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Everything posted by SuperRangers

  1. Cant bring myself to talk about Judas to be honest, aye im probably still bitter about the way he left given how highly regarded/adored/loved or whatever by the bears.
  2. My mate played wae him at Livi and hes another bitter jungle.
  3. A good 10-15 min but hes another one who wants tae beat 3 players rather than just play the simple ball.
  4. You mean the UB nope never found the UBs tae be that way inclined, over all the stewards before the game of tuesday nyt said that the singing section up there were brand new and widny iove the stewards no trouble. Aye we had a bit of problem with the stewards on Tuesday, it will was fellow fans grassing us in though that caused all the problems. We have a bit of banter with the stewards but they know it's nothing to be taking seriously, the steward in CR1 that looks like one of the chuckle brothers and does all the away games is a sound enough bloke. aye just too any wee dicks mate kind figured at out wen a heard the chants of come back wen yuv git some pubes lol aye him wae the nicoteen tash is brand new
  5. You mean the UB nope never found the UBs tae be that way inclined, over all the stewards before the game of tuesday nyt said that the singing section up there were brand new and widny iove the stewards no trouble.
  6. donald muir the enemy within aye rite enough, too many of theres idiots sucking up everything they read on FF. If if that was true why would big eck say any different tae go out and defend his pal ?
  7. R.I.P Lizzie. Sad days when the club seem more than happy to sign T******* than actual supporters.
  8. Never had any problems in CR1, dnt know if its just idiots who cant behave themselves.
  9. Best hes played in months and great to see him getting his sharpness back.
  10. not his fault one bit canny be his fault if the defence arent sharp enough.
  11. Never done this business against hamilton last week when he got his chance so why now ?
  12. Still no direct quotes as usual ? why do people get woked up over this kinda stuff.
  13. Brilliant game online no long started playing it but after a few death matches you get right into it and start racking up alot of kill streaks, only upto lv 28 the now but can see myself having a few late nights on this game.
  14. Come into the team at the start of the season and was playing well up front in his normal position then got shunted out onto the left wing and has suffocated there.
  15. Canny see it to be honest his family still stay down south and have done for all of his time at rangers, he just rents a flat up here and must travel down during the week. So canny see him/then willing tae move up here peramently.
  16. Weres the direct quotes from him ? im quite suprised tae see so many people jumping on the band wagon given the number of shite that gets printed about our players and support.
  17. Got my auld dear to phone up Virgin and threaten to leave and they buckled straight away, my new free router will be deliverd on monday.
  18. Rangers Legend for me and most i wouldve thought after the reception he got at Tannadice at the end of last season. Ohh Barry Barry
  19. Aye the more i think about it there was some stat about him havin more shots to goals than the martian and the tims still doing all they could tae deny it. Great played who was wasted for us at times when he was shunted out onto the wing under big eck, Still mind his winner at Ibrox in ET of the cup against the earls and his goal in Copenhagen vividly.
  20. Great player for us and a total gent when i meet him just a pity some people took the hate of his agent on him, only mind him having two bad games against Auxerre when Kalou ripped him open
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