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My Fathers Scarf

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Everything posted by My Fathers Scarf

  1. A bit more composure in front of goal and he would have been a legend. Tried to blast it into the net too often and fecked it up. Likeable guy all the same. Good luck Peter.
  2. Quite right mate. Always aim for the top. It should be in every rangers fans blood.
  3. I stopped supporting them when they allowed the police to intervene and charge big Duncan fergusson. We've always been treated differently.
  4. Seem to remember another ian fergusson played for us as centre forward. Blonde haired. Don't know if they ever appeared in the same team.
  5. Totally agree with every written word. I've felt this way for years. We'll said.
  6. Used to stand on two of these tins against a barrier to let me see the match. Always got sent flying when Rangers scored and would spend the next couple of minutes emptying the piss out of another two cans to see again.
  7. Man up Walter and admit your mistake at recommending him. Even Alex Ferguson had the balls to admit he chose the wrong person.
  8. Might buy another season ticket if this is what we'll be watching. Gave it up watching the dross Mccoist served up.
  9. No surrender. I've been brought up believing in that phrase and I won't change know.
  10. Cloaking device was on as it has been since he signed.
  11. Sandy Jardine. Not to play on the park but to see the fruit of his hard work. Loved the player and man.
  12. Don't think there's anything to this.
  13. I was a huge Greig fan as I was an Ally fan. Greig had to go at the time as Ally should now but Greig wasn't getting paid astronomical wages for doing a bad job at the time. This to me is what makes the current situation even more galling. Even if Ally was doing a decent job I'd still be pissed off at the amount he's taking out of the club. His legend status disappeared a long time ago for this bear.
  14. 'Only lost his job due to his religious views'. He implied that people born with disabilities were paying for wrongs done in a previous life. Wouldn't let him into Ibrox never mind employ him.
  15. Kenneth Bigley would do a better job at cb than our current two.
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