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Everything posted by Ger77

  1. John Greig is also available
  2. This thread is DR quality Op.
  3. No, No, No. He's done his bit. Walter has regularly had a pot of cash to spend on players, I suspect that building a team on the cheap would quickly see him being denegrated in the same way as McCoist.
  4. An embarrassing cesspit of a country, which is getting worse by the day. God help us if sturgeon's mob get Independence.
  5. I'm in a bit of a quandary here. Either 4 and a half weeks or 50 years.
  6. NEIL Lennon believes Rangers will have been guilty of cheating if failure to emerge victorious from what has become known as the big tax case is added to the Ibrox club’s current woes. Lennon, when asked his position on the call from some Celtic supporters to strip Rangers of their titles in the event of the club being found guilty of tax evasion, referred to use of the expression “financial doping”. The manager explained that he didn’t know the club’s position on the matter, but in his eyes “doping is a sporting term for cheating”. He added: “In athletics, if you are caught doping you are banned. Alberto Contador got stripped of his Tour de France win in 2010, so there are precedents. Read more at: http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/teams/celtic/neil-lennon-rangers-cheated-us-if-they-are-guilty-of-financial-doping-1-2124665 Ain't Karma a Bitch!
  7. If Joey's feet had been as good as his mouth, this thread would be so much different. Sadly he isn't showing the football skill and leadership which was promised, therefore we are looking for an 'out'. It is starting to drag on and looks like he may head off, that said, I would love to see him (and any other Rangers player in a similar position) prove people wrong and be a massive success at this football club. Cmon son, get the Battle Fever on.
  8. From what you say Gazza, it sounds to me like the OPs post may be as a result of one or two isolated scum booing. You will get that from the odd fan at a lot of internationals. Hopefully the fan next to them will put them right.
  9. Me too mate, however that was undoubtedly due to a poor performance, not for one of my players having the temerity to be picked for his country.
  10. A question for BP9 and any Rangers fans that go to matches to support Scotland; if you were at a match and Scotland fans booed a Rangers player in a Scotland jersey would you challenge them? Yes or No?
  11. Non story. If the council want their cash back, the only way will be suing the individuals that actually did the damage.
  12. If he was wearing a Hibs top there would be no case to answer.
  13. He's simply not good enough.
  14. Oh dear, how sad, never mind. SHUT UPPPPPPP!!!!!
  15. I await tomorrow's DR headline; "Rangers fans vandalise Rangers team bus"
  16. No to Davies and No to Mcleish..
  17. Aberdeen were rotten. Gutted we didn't win.
  18. Away and take a fuck to yourself op. 1. He doesn't deserve the sack YET. 2. Some of the football under wattie was rank rotten
  19. They are indeed cunts, however the only thing that hurts them is taking their money and making them look bad in front of their shareholders. If we keep taking their shit, they will keep shovelling it.
  20. Question for those on here that know the law around brand integrity. Do the club have grounds for legal recourse against DR for damage to the Rangers brand?
  21. Hopefully some banners from our troops. "A Sell Out Saturday At Last"
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