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Posts posted by cbagan92

  1. On 25/02/2022 at 10:58, graeme_4 said:

    Also know it was a small percentage, but couldn’t believe folk leaving early last night. If you can’t stay for the end of that then why do you even go to the football. 

    I usually leave on 90 to drive back down to Middlesbrough, but the emotions and the effort from the lads I had to stay and take it all in.  

    it probably added 2 hours to my journey but my god it was worth it.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Jon-the-Stripe said:

    The ‘press’ is the modern way of declaring we ain’t scared of you and we’re better than you. We backed off with no intensity and let them dominate, their answer was ‘ok sounds great!’ 
    Our tactics allowed them to do what the fuck  they wanted with little risk!

    Worded perfectly. It’s like a youth team sitting off against the first team it comes natural to them because they rightly so would feel inferior. 

    We man for man had the better 11 tonight but the intensity and the tactics levelled the playing field. 

    got to start acting ruthless and playing like we are the best team in the league. 

    Ramsey better roll his sleeves up, him and Jack fit all season is a massive boost. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Creampuff said:

    I’ve no idea how anyone can blame Gio for tonight. He’s been let down big-time by incompetence and cowardice within the ranks.

    The total opposite. Gio set us up to sit back and let them come out flying. It was never going to work. Press them. And press every team we play, we have got to play on the front foot and the players probably feel the same. 

  4. Gio has got to admit he got this terribly wrong if he comes out with some bullshit at the end of this game then he can fuck right off. 
    Balogun should start. And the tactics are fucking woeful sitting off them like they’re Man City. We pressed them once and they lost the ball. He has got to start pressing teams and playing on the front foot. Massive wake up and shock to him I hope. That’s the only plus side I can see to this. Bassey is the new LB also Borna hasn’t got the bottle. 

  5. I'm surprisingly confident for Wednesday, Based on what I don't know but they cunts have struggled as have we the last few weeks but if Kent turns up like he usually does against these and Kamara I think we win. Contain the initial 20 min fast start and settle into the game and I'm confident we win 2-0. 


    Tav Goldson Bassey Barasic

    Jack/Arfield Kamara 

    Amad Aribo Kent



    Roofe & Tav to Score.

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