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Everything posted by Amokachi

  1. Treating their own fans with utter contempt with this & is yet another example of shoddy/amateur business practice from the board. Mind bogglingly bad.
  2. Think back to when Miller & Wallace we’re summoned to Ibrox after the semi final. Both skipped out their Audi’s decked out in trackies & trainers !! The fkn Club Captain when he’s going into a formal disciplinary procedure. Standards are fkd.
  3. Psml !! Vaguely remember a guy with tapes all strapped to the inside of his big coat, at the underground.
  4. Big man had a great blend of all the things we are lacking atm. Character, passion, humility, pride, aggression & a solid team player.
  5. I always thought Wee Advocaat played a big role in the McLeish appointment. They struck up a good friendship whilst opposing managers.
  6. Watched Morelos & Docherty warm up before the semi with pass & shoot drills with jj & omg the standard of shooting was woeful. Set the tone for the rest of the day for me.
  7. Cringing at those hand shaking/high 5 pics.
  8. Yep. Sad but true. Great gig for him though. Unfknbelievable !!!
  9. I seem to remember JT wrote a full back page article years ago at the height of our troubles. Basically saying that The Club itself had done nothing wrong but it was dishonest businessmen etc that had got us into the state we were in. That Rangers & its fans were an easy target but really had done nothing wrong. Tbf at the time I thought it was very fair and decent but some time later he was appointed to head our PR/media. One fkn article & he's in the corridors of power & in amongst our players & directors on a daily basis. Yet another one who should be nowhere near our club. A sports journo from the D fkn R !! Nothing he's said or done (which is very little) has impressed me. Way down the line in terms of our current problems but hey-ho !
  10. Concerning when you question the integrity & sanity of our board members as much as the ability & mindset of our players.
  11. Whilst the despair & anger over Sundays ‘performance’ goes on, we now have another off field circus to watch unfold re our manager & two most senior & influential (mostly off the park) players. There will be no end of rumour, spin, lies & opinions in this which will no doubt end up with F Wishart PFA etc all getting involved. As fans we’re going to have to suck it all up as we’ve become accustomed to. Everyone & their dog will have an opinion as to the consequences for those involved but let’s not be distracted from the crux of the problem. The men in positions of power at Ibrox are repeatedly failing us. Action speaks louder than words hence I think that quite rightly they are in for a very rough ride.
  12. It’s hard for me to fathom out if we’re restricting ourselves on the park due to instructions from the manager or just not very good footballers/team or an inability mentally to be ready to do what you should be doing in a Rangers shirt.
  13. The dressing room cheer for the cup draw will be revisited this week I’m sure. Can’t really complain though. Amateurish & naive letting that out.
  14. Embarrassing & fkn pityful that posts like this have been running at this time of year, every year for the last few years & will most likely continue for a few more. Shambolic.
  15. If he was as comfortable & assured while pitchside as he is in these press conferences then maybe we’d have a chance. Unfortunately not. Over to the board (Groundhog Day)
  16. Agreed. Thats the most frustrating part of this. We've been powderpuff for years now. Not the odd game here & there but a permanent easy touch for all & sundry to have a go at. Sickening.
  17. Two weeks to prepare for today. Everyone & their dog knew what was coming in the form of a square go on a football field yet we looked like we weren’t ready for it.
  18. Disclosing what was said in the dressing room at HT does my head inn. Did he learn nothing from the last time ie players cheering cup semi draw. Amateurish.
  19. Josh may well have the football ability to play for us but unfortunately for him (& us) he’s miles away from having the correct mentality or attitude.
  20. Morelos was a nobody when we signed him for a relative pittance, he’s 21 & nowhere near an accomplished striker. We’re getting more value out of him than I certainly expected. He frustrates the hell out of me (esp getting caught offside on sun) but overall he’s a very important & productive player in our team. If he continues to get into goal scoring positions and his decision making improves I think we’ve got a right good player here.
  21. Just the job, cheers. Very atmospheric pic.
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