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Tiger Shaw

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Everything posted by Tiger Shaw

  1. My Source informed me that Andy Walkers wife is allegedly a whore
  2. http://www.unionoffa...d-display-flyer You should be able to read what was on it if you click that link
  3. looked to me like most fans held their card up .... must not be genuine fans eh
  4. Mate I would be pretty pissed off if your 3 non Rangers supporting mates got tickets for the semi and me and my kids missed out after being to all but 1 home match this season ... Just saying
  5. Mate I would love to see a return to the days of when my country's national team was full of Rangers players and when the support who followed was majority of Bears, those days are long gone though and the 'Tranny army' are nothing more than bitter hateful separatists who would happily shit on everything I hold dear to me. Stick yer tartan army up yer arse
  6. Liewell handed his club what he thought would be a showcase 'home' cup final clinching the double infront of the rabid unwashed hordes of smelly tinks, the minute they done that fate was set and our name was on the trophy IMO ...Cheats never prosper . Time for a new chapter in our long history of lording it over the creepy club . When the Gers go up to lift the Scottish cup we'll be there !!
  7. “ I have never met or spoke to the man but I personally would throw him down the marble stair case if he ever turned up at Ibrox. Sandy with the rep you carry around I would expect nothing less than whyte to be bundled into the back of a blacked out transit van and made disappear forever ... After you throw him down the marble staircase off-course
  8. The title decider against the sheep rapists, who could forget Mark Walters looping cross and Hateley's bullet of a header.. We were ravaged with injuries but still came through to clinch the title . Great day and atmosphere
  9. Never forgive, never forget and never miss an opportunity to kick back at the petty jealous hate filled no mark bastards who tried to kick us to death oh aye ... and fuck you KJ
  10. 20 minutes before kick off before any chants by Rangers supporters Ayr were singing FOS
  11. In the CL thread http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=258012&st=1720
  12. You know how that will be played out in the mhedia ... ' bigoted Rangers fans infiltrate Ajax support at c*ltic park in sickening scenes of sectarian hatred' Wait and see mate. and the tims orange bastard chants will be ignored or giving no more than a few lines... then never mentioned again. Vote NO and start the fight back against the filth. We need to reclaim this country and put these mhanks back in their place.
  13. The sheep, are full of shite, the sheep are full of shite, full of shite, shite and more shite, the sheep are full of shite
  14. At least the Rangers fans in Sheffield wore fucking trousers ....well most of them did
  15. "Smell the glove" Andy Goram without a shadow of doubt
  16. Seems to be a myth being created here that it was only people in BF1 ( UB ) joining in with the anti greenco chants, I was in BF3 and there was plenty of people around me joining in , also anti green banners in other areas of the stadium. There was a lot more people than just the UB involved, anybody saying otherwise is talking shit and were probably not even at the match . The people who did join in the chants pay their cash and have the right to voice their opinion and concerns with what's going on at the club. This thread is a pile of shite
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ2MoPVHkAc&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL1E72E07F22440AC1
  18. pewpew is clearly a supporter of jimmy savile fc
  19. The boardroom chaos at Ibrox has sent the Dhim tims into a frenzy, they smell blood so expect a shitstorm of bullshite like this and doomsday stories to be posted in the next couple of weeks... fucking arseholes the lot of them.
  20. why post that filthy tarrier bastards lies in here , get him to fuck .
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