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Everything posted by roboscot

  1. What I take from that article, and it's probably a bit of an outside slant, the CEO is the DOF. Is there a candidate who has been involved in football at the highest level but also has the business acumen to drive a commercial enterprise with the unrealised earning potential of Rangers? For now, if King believes that Mark Allen is the right man for the job then he has to also realise that the current CEO is incompetent and need replaced pronto.
  2. Jack's a fucking dick for getting involved.
  3. Love the big yin. I was up the back of the Club Deck for his free kick against the mankies. What a night.
  4. Yasmin Meakes, 23, just been called up to the Australian womens rugby union 7s squad. Would.
  5. Auld Tel has had a few too many head knocks.
  6. My Da has the program from John Greig’s testimonial. I think I might have been taken along, a week before my second birthday. My early memories are of the new stadium and the colourful seats.
  7. Fuck me with a dead dingoes donga Freddy. Get well soon old mate ????
  8. I think the point is that he named the squad on a couple of occasions but a player named the squad directly to the opponent. Spider caught a fly.
  9. Amazing what a bit of vision and some proper investment and organisation at grass roots level can do. It won Germany a World Cup.
  10. We should not be comparing players from the 80s to today’s players. The game has changed dramatically since then, sports science, physio and coaching techniques put today’s top players on a different level to the greats of the 50s-90s. Watch the YouTube videos of Pele, Puskas, Eusebio, Beckenbauer, Charlton, Baxter, Dalglish, Souness, Cryuff, van Basten, Gullit, and any of the other magnificent players we older guys grew up watching. Appreciate what they were and when they were. We don’t need to know who is the best ever. The best now and the best then should be the discussion.
  11. Would’ve gone to penalties and we’d knick it in sudden death.
  12. livetv.sx doesn't have any links posted yet anyone got a heads up on another decent streaming site? Who's the boy that streams live on youtube?
  13. Definitely needs some changes and a bit of bigotry added to the lyrics but I always think the chorus to this could be a a great Rangers song.
  14. A class striker as well a gentleman for putting his medal up for sale for a good cause. Imgine if we’d had a Mo and Ally partnership from the mid 80s.
  15. If a proper British league had happened in the 90s we would have been contenders.
  16. 2nd half just started 13-10 http://livetv.sx/enx/eventinfo/563872_australia_south_africa/
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