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Everything posted by bluedart1952

  1. Did you work that out on a sliding scale. I'm impressed.
  2. He was an exceptional player for us in the past, but as the last 2 years have shown although he puts a lot of effort in, there is very little end product. So for me we shouldn't give him another contract. If Kenny retires and takes up coaching at another club and does well, then bring him back if it benefits the club.
  3. Big Wes had a terrific game today as did Ball and Kiernan, but Wes was definitely our man of the match.
  4. When it comes to Driving and Football probably not a lot, about the same as me when it comes to cooking and gardening , that's why my wife does them.
  5. That's the first time I have seen an apology, that wasn't an apology. The Rangers board want to push this all the way with the sfa, both player and manager along with the clown from Berwick all want banning.
  6. What a fucking rabid muppet, should be booted out of football altogether.
  7. The bit that annoyed me about the tackles on Oduwa was that they happened right in front of the Ref who had a clear view of all these challenges and must have seen how bad and dangerous these tackles were. Dallas should be dropped down the leagues and only allowed to Ref junior or Sunday league football, the man was a disgrace last night.
  8. If that clown Burchill thinks what his team was doing last night was playing football then he needs sacking and never be allowed to manage another club. It looked more like Rugby, Wrestling with a touch of GBH rather than Football.
  9. How Burchill can come out with that shite is beyond belief, after 10 seconds, if the Ref had a pair a balls the tackle on Oduwa would have been straight red. In any other game by the end of 90 minutes livi would have been reduced to 8 men. The Ref was very poor last night, burchill is a clown and as for BP9 he needs to withdraw his head from Ally's Arse, he might then see the game properly and come to the same conclusions as the 99.99% majority see's it.
  10. When ever I can get up for a game I always stay till the end, even when as a youth living in Glasgow ( The Drum ) I went to every home game and stayed till the end no matter what the result. If people want to leave before fulltime for what ever reason that's their prerogative as they are paying for their seat and its them who lose out if we keep scoring in the last 10 minutes.
  11. I can accept the odd last minute winner, not every week though as it puts to much strain on the ticker. It was getting to me that much yesterday I spent most of my time stood up shouting at the telly.
  12. A good win for the youngsters, thanks for the report Elfideldo.
  13. Thought he had a excellent game today, surely he must be due a run after this performance.
  14. Good win in the end, some of our players need to be a bit sharper and more inventive in and around the oppositions box.
  15. I am pleased to say that I grew up watching all these greats.
  16. You've either got too much spare cash or the alcohol has got to you. Ps. I hope your right as you will be bouncing if that bet comes in.
  17. The players under MW exert a lot of energy while maintaining high levels of fitness demanded by MW, this shows in the amount of running this team can maintain for 90 minutes so to cancel a game and let the players recharge their batteries is no big deal. Ally was cancelling games when he didn't have to, plus his team didn't need to recharge batteries as they very rarely ran the bloody length of themselves, and I don't think MW will call off as many games as Ally, because MW definitely is a better manager of his players in all aspects football.
  18. What a whinging illegitimate! He wasn't watching the same game as me. The officials gave us jack shit but I suppose this bitter twisted fuck wit was watching the game with his scummy always cheated never defeated glasses on. He's a scummy bad manager who cant take getting beat by THE FAMOUS GLASGOW RANGERS .
  19. I was at that game, 15 years old at the time and Big Colins goals and the result was the only thing that warmed me up, it has to be one of the windiest, coldest bloody football grounds in Scotland.
  20. I have been impressed by him, I just Hope to hell he doesn't gets injured and we end up with Clanger Bell in goal for us, what a bloody nightmare that's going to be.
  21. They might say they are football fans but they haven't a clue about football. I love watching these lads that are playing for us, bags of skill and will be the outstanding players of the future.
  22. I think it would be hard to find many Rangers fans that actually appreciated that little bell ends time at Ibrox, he was like the majority of that team no fucking balls just total fannies and there lies his problem why no club would take him on.
  23. He is definitely one of the laziest players I have ever watched in a Rangers shirt, even if he is an all time top scorer.
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