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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. Bdo is semi pro at best ,it's the organisation that all local leagues of any note will be affiliated to, Whereas the pdc is for the full time players who actually want to go full time and make a living out of it There's room for both codes as it gives exposure to the up and coming players to test themselves in front of big crowds with the bdo before moving up to the pdc
  2. Definitely not a bear ,I didn't want to put him though
  3. Was a board with Rangers at heart in charge when the deal was signed with fat Mike Naw Was investment allowed from others to stop this agreement Naw You aint comparing apples with apples
  4. Enough has been done with public money, Anybody that thinks they would've invested the money in that pathway up to the stadium rather than put a a player on the park and a few euros in fritzels hip are deluded The public owed land was sold at a fraction of its worth to help secure finance to keep them going "financial doping" Much was made of fat Mike having security over some of our assets in the media and the filth were all over it ridiculing our club for hawking our assets for finance,finance at a time when our club was strangled financially by gross deliberate mismanagement Meanwhile over at the other end of the city we have a club lauded by our wonderful media as a well run club that wouldn't dare take the risks of that big bad rangers on the south side of the river While all the time the goody two shoes at the Brendan bowl have hawked every asset of value to a bank for under market value interest loans to keep them competing "financial doping" For years there's been money leaving that club in dividends to fritzel and co lining their pockets ,even when oneil was in charge there was millions leaving the club to keep shareholders happy I'm sure at the time oneil publicly stated he wanted to forego his dividend which was around 1m pounds in order for it to be channeled into the team There's a shit storm brewing over at that cess pit and the sooner our man with the magic hat gets a go at them their days competing will be over , Already the days of the fans mantra of faithful froo and froo has proved to be bollox,a Rangers team that's portrayed as being financially burdened will start to overtake them and the natives will turn their back even more than they have How ironic that our darkest hour second only to that January in 1971 will help us maintain our position as Scotland's greatest club for at least another generation Tims took great delight on our troubles But as the phrase says He who laughs last laughs longest
  5. UEFA fair play has been relaxed now it was proved unworkable Also any redevelopment was done for the commonwealth games OPENING ceremony Pro rata more money was spent on this opening than the Olympics in London which was widely criticised And why the reason to not invest because we are not in top league,the real cash is in Europe and more investment would reap rewards Look at some of the teams in cl this year ,the savilles budget dwarfs some of them already Counting the cost of not getting a decent head coach Hahahaha ?
  6. This was said by a media unfair to the ned
  7. Sickens me when the great journos of this country laud over this we'll run financially stable club They are however world masters at the propaganda game The latest thing that has migrated from the board is the line that they don't want to risk liquidation This is an excuse to stop spending Very soon the blame for the savilles perilous financial position will be because we got into trouble,the irony bring it was a lieswell inspired hate campaign that led to us ending up it div 3, A fact frequently forgotten in the whole saga we have been through is there was no mechanism for us to leave the spl when we first entered admin,the rules were rewritten to make money for the filth in the spl.a plan which massively back fired If we cast our minds back we will remember the nonsense spouted at the time,the savilles would be banking money while we were out of the top flight and have plenty of cash to rebuild the team on our return Just think how bad their situation would be if they hadn't poxed champions league cash twice since we went into admin It's going to be good viewing over the next few years watching us overtake a self inflicted financially hamstrung club struggle to compete with us
  8. We should also be sorry for him due to the fact that horrible woman made him threaten her too I really don't know how he copes with this life he deserves a medal for the trials and tribulations he has to put up with ?
  9. Virtually the whole Seville squad was involved including popcorn teeth I'm sure he lost out in this scheme too .was reported in the press a few years back
  10. In the real world it makes sense to get rid of the players who got you relegated But for some reason owners get blinded by that thing called money
  11. I would tend to agree with this A tool to win the propaganda war , which is something our board should also use Otherwise they are fighting a battle with both hands tied behind their backs The guy who got attacked in the slop house in the gallowgate got his medicine from Ajax fans which was correctly portrayed But what hasn't saw the light of day in the mainstream media is the trouble with the Ajax support is historical dating back to a few years ago when the groin brigade stole a flag from the Ajax ultras ,it's been a war ever since
  12. I remember back in the day watching the highlights on saint n greavsie on the Saturday,cska were awful,the goalie was even diving the wrong way,thought to myself this is rigged took about a year for the allegations to crop up,Marseille were at it alright And this bastard gets all he deserves
  13. Paul hunter,the guy who pumped his burd in the dressing room during a mid session interval Was struggling but after the break was flying and won the final Top guy rip
  14. They may have got away with it,God knows how ,but the awareness had been raised that the bastards have gained land at very questionably low rates and in my opinion of the whole story is that given the timescales of the coop loan repayments the intention was to sell one of these plots of land in the next 2years at a far higher rate than purchases in order to pay off the coop loans I really don't think they will be able to do that now due to the facts exposed by pzj ,this will leave a huge funding gap for them It isn't the result we had thought would happen but it's still going to hurt them financially
  15. Imagine the outcry if an Asian based fan base carried out the same "protest"
  16. A few years back when the bloostained banner was shown the board of the filth vowed to take action, And they acted swiftly,they did not ban the offenders they merely swapped their tickets for other sections of the ground,ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ took legal action and won and retained their original seats I suspect that this was a deliberate action by lieswell to make it look like he was doing something about it but intended to do fuck all,as taking the tickets off them and banning the offenders could not have been appealed, I'm sure even Lionel hutz could have won that case for the groin brigade,coz they were still allowed in just not allowed to sit in the paid for seats
  17. Football banning orders issued to rossco fans in the coming months just like the sheep fan last year for daring to make their disgust show
  18. There is a bursting point,as there is a finite number of people in the world willing to pay for football,when the market becomes saturated there will be a crash, When that happens there could be trouble,most super clubs are up to there holes in it,and when the collapse does happen the smelly stuff will hit the fan
  19. If it's the USA that's been wronged here it's not about having the balls to pull the World Cup it's about having the balls not to pul the World Cup We all had inklings that Fifa was corrupt to the core ,thanks to the journalists in England who delved deep to expose the corruption hopefully we have a fairer run world game
  20. Same thing will happen as last year ,bombed out of Europe and win the league,a few Ronny roars beating Hamilton and Dundee to the championship will have him flavour of the month again,good news for us
  21. I didn't read the article,just saw the headline when I was in the paper shop ,first thing I thought too,typical lieswell playing to the masses to cover poor on field performances Multiple millions in investment would be required to get something like this going,cash that they simply do not have Just as well the tims are a gullible lot or this man would have been hunted long ago Maybe one day the penny will drop with the few tims that have a modicum of intellect that this money man has been patronising them for years and playing on their gullibleness for years to keep the money coming in
  22. Maybe get a franchise I'm Japan too,then the could finally go to their contractually obliged tour,in the name of sporting integrity these contracts must be honoured
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