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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Gotta agree, thier customer service is awful !! Remember when i ordered by wireless broadband, they fucked up the delivery of the router, eventually it came through but because of their fuckups i got my router for £0, so worked out in the end.
  2. Is this EVER going to be fixed. I do like coming in here but i visit very rarely now due to the whole area being flucked. I am a bit disappointed at our Admin here too. If this was the main areas of the board i.e. Bears Den or Off-topic i think it would have been fixed very quickly but because it is the Design section .. it seems to be just "A well, it doesn't matter". I may be wrong and it is something that is being worked upon but there is no update ... ever !!
  3. Ace

    What TV to buy?

    I do like buying my TV's from John Lewis. They offer a FREE 5 yr warranty and will price match any high street deal you can find (won't match online only retailers though )
  4. I have Virgin Media Wireless and i have no problem. Quite often, i have the following all using the wireless signal without a problem. My PS3 My son's PS3 My laptop My son's laptop I only run 10mb broadband too.
  5. It doesn't matter if you win the league by 1 point or 21 point .. history records that you won the league ( my quick internet search proved that, no points recorded just list of winners !!) I am sure you couldn't list the points difference when we won the league say ... 6 or 7 yrs ago. As a nation, we have 2 teams who dominate, just as the other top leagues have. What makes us different is how the leagues are perceived and THAT .... well that, is down to money.
  6. When you look at top leagues across the world, you will see 2 or 3 teams who have dominated the top positions for the past decade. England .... Man Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea France... Lyon have won 8 of the last 10 titles. Germany ... Byern Munich won 7 out of last 10 Italy ... Inter Milan & Juventus have, between them, won 9 out of the last 10. Spain ... Real Madrid & Barcelona have dominated for 10 yrs. There is always a fluke & challenger but usually, the larger team with the best track record will eventually come out on top. For me, it is about perception, the money is in those leagues, therefore the top players will chase that money there. When we has cash to splash, we had guys like Laudrup, Gascoine, Butcher, Woods, et al playing in our team. A lack of money reduces our ability to attract the top names, who have a higher level of skill. We therefore have to go for 2nd & 3rd tier players or raise our own talent (which i think is the way to go).
  7. Cheers for that. How about a description of all the maps, are there new game types (we know about the wager match but a good description of them all would be great). Hopefully get a hints and tips going, thing to look out for, handy glitches ... give your fellow bears a helping hand on the game.
  8. To those that have an iPhone .... you only bought the thing, you didn't bloody invent it !!!
  9. There are a few who have it now, so how about an overview of you impressions of the game. I never trust magazine reviews as they are often paid for them via advertising rights etc. I prefer to hear real gamers give their opinions. So ... opinions please !!
  10. Ace


    Silly question here but are we allowed to link all that ?? Just wondering !
  11. Ace

    Repairing Errors

    CCleaner does a good job, amongst other things too. And there is a freeware version of it.
  12. I didn't even try until around 8pm when i discovered my boy was on his.
  13. Annoying .. again, as KLB said, why can't they go by region ??
  14. Ace

    Playstation phone

    Innovative idea, just not sure if I would buy it.
  15. I lost that when i changed laptops, great reminder. Good little programe, especially for keeping the registry clean & free of crap.
  16. Reading that forum scares the shit out of you. I haven't encountered a hacked lobby yet. I know my boy has joined a couple but that was on purpose & he unlocked every emblem, banner, acheivement, etc. Haven't actually played for a couple of weeks so might jump on tinght & see whats happening.
  17. Ace

    3D TV

    I have seen a demo of them recently and i was amazed at just how 3 dimensional they were. I was a bit suspicious, probably after years of seeing 3D with the two tone (passive) glasses, however the new active glasses make the experience so much more. BUT .... i think the technology is still in it's formative period, the TV's are expensive & they are already looking into developing 3D technology without the need for glasses. When watching the TV, you need to be sitting with an range of angle to the TV, the glasses are expensive & easily broken. Personally, if someone offered me one i would bite your hand off but only a couple of years ago i bought a new 42" HD LCD and i am loath to change just for a bit of new tech.
  18. Ace


    Holy hell, wouldn't just be easier to ask someone else to do it
  19. "See when i'm in Glasgow ... i get nothing in Glasgow !!!"
  20. Tanner asking (or at least trying to) Levein if the team was more balanced by using a striker. Levein said we are here to talk about the game tonight not the Friday match, Tanner asks the same question but in a different manner. Levein basically says "is that the interview over then ..." looks for a second then walks off !! Cut quickly back to the studio
  21. If you plan to download anything, make sure you are in wi-fi zone, either oyur house or else somewhere that lets you surf for free like McD's or Starbucks. I never download anything over 3G as it eats into my contract but also because it's slow as a week in the jail. If you are just surfing the web, for example, browsing through RM or reading the BBC news site, that will do very little to your 500mb cap.
  22. Miller to Naismith ... a goal made at Ibrox
  23. As long as you aren't downloading things, such as video's then 500mb is plenty. I do love the bit that says unlimited Wi-fi .... it your f'kin wi-fi, of course it's unlimited.
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