimately though I'm glad to see him off the wage bill. Gallagher can step up and we can save some cash or strengthen a different area of the team.
  4. Is it true that Sassy Papac drove an old banger the whole time he was here?
  5. Imagine all three were here in their prime Who would complete the back four at RB?
  6. Not to big up the championship too much, but the better class of opposition should help this time round. I think it will make some of the passengers wake up and realise they need to start putting in a shift. They're used to scoring goals based on sheer volume of chances, but they'll need to get back in the habit of hard fought goals based on proper attacking football with solid passing and taking players on. A man can dream.
  7. As others have said there's no point getting your panties in a bunch about this and lashing out at McCoist. There's an endless list of possible reasons why he might be getting the snub that we don't know about. Or he might not even be getting snubbed and the rag is just talking shite! Could also be manoeuvring from agents/Rangers - someone driving a hard bargain. For all we know Ally might have another target in mind. One of those free transfer wonderkids from Scandinavia type players everyone on here bangs on about. I'll wait and see who lines up for pre-season.
  8. If he played for 5 seasons the way he played in 2008 he'd be a club legend. If his legs aren't made of glass then he could be a spectacular signing.
  9. :lol: I didn't read it the way you intended. Thought you were saying something technical - like you can bolt on televised games without getting BT Sport.
  10. Anyone ever noticed that every single time there is a long OP the very first comment is a wise crack?
  11. Would be cracking if we got Costly on a free transfer
  12. Law - Do you get snapped in training or would that be breaking the Law, man? Seb - When you get on the ball, are you ever tempted to foray up the wing?
  13. Very sensible comments all round, especially the way he doesn't berate the fans for expecting more (I'm looking at you Law). I like Lee as a player and as an ambassador. Definite captain material.
  14. Let's start a whip round. After this review I think we'll need it.
  15. Which one mate there's five to choose from
  16. He gets the ball and runs directly at opposition players instead of looking for the easy pass. That is exactly what we need in this team. Aluko is the last player I remember having this attitude, and while he was no Brian Laudrup, it at least made things exciting again.
  17. Based on his form in that tournament there would have been few teams Cuellar wouldn't have got a start for. He was the main reason we got to the final imo. One of the best single seasons performances I've ever seen for Rangers.
  18. I could be wrong but I was under the impression Ally's contract was until next summer? Maybe part of the agreement to cut his wages? If I'm right that makes for a pretty tough decision for the board. Too expensive to sack now, but too risky to keep him only to fail next season. But at the same time, keep him, get promoted and find it hard to let him go after achieving promotion (no matter how ugly).
  19. I doubt there will be any extra cash for the wage bill but do we really need it? We all know next season is about getting rid of deadwood and choosing better replacements. And by deadwood I don't mean guys like Black or Law. Granted, they are massively underachieving but they have two things going for them - they play every week and we know they can do a lot, lot better. By deadwood I mean the dozen or so players who aren't getting selected but are still on £2,000+ per week. We need to free up as many of these wages as we can, and instead of using the money to replace them with a slew of average players, we need to invest it in a few select quality individuals then plug the rest of the gaps with youth. Ally has amassed a huge playing squad, but spread it thinly with well paid mediocrity. In my humble opinion what our team really needs (other than a solid CB) is two or three stand-out quality, attack minded players that will run at defences and be much more creative and decisive in the final third. Players exactly like Aluko. On a side note, isn't it interesting that most of the players getting the heavy flack today were in our midfield, yet the areas we actually lost the match were in defence and up front?
  20. If we crucified every player who had one slack touch in a game then Mohsni and half our midfield would be out on their arses. The only difference is a mistake by him is right in front of an empty goal. I'm not defending him but these things happen to the best keepers in the world and until it becomes a common occurrence we just have to accept it, hope he learns from it and move on. I'm more concerned by his lack of mobility in rushing out to be honest.
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