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jimmy millar

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Everything posted by jimmy millar

  1. On reflection,I can see the point that Rememberance Day is a time for sober respect,and the sight of servicemen having a good time and kickabout has dismayed top brass.We should not miss the opportunity to engage with military chiefs and ask them how they would like us to honour those currently serving.I like the idea of an Armed Forces Day,when we could show our support,vocally and financially.Turn this negative into a positive,and do not allow those who hate our country to drive a wedge between us and military chiefs.
  2. Harold Davis,Jimmy Millar,and the incomparable Captain Cutlass,Bobby Shearer!
  3. Comments of a washed up player and manager.don`t let this wee no mark annoy you.Ignore him and he`ll go away.
  4. Houston prepared to take a small paycut,but club wanted bigger pay cut.To be fair to the guy,his major concern was cuts to the player budget.
  5. Peter Houston parting company with Dundee Utd.because of yet another round of budget reductions. Is it me? Surely there`s got to be someone in the SPL that sees the absence of Rangers as complete and utter lunacy. Financial lunacy,competitive lunacy,image lunacy.Maybe it is me,they all can`t be barking,can they?
  6. Should Ally seek Walter`s opinion,I`m pretty sure of the answer!
  7. For those Bears who are determined to go.I hope it snows heavily during the game forcing it to be abandoned.Then Thompson can charge them all over again!
  8. Thompson was a prime mover in the "sporting integrity"& "our fans don`t want Rangers"cartel.He charged us twice for the same game.The club has asked fans not to travel.Our strongest weapon is the pound in our pockets.There is a distinct possibility of trouble.Rangers are being watched in England.How many more reasons do we need to do the sensible thing? I cannot believe that true Rangers supporters will attend this fixture.
  9. "Our league is very,very competitive"Golly gosh,I wonder who`ll win it,and even more exciting,who will be relegated? Nailbiting(yawn)
  10. Let`s set the lawyers loose with this.All Rangers fans who have paid good money home and away to see their team win promotion,want that money back.In view of attendances this season,the figure would be squillions.Watch the rats run!
  11. RG like many wealthy ex footballers have lost touch with the grass roots,yet ,and good luck to him,wants to make a few quid from media work.Together with his `forgive and forget`comments,and this latest criticism of CG,I regard his views as unbecoming of a Rangers legend.Yes,he is entitled to his own opinion as I am entitled to be disappointed with those opinions.
  12. The club must be shocked at Longmuirs` stance.We have revitalised the SFL division three and given his position more authority,and he comes away with "it`s not about one club".We are Scotland`s biggest club,and are not invited to the reconstruction meeting??We cannot swallow this without showing the consequences for these actions.No more away games for me,and if fellow bears are happy to give their money to the same away fixtures next season,thus confirming our status as daft cash cows,then I despair.
  13. We`ll need to be playing way above the level displayed against Queens Park and Annan,with our defence stabilised.We will also need strength in midfield and this is the game for Black to come good.If Temps,McKay,Shiels & Jig all play well,we will win.
  14. He`s a wee ned,but he`s our wee ned and he is a marked man with refs.Mind you that tackle yesterday was a straight red all day,so he got away with that one.However some of the tackles on him have been straight reds too,so it`s only squaring up.
  15. Alexander wants a three year deal,the club offers him one,then they compromise on two,simples,they call it negotiating.
  16. We`re underestimating the level of opposition.These wee 3rd division teams are playing out of their skins because their players see a game against Rangers,especially if it`s on the telly,as a chance to get noticed.Some of these guys are playing with a determination and skill which is probably surprising themselves.As far as Sandaza is concerned,he,like all strikers,feeds on goals.A lack of them knocks his confidence,and I`m sure once he gets a couple.he`ll get stronger.Would like to see a Kyle/Sandaza pairing.
  17. Hope CG comes out with "We`d have paid good money for these guys,but unfortunately we`re hamstrung with this bloomin` transfer ban"
  18. Remember the wee guy Jonathan Watson is a good bluenose.We need an ability to laugh at ourselves.I`ve had enough outrage this year.
  19. Trust a bear to get priorities right.I will raise a glass to the most heroic of Bears.
  20. First class,beautiful poetry,deserves an award.We are Rangers,super Rangers! All the best to all of you in 2013
  21. Pride in my club,pride in my fellow bears.We will never surrender our values,God save the Queen!
  22. Or Arteta, Jelavic or Naismith. Watched Naismith V Chelsea yesterday,poor and subbed.Me? Bitter? Never!
  23. Shame,was getting a lot of good press at Rangers,now a forgotten man.Badly advised.
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