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Everything posted by GWR1979

  1. He has been the standout in Midfield so far this season he was poor yesterday in possession and out of possession hopefully he is better in the next couple of games as we will need him.
  2. The BBC don't get to speak to our Manager who is the hottest ticket in town at the moment because they can't report on Rangers with any balance. They are bitter and like to let thier bitterness show when talking about Rangers.
  3. He needs to be getting headlines for what he does on the park not off field nonsense. Complete and utter plank of wood.
  4. 31 just now he can't afford to be missing for long, he showed in flashes what he is capable of but is not the box to box midfielder we thought we were getting. Still has 2 years to run on his contact it's going to be tough for him to get back in the squad.
  5. I have given him alot of stick on here but he has shown he is doing his job and fighting the corner of the club, Some lengths we have to go to get anything from GCC, They have been shown up for the crooked bigots that they are and we all knew but for it to be confirmed in the public eye is brilliant and makes them look thick incompetent and unaware of gdpr and data protection rules, not fit to hold office.
  6. Win a couple of games and were winning the League lose 1 and everyone is shit. I reckon we will challenge this year but we have still to beat the scum and untill we do we will never win the league. Away form has always been an issue Gerrard will work on the issues and seemed from his interview to know where the problems are.
  7. Away form has been poor, our performance at Ibrox have been much better than Pedro or the zip eater has ever achieved, add to that our performance in European football has been superb when you consider the opposition we have played. European football is where we want to be and can't be blamed for that shit show today.
  8. Normally drives the team forward and brings other players into the game. I think he has been one of our best players and he had an off day.
  9. Honest words from Gerrard who took the responsibility for the defeat, and can see where the problems have been caused and what we need to work on. Big week for the team 2 wins might set up our season.
  10. He hasn't been very good, may have been an off day but seemed really slow to move the ball and a couple of yards off the pace.
  11. That was at a league decider and old fim game, This was just a league game against Livingston where the officials hadn't even been that bad. We don't help ourselves sometimes.
  12. Unnecessary the official weren't at fault for our defeat today.
  13. The arsehole who threw the coin needs to sort himself out, he has let all the traveling support down and have given the newspapers an open goal to have a go at the club and the support.
  14. I genuinely believe if we had won the Uefa Cup we would have won the League, We know who was the main agitaters in not giving us a better chance by extending the season.
  15. 2 Years to get this to court. And then when they get to court they have lost the evidence. I'm sure the anti sectarian task force will be along in a minute to condemn this farce...
  16. Hasn't put a foot wrong in any games he has played since coming back in to the team and has done what's asked of him in different positions, whilst he isn't our best player he seems to be rejuvenated under Gerrard and with better players around him, he has shown a level of resilience which can only be admired.
  17. 1 conservative msp 1 labour surname Kelly 3 SNP All on the committee I don't expect anything balanced to come from this group. What an absolute waste of time and money.
  18. If he keeps working hard he will get his reward, He has talent but alot of rough edges, As soon as he starts scoring the chances he misses he won't be with us much longer, He has now been capped by his country which is good for us as when he does leave it will increase his value when we sell him.
  19. We too often lose to them and think that it's the end of the world we have made massive progress and whilst you can point to the League table and say we are 7th we have had a hard start and the game today came to quickly for us, Genuine progress has been made and we dust ourselves down and realise what this team has achieved so far. Perspective and we will get them the next time.
  20. Positive words and we'll needed perspective. After Thursday we were always going to sit in and counter and that has always been how we have had success against them in the past even back to Laudrup and Gazza we have always played well and hit them on the break. But for a rush of blood from Tav who I thought got his defending spot on today, he squares that to Arfield we leave with a draw. To a man today we stood up to be counted. I saw enough today to say we are moving in the right direction. We have a spine to our team and we also have options on the bench and we have a management team who are getting 100% out of the players.
  21. Did my ACL and lateral tendons playing on sandy astro which was worse than 3g, awful surface should be no where near top flight games. Murphy's looks a bad one and his reaction to the injury makes me think it's a bad one. Hope he recovers well and could see the end of the season.
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